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The Jazz Hole - A podcast by Linus Wyrsch, BTRtoday - Sundays


"On today’s episode of The Jazz Hole, Linus is picking up where he left off a few weeks ago. There were so many great jazz releases in 2019 that it was hard to play it all, so finally the time has come to go back and check out some more music from 2019, such as Michel Maurer Meridian’s “The Shape of Noon”, Jenna Marie Pinard and Jay Yoo’s “Here, Now”, Jason Yeager’s “New Songs Of Resistance”, Petros Klampanis’ “Irrationalities”, Andy Ballantyne’s “Play On Words” and the Andrew Schiller Quintet’s “Sonoran”. Michel Maurer Meridian - “The Shape of Noon” & “Distortion” Album: The Shape of Noon Michel Maurer (d), Alex Levine (g), Peyton Pleninger (ts) and Ben Rolston (d) Jenna Marie Pinard & Jay Yoo - “Mermaid Island” & “Polaroid” Album: Here, Now Jenna Marie Pinard (voc, co-composer “Polaroid”) and Jay Yoo (g, composer “Mermaid Island”, co-composer “Polaroid”) ------- Jason Yeager - Reckoning Album: New Songs Of Resistance Jason Yeager (p), Fernando Huergo (e-b), Mark Walker (d), Farayi Malek (voc) and Matthew Stubbs (cl, b-cl) ------- Petros Klampanis - Seeing You Behind My Eyes Album: Irrationalities Petros Klampanis (b, glockenspiel, voc), Kristjan Randalu (p) and Bodek Janke (d, perc) Andy Ballantyne - “Round Shot (for Cannonball)” & “Not With A Wimp But A Banker (for Paul Desmond)” Album: Play On Words Andy Ballantyne (ts, as, cl), Rob Piltch (g), Adrian Farrugia (p), Neil Swainson (b) and Terry Clarke (d) ------- Andrew Schiller Quintet - Wet Hair, Dry Air Album: Sonoran Andrew Schiller (b), Ethan Helm (as), Tony Malaby (ts), Hery Paz (b-cl) and Matt Honor (d) 00:00 - The Jazz Hole with Linus 01:44 - The Shape of Noon - Michel Maurer Meridian 04:55 - Distortion - Michel Maurer Meridian 12:06 - Mermaid Island - Jenna Marie Pinard, Jay Yoo 17:47 - The Jazz Hole with Linus 20:01 - Polaroid - Jenna Marie Pinard, Jay Yoo 23:46 - Reckoning - Jason Yeager 28:47 - Seeing You Behind My Eyes - Petros Klampanis 36:06 - The Jazz Hole with Linus 38:12 - Round Shot (for Cannonball) - Andy Ballantyne 42:25 - Not With A Wimp But A Banker (for Paul Desmond) - Andy Ballantyne 50:10 - The Jazz Hole with Linus 51:21 - Wet Hair, Dry Air - Andrew Schiller Quintet 57:53 - Finish "