078: Why your fear of being judged is actually a good thing

The Inside Out Entrepreneur® Podcast - A podcast by Suzi Belmont


Today on the Inside Out Entrepreneur™ Podcast, I am talking about your fear of being judged - whether by your friends, family or some complete stranger on the internet that you think is just waiting there in the wings ready to pounce on you. I am going to explain to you why your fear of judgement is actually a good thing, what is going on inside your brain when this fear rears up, how you can manage it. I also explain the psychology behind fear of judgement in a way that will show you that you your fear is probably the wrong way round. In other words, you have nothing to fear.  Then, I give you 5 steps you can take to help you manage this fear of judgement on a daily basis.  For the download mentioned in the show, head on over to https://suziwitt.com/podcast78 Links mentioned in the podcast: Suzi's VIP Wait list see https://www.suziwitt.com The Inside Out Morning™ - helping you build a morning routine to build you from the inside out. Get your 38 page eBook https://suziwitt.com/insideoutmorning/ For Suzi on Instagram see https://www.instagram.com/suzi_witt/ For Facebook: see https://www.facebook.com/SuziWitt2/ For Twitter: see https://twitter.com/witt_suzi Haven't left a review yet? All you need to do to leave a review of the show on iTunes is visit https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-inside-out-entrepreneur-podcast/id144053643540536435 To leave a review of the show, just head to Ratings and Reviews on iTunes or email [email protected]