The Razor's Edge #17: The Guidance Question For SaaS - Zoom vs. Slack and PagerDuty

The Razor’s Edge - A podcast by Shortman Studios


We visit the software as a service sector for the third time in a row, as the earnings week we were waiting for came to pass. Zoom reported the so-called 'greatest quarter ever in software', and skewed expectations for peers like PagerDuty and Slack. So, does the market have the reaction right, and where do we go from here? Akram's Razor and Daniel Shvartsman break it down. Topics Covered 2:00 minute mark – Digging into Zoom's guidance 6:00 – The timing of PagerDuty and Slack's earnings (two days after Zoom's). 8:00 – What about the expansion in large clients for Zoom and potential new verticals 13:30 – How did Zoom's report affect PagerDuty/Slack's reports 18:00 – Why isn’t guidance going higher for some of these SaaS names? 28:00 – The longer onboarding cycle for Slack/PagerDuty 33:00 – The convergence of the attention economy 36:00 – The Dropbox angle 42:00 – Ramping up of adoption curves 48:00 – Macro and sector context to keep in mind