#28: On The New York Streets With A Ride-Share Vehicle Supplier

The Razor’s Edge - A podcast by Shortman Studios


This week’s The Razor’s Edge goes back out to the streets. We speak with Ali Naqvi, owner of a ride-share car supplier in New York, about his experience with the COVID lockdown, what he’s hearing from his customers – rideshare drivers – and the state of New York. While a few work from home comments pop up hear and there, this is more focused on the state of Uber and Lyft’s end markets and what that might mean for a broader economy. Ali is a lifelong New Yorker and has a rolodex of celebrity encounters and Al Pacino quotes to pull from, and this is a fun conversation. Topics Covered2:15 minute mark - Background on the business6:00 - Recounting the COVID story from March onward, dealing with vehicle returns12:40 - Drivers still on the road throughout - the adjustments needed22:00 -The hit to rider demand27:30 - Uber's support (or lack thereof)36:00 - The scene in New York now for rideshare demand - why it was worse than it seemed, why there are reasons for optimism now54:00 - The outlook for New York City, the effect of the social unrest, any crime knock-ons, and where does the city go from here?