The Jeff Nippard Podcast - A podcast by Jeff Nippard

In this episode, we host the first ever Reverse Diet Debate featuring Eric Helms + Menno Henselmans (against) vs. Layne Norton + Peter Fitschen (for).  Topics covered include: - Opening statements and rebuttals - Defining "maintenance calories"- How does reverse dieting work in the absence of changes in body composition?- What are "adaptive metabolisms"?- Ad libitum and intuitive eating approaches post-contest- Can you diet on higher calories in prep after a successful reverse? Does it "carry over"? - What is the role of NEAT in reverse dieting and metabolic adaptation?- Is there value in increasing calories in the off-season (not post show)? All annotations to the debate: Episode 18 - Bro Splits, Training Frequency & the Anabolic Window feat. Menno Henselmans feat. Menno Henselmans:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xB6EH... Episode 12 - Changes in Hormones with Natural Bodybuilding Contest Prep feat. Peter Fitschenhttps://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i... Physique Science Radio Episode 8 - Eating Disordershttps://www.biolayne.com/media/podcas... The 3DMJ Recovery Diet Videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDKhD... You can find more from the debaters here: ERIC HELMSwww.muscleandstrengthpyramids.comwww.3dmusclejourney.comFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/ericrhelms LAYNE NORTON www.biolayne.comIG: @biolayneFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/LayneNorton MENNO HENSELMANSwww.bayesianbodybuilding.comFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/BayesianBody... PETER FITSCHENwww.fitbodyphysique.comIG: @fitbodyphysiqueFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/naturalprobo... CONTEST PREP/ COACHING from Jeff [email protected] FOR CONTEST PREP/ COACHING from [email protected] BLOGwww.strcng.com/blog ROBIN'S CHANNEL:youtube.com/c/robingallant Continue the discussion on ... YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swrul81qco8 FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/jeffnippard TWITTERhttps://twitter.com/jeffnippard INSTAGRAM@jeffnippard   We hope you enjoy the debate!