Who We Surround Ourselves With - 2021 Highlights from The #InnovatorsMindset #Podcast (Part 3 of 4)
The Innovator's Mindset Podcast - A podcast by George Couros

Who we surround ourselves is often who we become! I talk about this in the introduction and then you see the amazing educators that had great advice this year! Connecting and Elevating as a Leader - A Convo With Yasmeen Robbins - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGFY7wbRJ9s When we lead with questions, we have the opportunity to dig deeper and understand why something is going on. Taking a moment allows us to see the human side. Yasmeen Robbins talks about leading with questions and her and George Couros go into how this connects to the way that we should treat each other on social media! Check out the full episode of this shorter clip of The Innovator’s Mindset Podcast to hear more amazing thoughts from Robbins! The Power of Believing in Our Students - A Conversation with Principal El - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySmCCv5F3Ps&t=3s How much does believing in a kid matter in their development? In this clip of The Innovator’s Mindset, Principal El shares more about the impact that believing in someone else has. Principal El shares that the most important thing that we can do is let people know that we love and care about them. When we understand what children go through just to be in our presence, we see the power that belief can have on a person’s resilience and self-confidence. “When failure is normative, resilience becomes second nature and that is what believing in kids does.” - Principal El Developing Students Beyond the Curriculum - A Convo with Ryan Keliher - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odq3PPB0v0o Ryan Keliher and George Couros talk about the entrepreneurship course that Keliher leads with his learners! Hear more about how the students learn about the process of building a company in a matter of a few months. From ideation to marketing and production, the students build a company by investing a maximum of $20/person. A Greater Path to Purpose - A Convo With Dr. Derrick Love - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOIPRwqq5I8 “If you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room.” What advice would you like to have known earlier on in your career? Hear how Dr. Derrick Love discusses his answer to this question and reflects on the importance of having different voices and thoughts. George Couros also shares a personal story about an interview that he thought went horribly wrong! This short clip of the longer episode, A Greater Path to Purpose - A Convo With Dr. Derrick Love, talks about the importance of being challenged and shares some ways to have different perspectives and act on those perspectives. The Expert Effect - A Convo with Grayson McKinney and Zach Rondot - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeLQPH8ExTE&t=40s In this clip of The Innovator’s Mindset Podcast: The Expert Effect - A Convo with Grayson McKinney and Zach Rondot, Rondot and McKinney share how they empower learners and get the work of their students out to an audience. Rondot shares more about how his learners’ podcast has empowered them to create a platform where they can cultivate and build on their strengths and interests. McKinney reflects on a time when he was required to learn about coding and how that learning experience helped him try something new and connect with experts. These learning experiences led to an opportunity where the students created an app that resolved a problem. McKinney and Rondot share more about the value of authentic tasks. The Importance of Being Seen - A Convo with Dr. LaQuita Outlaw - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdY9TE7vjX8 Dr. LaQuinta Outlaw shares what makes her school culture one where people are not only valued but also feel valued. In this clip of the full episode of The Innovator’s Mindset Podcast, The Importance of Being Seen - A Convo with Dr. LaQuita Outlaw, Dr. Outlaw reflects on the culture that school leaders cultivate.