The Truth Behind Copying

The Jenna Rainey Show - A podcast by Jenna Rainey, CEO + Artist + Educator


There's a time to copy and then there's a definite time to not copy. Here's the difference:   It is ok to copy to learn. It is NOT ok to replicate or copy someone's work to pass it off as your own and use it for marketing or commercial purposes.   This is in fact why there are copyright laws and intellectual property lawyers.   Here's the thing. It's really hard these days to be completely pure in your work. Inspiration is everywhere: it's easily searchable and something we stumble into often by scrolling on Instagram and Pinterest, and who knows just how much a quick glance through social media is actually seeping through our minds and impacting our ideas, our creative process, etc. BUT, there are a couple key points that I want to share with you from my own experience over the last couple of years that I hope will help you understand the deeper impact of copying.   Episode show notes: