Havens of Hope - A Convo with Dr. Shira Leibowitz - The #InnovatorsMindset #Podcast S3 EP30
The Innovator's Mindset Podcast - A podcast by George Couros

In this episode of The Innovator’s Mindset Podcast, Dr. Shira Leibowitz, shares a beautiful story about her definition of hope. As the author of the soon-to-be-released book, Havens of Hope, Dr. Leibowitz brings a ton of resources and knowledge to this episode - all of which she is ready to share with listeners and viewers! Dr. Leibowitz shares how and why hope is an active sentiment, we can hope to create something better or we can hope something happens - these are two very different things. When we initiate change, it is easier to navigate as opposed to when change is thrust upon us. It was a pleasure to have Dr. Leibowitz on this episode of The Innovator’s Mindset Podcast! Links: Dr. Shira Leibowitz Twitter - https://twitter.com/shiraleibowitz/media?lang=en Havens of Hope (book on Amazon) - https://www.amazon.com/Havens-Hope-Redesigning-Education-COVID-19/dp/1605547611 Discovery Village Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/discovery.village/ Discovery Village Center - https://discoveryvillagecenter.com/ Quotes: "...knowing how to connect with others when I don't know something...to not be afraid to have people who you turn to for advice...to not be afraid of the messiness..." -Dr. Shira Leibowitz "Hope is active, hope is creative, hope is behaving in a way that creates the future that you want today." -Dr. Shira Leibowitz Please share your thoughts with us on Twitter or Instagram at #InnovatorsMindset. More at georgecouros.ca George Couros on Twitter: https://twitter.com/gcouros George Couros on Instagram: https://instagram.com/gcouros George Couros on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/georgecourosauthor/ George Couros on LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/george-couros-a5146519 For the full audio podcast: https://linktr.ee/gcouros Because of a Teacher - https://www.amazon.com/dp/194833433X?ref=exp_gcouros_dp_vv_d The Innovator's Mindset: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0986155497?ref=exp_gcouros_dp_vv_d Innovate Inside the Box: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1948334127?ref=exp_gcouros_dp_vv_d Music from Bensound - http://bensound.com/