122 - mindfulMEDS: Unlocking Natural Empowerment with Mushrooms
Kid Carson Show - A podcast by Kid Carson

Connect with mindfulMEDS: INSTAGRAM WEBSITE After using their products for the last few months and experiencing incredible results, I'm excited to share my partnership with the top name in mushroom therapy! I once thought mushrooms were just for fun, but I've been amazed at how they're also changing lives, mine included. mindfulMEDS have elevated the game by customizing mushroom blends for different life stages. Anxiety? They got you. Better sleep? They got you. Creative flow? They most certainly got you. You’re going to love this company and the intention they bring to the healing space. Take a look behind the scenes at mindfulMEDS with Brett the co-founder as he joins me in the booth for EP 122. (Shoutout to his biz partner Keegan, we'll see you soon!) I believe you'll be drawn to mindulMEDs energy and understand my enthusiasm for linking arms with them. To win my current go-to stack (the Modern blend + Lions Mane) visit my INSTAGRAM page and enter to win. Winner will be contacted Sunday March 3. Interested in trying their products? Use the promo code “KIDCARSON” for 15% off your order.