Ep 232: Where Is Your Emotional Attention In This Chaotic World?
The Jim Fortin Podcast - A podcast by Jim Fortin

Start Your Transformation Now I remember decades ago when I was talking to don Xavier, and he said to me, “You must learn to move your attention because where you attention is…is where you are.” Thinking back to 2009 and the global economic collapse. I remember how much economic fear that caused in me, and one day it dawned on it, “Hey, where’s my attention?” That is what is extraordinarily vital for you to fully understand. I know you understand it analytically but do you understand it emotionally? If you’re getting into any kind of fear about anything then you understand it but you don’t know it. I can’t state strongly enough, any and every single time you are feeling the least bit of fear, worry or anxiety about the world, that is where your attention is. And, where your attention is…that’s where you are keeping your vibration and frequency, and that’s exactly what you are attracting right back into your life. Many of us are using our emotions against ourselves. I want to remind you, the name of this podcast is: Transforming Your Life From The Inside Out and when you’re in fear and the situations in the world, though it is inside of you, per se, it’s coming from some reaction to something outside of you. And, that in itself is living your life backwards. This entire conversation reminds me of something a friend said to me, he’s a former Navy Seal and he said, “Calm seas don’t make great sailors.” And, as we look at the world and it’s definitely not a calm sea but are you going to live your life from the inside out and allows yourself to drown or are you going to become a stronger sailor? Want a little gauge to help keep you on track? Fear. Pay attention. How many times per day are you getting into fear? How much and how often? This is clearly tell you if you’re living from the outside in. Why? Because your soul does not know human fear, and if you’re in any kind of fear, that is coming from your human experience, outside of you, not your soul, which is inside you. Transformational Takeaway: You are where your attention is. Manage your attention well. Mentioned Resources: EPISODE 9: How The Law Of Attraction Repels The Money And Abundance You Want Let's Connect: Instagram Facebook YouTube LinkedIn LIKED THE EPISODE? If you're the kind of person who likes to help others, then share this with your friends and family. If you have found value, they will too. Please leave a review on Apple Podcasts so we can reach more people. Listening on Spotify? Please leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you! Thank you for listening! With Gratitude, Jim Fortin