#26: The Atlassian Mafia Part 1: Enterprise Search And Sajari W/Former Head of Jira Product

The Razor’s Edge - A podcast by Shortman Studios


We speak with a couple of Atlassian alums on this week's episode, as the first of a two-parter. Our guests are Justen Stepka, co-owner of Enterprise Fund, Atlassian alum, and previous The Razor's Edge guest (episode #16); and Jens Schumacher,  employee number #12 at Atlassian, and the Head of Product for Jira Service Deck, who is now Chief Product Officer at Sajari, a search technology company. In today's episode, we talk about the Atlassian mafia effect and go more into focus on Sajari. This leads to a lot about Elastic Search, about the e-commerce market, and about SaaS development and machine learning that should be of interest.Topics Covered3:00 – Jens's background and the emergence of the Atlassian mafia10:00 – What does it mean that a cohort of former colleagues keep working together?13:30 – Atlassian roots and background16:00 - Snowflake digression18:00 – The challenges in search26:00 – Breaking down machine learning vs. algorithmic search35:00 - What stage of the e-commerce rush are we in?42:00 – How much of this will stick for e-commerce