Before you add, subtract. - Revisiting What Makes a Great Principal The #InnovatorsMindset S5 EP48
The Innovator's Mindset Podcast - A podcast by George Couros

You can check out "What Makes A Great Principal" on Amazon here: Welcome to the next episode of The Innovator’s Mindset Podcast where George Couros discusses impactful books he has read, focusing on one he co-authored with several other educators, "What Makes a Great Principal." Couros reflects on the challenges faced by educators today, including overwhelming demands and the need for authentic leadership, highlighting the significance of student input in shaping educational practices and the necessity for principals to maintain integrity and transparency. Quotes: “Being an authentic leader means leading with honest and sincere intentions while maintaining a high level of integrity.” - Dr. Marcus J. Belin “To truly transform the educational experience, school leaders must actively involve students in the decision-making process. By creating platforms for student voice, such as student councils, advisory boards, or regular feedback sessions, leaders empower students to contribute their perspectives, ideas, and aspirations. This not only fosters a sense of ownership and engagement but also ensures that decisions are made with a deep understanding of student needs and aspirations.” - Dr. Mary Hemphill “The point is, it's not what you have when you lead at school. It's what you do with what you have. It's not the plane. It's the pilot.” -Mike Kleba “If you are considering trying something new in your school, ask the people you serve what they believe is no longer needed. And if the answer is, ‘Well, there is nothing that we are doing currently that we can feasibly get rid of,’ then maybe the answer becomes not to take on that new initiative or idea.” -George Couros Links: Books by Allyson Apsey - What Makes a Great Principal - __________________________________________ Please share your thoughts with us on Twitter or Instagram at #InnovatorsMindset. More at George Couros on Twitter: George Couros on Instagram: George Couros on Facebook: George Couros on LinkedIn: For the full audio podcast: The Innovator's Mindset: What Makes a Great Principal - Because of a Teacher - Because of a Teacher 2 - Innovate Inside the Box: Music from Bensound -