079: 3 Essential Elements that you must include on your sales page

The Inside Out Entrepreneur® Podcast - A podcast by Suzi Belmont


Today on Bonus Business Thursday, I am talking about Sales Pages on your website and 3 things in particular you need to ensure you include (no matter what you are selling).  Now, these are not fancy smansy things that you stick on there for the sake of it. These are elements that are included based on understanding the psychology of your buyer. These elements will help persuade your buyer to cross over the line from thinking about buying to making a purchase - which is - after all - the entire point of a sales page.   Enjoy the show! Links mentioned in the podcast: Suzi's VIP Wait list see https://www.suziwitt.com The Inside Out Morning™ ebook: https://suziwitt.com/insideoutmorning/ For Suzi on Instagram see https://www.instagram.com/suzi_witt/ For Facebook: see https://www.facebook.com/SuziWitt2/ For Twitter: see https://twitter.com/witt_suzi Haven't left a review yet? All you need to do to leave a review of the show on iTunes is visit https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-inside-out-entrepreneur-podcast/id144053643540536435 To leave a review of the show, just head to Ratings and Reviews on iTunes or email [email protected]