Ep 298: What Beliefs Are You Subconsciously Tied To?

The Jim Fortin Podcast - A podcast by Jim Fortin


Start Your Transformation Now Are you feeling like you're stuck in your old patterns, trying to change them, but not seeing progress? In this episode, I discuss how your subconscious beliefs shape your life; often without you even realizing it. I explain how these hidden beliefs hold you back from achieving what you want. This episode focuses on making you aware of your beliefs, understanding how they control you, and learning to challenge them. Your beliefs literally drive how you live your lives, yet most of us don’t recognize this because beliefs operate at a subconscious level. Any limitation we have in life can be tied back to some subconscious belief. If you want to remove those limitations, you need to challenge the underlying beliefs. Beliefs control your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. In the episode, I provide examples of statements to illustrate how your reactions reveal your beliefs on a topic.  Naturally, you will defend and cling to beliefs that you feel strongly about, which takes energy. The more beliefs you have, the more you have to defend.  As humans, we tend to believe others should share our beliefs, and when the external world violates our beliefs then we react negatively. Any area where you feel stuck or not getting what you want stems from subconscious beliefs about that specific situation. So what do you have to do to counter these beliefs?  Questioning each belief as it comes into your head is vital. By questioning I mean; do these beliefs serve who you truly are? Will they serve you in times you need success OR will they hold you back? Explore the assumed cause, identity, and meaning tied to your bothersome beliefs. This creates psychological space between the belief and your reaction. When irritated, stuck, frustrated, or confused; ask yourself these questions to reveal the hidden belief and experience it differently. This starts to dismantle limitations. Transformational Takeaway: Anytime you feel stuck, angry, or not getting what you want in life, shift your attention inward. Ask yourself, “What meaning am I giving this situation?” “What belief might I be clinging to?” “Is this certain belief serving me well?” Questioning your beliefs creates space for new possibilities to emerge. Let's Connect:  Instagram Facebook YouTube LinkedIn  LIKED THE EPISODE? If you're the kind of person who likes to help others, then share this with your friends and family. If you have found value, they will too. Please leave a review on Apple Podcasts so we can reach more people. Listening on Spotify? Please leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you! Thank you for listening!  With Gratitude, Jim Fortin