Ep 295: What's going on in this crazy world?

The Jim Fortin Podcast - A podcast by Jim Fortin


Start Your Transformation Now Do you find yourself in a whirlwind of thoughts revolving around our chaotic world? Like it bleeds over into personal parts of your life that it shouldn’t?  In this thought-provoking episode, I discuss what my shaman mentor Don Javier sees happening in the world right now and share ideas for how you can thrive despite the chaos and uncertainty.  The main theme is maintaining inner peace and operating from a higher vibration to navigate external turmoil. The children being born today are coming in with higher energy frequencies, which we're seeing evidence of in the rise of autism spectrum disorders. To me, this indicates humanity is evolving energetically as a species. The challenge is that these higher-frequency kids often struggle to integrate into our lower-frequency 3D world. As bioelectromagnetic beings, we're influenced by shifts happening in the planet's electromagnetic fields. The erratic energetics of the poles shifting affect our emotions and stability. Staying grounded and focused on higher frequencies like love, joy, and peace helps counter the destabilizing effect. Profit motives, human ego, and fear-mongering drive much of the chaos we're seeing play out in the world today. The news media and big industries financially benefit from keeping people afraid. Maintaining the perspective that you're an infinite soul having a temporary human experience helps detach from fear-based narratives. Transformational Takeaway: During turbulent times, elevating your vibration is crucial for inner peace. Ponder how you can shift your perspective to come from your highest identity rather than getting caught up in chaotic externals. Ask yourself, “What would my soul be advising me to do right now?” and “How can I be a force of compassion in the world?” The more you focus on raising your own consciousness, the more you can positively impact the collective. Mentioned Resources: Magnetic Pole Shift – A Doomsday Scenario? Let's Connect:  Instagram Facebook YouTube LinkedIn  LIKED THE EPISODE? If you're the kind of person who likes to help others, then share this with your friends and family. If you have found value, they will too. Please leave a review on Apple Podcasts so we can reach more people. Listening on Spotify? Please leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you! Thank you for listening!  With Gratitude, Jim Fortin