Ep 215: Healing And The Mind: A Follow-Up Q&A From My Bruce Lipton Interview
The Jim Fortin Podcast - A podcast by Jim Fortin

Start Your Transformation Now This week is a bit unusual because it’s not my normal podcast format. It’s an Instagram LIVE turned into a podcast episode. I got a lot of feedback from the podcast interview with Bruce Lipton, as I expected. 99% of if was positive and supportive and then, of course, you’re never going to please everyone, the other 1%. I want to highlight here what I covered in that IG LIVE / Podcast. I dove into the history of Science and gave examples of how the science of today is incomplete and only a “data point.” As well, it’s not the end-all-be-all word on all matters in life and especially not in medicine and the potential of the human body. I touched on the “Human condition” and the deceptions of humanity, especially around government agendas, money, and control…and even more specifically about health care. It may upset a lot of people but I stated what I have observed as the obvious. The majority of the health care system in the US is a profit-driven machine and to a large degree, the system works in the best interest of the profiteers, not people in need of medical care and healing. Next, I went into why you should seek medical care when matters of trauma arise and how it’s smart to get a medical opinion but to use it only as a “data point.” In my personal experience, working with the mind-body connection, the subconscious mind, the power of the proven placebo effect, and ancient healing methods often produce far greater results in actual healing as opposed to dependency on medical intervention. I was a bit fired up because it’s disturbing to observe so much corruption on the planet that actually hurts millions if not billions of people, specifically around pharmaceutical companies and health care. And for what? Profit and control! I know this was a Q&A but I did answer the questions on my fired-up tirade. Some will hate it, some will like it. Does not matter, do your OWN research and you’ll find a great deal of truth in what I said on this IG live. As well, some of the questions were asked from incomplete models of logic and were asked from very limited understandings of medicine, healing, and the human/spiritual connection itself. Do some research in this area, you might just be surprised how much power you have in your own mind to heal yourself of any and all ailments. And finally, I talk a bit about my healing and how others can heal using the power of their mind. It’s shockingly simple, I DID IT, I had BOTH a stroke and heart failure in 2020 and I’m healthy today, it is so simple to heal that most of us miss it. If I can do it, you can do it. And, it does require that you start trusting the inherent wisdom in your mind and body and not rely on the “medical system” so much. ENJOY Mentioned Resources: Episode 213: Bruce Lipton – Warning, This Episode Is Not For Everyone. EPISODE 190: “Are You Smarter Than A Potato?” Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian Weiss MD. The Relaxation Response by Herbert Benson Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself – by Lissa Rankin Mind Over Meds: Know When Drugs Are Necessary, When Alternatives Are Better-and When to Let Your Body Heal on Its Own -by Andrew Weil MD Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you make a purchase. Let's Connect: Instagram Facebook YouTube LinkedIn LIKED THE EPISODE? If you're the kind of person who likes to help others, then share this with your friends and family. If you have found value, they will too. Please leave a review on Apple Podcasts so we can reach more people. Listening on Spotify? Please leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you! Thank you for listening! With Gratitude, Jim Fortin