Divine Masculine and Feminine: How to Balance Them for More Peace and Harmony in Your Life

The Jewels and Gems Podcast with Sylvana - A podcast by Sylvana Beslic

In today’s episode, Sylvana explores the concept of masculine and feminine energies. She covers and explains what they botth entail, their common traits, as well as examples of practices and rituals to help you balance them in your life. She also touches on how to identify which one is dominant or lacking in your life through tools and examples to help you understand your own current energetic blueprint. BOOK A MYSTIC SESSION (Astrology, Tarot, Crystal Readings): https://calendly.com/sylvanabeslic LEARN MORE ABOUT THE ASTROLOGY / TAROT SESSIONS: https://jewelsandgems.shop/pages/astrology-readings LEARN MORE ABOUT THE CRYSTAL ENERGY SESSIONS: https://jewelsandgems.shop/pages/crystal-readings ~ Get 50% off on online courses with the code PODCAST: https://sylvanabeslic.podia.com/ ~ SUPPORT THE PODCAST: Shop with us: https://jewelsandgems.shop/ Freebies // The Spiritual Self-Care Guide and the Empowering Astrology Cheat Sheet: https://forms.omnisrc.com/signup/v1/5... Read our blog // From astrology, crystal healing, holistic wellness, and modern spirituality to uplevel your life: https://jewelsandgems.shop/blogs/blog Shop our courses // https://sylvanabeslic.podia.com/ Subscribe to the J&G Podcast // https://open.spotify.com/show/0rvMLmN... Join the Magic // Subscribe to the J&G VIP Club for Special Offers: https://forms.omnisrc.com/signup/v1/5... Follow on IG and TikTok @jewelsandgems.shop More on: https://jewelsandgems.shop/