Feeling Overwhelmed? Click Play! | 6 Strategies to Reduce Stress for Entrepreneurs

The Jasmine Star Show - A podcast by Jasmine Star


Do you struggle with the feeling of OVERWHELM? Maybe it’s due to the feeling that there's always more to do, more to learn and more to work on? *I’m not raising one hand but two hands with you* If you're overwhelmed in your business, you're not alone. So it’s time to have a mindset shift. In this episode you’re going to learn how to: Start each day with a gratitude list #blessed Remind yourself of what you’ve accomplished over the past 3 months Stop dreaming and start doing *it’s all about that messy action* Focus on one thing at a time *multitasking is a hoax boo* Now I get it... Your time is limited or you’re worried about taking that step before you’re ready. You might like the idea of this practice, but will you actually do it? >>The only thing more tragic than making a mistake in business is not doing something to begin with.<< So boo boo let me be your number one fan, you know the one with the giant foam finger, and cheer you on because YOU GOT THIS. Click play to start fighting the overwhelm! And check out my show notes at https://jasminestar.com/podcast/episode37 If you have a business bestie, family member, coworker, or random stranger who you think needs to hear this message please share this podcast with them! Together, we can fight overwhelm and find peace in this crazy world of entrepreneurship.