Ep 10: lesbian comic Julie Goldman on torturing Bill Cosby, director Yoruba Richen on The New Black
The Katie Halper Show - A podcast by Katie Halper

On episode 9 of The Katie Halper Show, comedian Julie Goldman talks about her dreams of founding a vigilante posse which would kill or spare and just torture Bill Cosby. She also talks about marriage equality and struggles over whether she would go straight for Donald Trump or Bill Cosby first. And Julie contributes to the Right Wing Erotica project by reading an excerpt from Lynne Cheney's book "Sisters." Then Yoruba Richen talks about her documentary The New Black, which explores how the African American community is grappling with same sex marriage. We also look at the origins of the term "anchor baby," and why Jeb Bush wasn't being racist against Latinos when he used the term. Spoiler alert: he was talking about the Asians.