116 - LEARN THIS FOR 2024!
Kid Carson Show - A podcast by Kid Carson

There’s a quiet GOLD RUSH happening…. But why? This might be the most important thing you learn for 2024. Kid chats with his friends Mark and Danielle to get a simple introduction to Gold and Silver, and how they are all moving forward. 2 important LINKS below: A great video of Robert Kiyosaki (author “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”) https://www.google.com/search?q=robert+kiyosaki+gold+silver&sca_esv=596679560&tbm=vid&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi5nYaS686DAxUPJTQIHQcOBC4Q_AUoBHoECAIQBg&biw=1075&bih=681&dpr=2#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:a352c05d,vid:D-rMb9Znfn8,st:0 Join Kid and his friends on a zoom and learn how easy it is. (You can just listen in if you’d like) This is free information, no pressure to do it like they are. Knowledge is power. Sign up here: https://kidcarson.godaddysites.com/