THIS Is Where Everyone Quits | Social Curator Coaching Session

The Jasmine Star Show - A podcast by Jasmine Star


Have you ever felt so exhausted, overwhelmed and confused that you wanted to throw in the towel? *Friend, I know I have and all of the ladies I brought in on my coaching call today have because it is NORMAL!* It doesn’t matter how tough you are, what skills you have, or where you are at in your life... it’s normal! There isn't a single entrepreneur in the world who hasn't thought about quitting at least once. When I first started my business, I did not have the kind of confidence I have today. In fact, one of the reasons I love these coaching calls is because I love hearing where everyone is at and encourage them in any way I can. There is nothing I believe in more than teaching what I’ve learned, tested and tried to other business owners hustling hard to make their dreams a reality. We are all going to feel stressed and overwhelmed when we put ourselves out there. >>However, success goes to us who remain undaunted and keep pushing themselves forward past the point where everyone else may quit.<< So if you’re telling yourself maybe this isn't for me after all... I am here to tell you this is for YOU. You are meant to be here. You are meant to do this. You are intended to pursue your passion and you are here to create a life that makes you excited to get out of bed every morning. You are meant to do the thing that you love because why would you ever settle for anything else? So please, please, please Buttercup: do not give up. If this is resonating with you right now, it is because you need to hear it. So take a deep breath have a good cry, but then go out and chase your wildest dreams with reckless abandon because you can. Click play to hear how I coach Leanne, Megan, Amanda & Mye through their challenges and encourage them to keep pushing through when everyone else gave up. And of course, you can learn about our guests here: !