Raising Courageous Girls with Terra Mattson
The Journey with Jonathan Pitts - A podcast by Jonathan Pitts and Christian Parenting

Jonathan interviews counselor, therapist and coach Terra Mattson on raising courageous and confident daughters. Terra, a mother of two girls and Jonathan, a father of four, discuss practical ways to grow your relationship with your daughter and her confidence in herself. A Christian Parenting Guide: Helping Moms Raise Confident Daughters As a mom today, it’s harder than ever to instill the godly confidence our daughters so desperately need. And without that confidence, our daughters are left to navigate, on their own, the pressures and values of the world around them. That’s why we created a clear, credible, and biblical guide that gives moms like you what you really need to raise daughters who are empowered to face whatever life throws at them. A Christian Parenting Guide: Helping Moms Raise Confident Daughters is the resource you’ve been looking for to help you develop and keep a loving, secure connection with your daughter, while helping her to be confident in all that God has created her to be. This course is just based on Terra Mattson's 20 years experience as a licensed professional counselor and marriage and family therapist, as well as her 16 years raising her two girls. Each video in Helping Moms Raise Confident Daughters is designed to equip you for every age and stage of your daughter’s journey. Each course includes: eight video lessons for moms like you, giving you behind-the-scenes coaching on the mental, emotional, and physical world of your girl; conversation guides to foster deep discussions between you and your daughter; and a downloadable journal to spark a more intimate connection between you, your girl, and God. We hope you would be willing to get the word our the Helping Moms Raise Confident Daughters courses