Episode Special Ft Only Fools & Horses 'Production Manager', Andy Smith.
The Jolly Boys’ Podcast - Only Fools & Horses - A podcast by Jolly Boys’Podcast - Only Fools & Horses

Episode Special Ft Only Fools & Horses 'Production Manager', Andy Smith. Join us on this very special episode where Bailey speaks to Only Fools & Horses 'Production Manager', Andy Smith about his time working on the show. Andy reminisces about his time being Production Manager between the years 1983 - 1985 (series 3 & 4) and talks out loud of his great memories of working with such a great team! This was such a special episode to make as it's not everyday you get to have a chat with someone who played such a big part in putting the show together. A big thanks to Andy Smith for joining me on this episode! I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed making it. Bonjour for now. TTFN