063: Why has she made it and I haven't? How to stop comparisonitus

The Inside Out Entrepreneur® Podcast - A podcast by Suzi Belmont


Do you find yourself all pumped up for a project you are working on but then you grind to a halt thinking you are not as good / capable / as far ahead as someone else Do you look at others online or around you and think "How come they have it all together and I don't"? Or do you struggle to keep yourself motivated because the world and everyone else seems to be moving a lot faster than you are. How you manage these feelings so they don't slow you down are what I am talking about this week.  Tune in to hear my 5 tips to help you stop comparing yourself to others.  Links mentioned in the podcast: Suzi's VIP Wait list see https://www.suziwitt.com For Suzi on Instagram see https://www.instagram.com/suzi_witt/ For Facebook: see https://www.facebook.com/SuziWitt2/ For Twitter: see https://twitter.com/witt_suzi Haven't left a review yet? All you need to do to leave a review of the show on iTunes is visit https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-inside-out-entrepreneur-podcast/id144053643540536435 To leave a review of the show, just head to Ratings and Reviews on iTunes or email [email protected].