February 2022 Highlights from the #InnovatorsMindset #Podcast
The Innovator's Mindset Podcast - A podcast by George Couros
Welcome to another monthly highlight video from The Innovator’s Mindset Podcast! This month, George Couros had the opportunity to host more inspiring educators on the podcast. Check out the highlights from each episode in this February 2022 Innovator’s Mindset Podcast Highlights! Kim Miller and Shelley Groves - Success in a Way that is Meaningful to Them - A Convo with Kim Miller and Shelley Groves Part of our role as educators is to bring out the genius in our learners. Kim Miller, Shelley Groves, and George Couros talk about what it means to be smart and how the traditional definition of smart should be expanded to include skills that are not necessarily demonstrated in traditional classrooms. Miller reflects on learners who believe they were terrible students because they were limited by the traditional learning environment. This clip of The Innovator’s Mindset Podcast: Success in a Way that is Meaningful to Them - A Convo with Kim Miller and Shelley Groves answers this question which is posed by Miller: "How do we make the learning environment more focused on how the students learn?" Matt Woods - I Wanna Be... - Matt Woods Matt Woods and George Couros talk about social capital and how that can be built by spending time greeting parents and learners in the hallways. Woods and Couros talk about suspensions and difficult conversations that administrators often have to have with parents and how those conversations are made less tenuous when you have a relationship with the parent. Woods reflects on how the work that we put in years ago, laying the foundation of relationships, can pay dividends in the future. Adam Torrisi - The Intentional Educator - A Convo with Adam Torrisi Adam Torrisi reflects on ways to support our learners as they feel anxiety or stress over returning to school. Torrisi, who works as a vice principal and speaks with athletes, teams, and clubs through his program, The Intentional Athlete, reflects on the advice he shares with his staff and athletes. Torrisi reminds us, “You cannot live in a world where you are not allowed to make mistakes.” Torrisi shares all this and more in the full episode of The Innovator’s Mindset Podcast: The Intentional Educator - A Convo with Adam Torrisi. Dr. LaTonya M. Goffney - Three Questions with Dr. LaTonya M. Goffney Dr. LaTonya M. Goffney tells some amazing stories about her former teacher who was professional and inspirational! Adam Juarez and Kat Goyette The Complete EdTech Coach - A Convo with Adam Juarez and Kat Goyette In this clip of The Innovator’s Mindset Podcast: The Complete EdTech Coach - A Convo with Adam Juarez and Kat Goyette, Couros asks the co-authors of The Complete Ed Tech Coach these questions: What is best for kids? How does this improve learning? If we were to do _________, what is the balance of risk vs. reward? Is this serving the few or the majority? These questions, from a blog post written by George Couros, spark a conversation about the learners we serve and how the technology we have impacts learning. George Couros - 4 Ideas to Improve Personal Well-Being A very vulnerable solo podcast with George Couros who reflects on a time when he needed to take some time off and how the administrators he worked with, including Kelly Wilkins, reminded him that if he didn’t take care of himself, he couldn’t take care of the learners he was supposed to be serving. This episode The Innovator’s Mindset Podcast reminds us to embrace the opportunity to catch our breath and support those who need the same. Couros reminds us to go enjoy things outside of our jobs, to understand that there is no endpoint, try to do fewer things better, and find people that give you energy.