Job Search: What’s Your Plan?

The Job Search Boot Camp Show - A podcast by Archive


So, you’re looking for a job.  Do you have a plan, or are you simply tossing your resume around out there hoping something sticks?  Or maybe you have plan, but it primarily consists of answering online job postings.  In today’s job market a scattered or reactive approach just isn’t enough.  You need a proactive, strategic plan that leads to results.  Simone Fuselier of 45.5 Consulting will join us to share an effective (and fun!) job search planning method that puts you in control and keeps you focused on getting the results you want.  Simone is a talented project manager with a masters degree who approaches everything in life as a project… including her own job search.  You’ll love her organized, easy-to-understand method, even if you don’t know a thing about basic project management methodologies!