Ep 219: Making Cappuccino - And How Come It Is So Hard To Change?
The Jim Fortin Podcast - A podcast by Jim Fortin

Start Your Transformation Now If you have tried to run from your life, then this episode is for you. And truth be told, most people in life are “runners” in that they try to run from jobs, circumstances, relationships and people. In 1990 I was waiting tables, and I hated my job. I mention cappuccino in the headline and this episode because in this job, I had to make a lot of cappuccino. And one day, when making cappuccino, I said, “I hate this. I’m going to change my life. I’m going to move across the country.” Being a mere 25 years old, what I didn’t realize is that no matter where I moved, I would take myself with me. My point is I was running, and as you’re reading this, you may think, “No Jim, that does not apply to me because…..” Truth be told it most likely does apply to you because… If you’re wanting to leave a job because you hate it, you’re running from it. You are the one who created it and if you leave it you’ll just take yourself with you. If you’re wanting to leave a relationship because it does not work for you anymore is it because you two are no longer compatible which could be real or is it because you’re tired of all the relationship challenges, which you had a hand in creating? If you’re wanting to create more money in your life are you running from the changes you have to make in yourself to make it happen? If so, this is why you keep repeating your old patterns over and over again. You want change but you’re not willing to change enough to create the outcomes you want. Whether we want to believe it or not, this applies to most of us. We have created what we have in life because of who we are in the moment but we try to change things without changing ourselves and if we do that, metaphorically speaking, we’re going to be making cappuccino over and over again until you create changes in your life. What’s vital and I talk about in in this episode is that we make the necessary changes and we actually follow through with me. In this episode I talk about three ways your brain holds you back from change and what to do instead so you stop finding yourself like me, “making cappuccino,” and living your same life over and over. Transformational Takeaway: Nothing changes until you change. How would you be? What would you do? How would you talk? What would you say? How would you feel if you were the person who had the outcomes you want in life? Let's Connect: Instagram Facebook YouTube LinkedIn LIKED THE EPISODE? If you're the kind of person who likes to help others, then share this with your friends and family. If you have found value, they will too. Please leave a review on Apple Podcasts so we can reach more people. Listening on Spotify? Please leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you! Thank you for listening! With Gratitude, Jim Fortin