Cold Approach VS Choosing Signals [How To Approach A Woman]

The Irresistible Man Dating Podcast - A podcast by Core Of Confidence


Some men prefer the traditional "cold approach" method, which involves approaching a woman without any prior indication of interest or "signals" from her. This method can be seen as bold and confident, but it can also be risky and potentially uncomfortable for both parties involved. On the other hand, some men prefer to wait for "choosing signals" from a woman before making a move. So, how do you approach a woman in a way that is respectful, confident, and effective? We will explore the pros and cons of both approaches and give you some practical tips on how to approach a woman in different situations. Join us for an insightful discussion on the topic of "Cold Approach VS Choosing Signals: How To Approach A Woman". Whether you're a seasoned player or a beginner in the dating game, you're sure to learn something new and valuable from this episode.