16 - Should you Vaccinate your Children?

Kid Carson Show - A podcast by Kid Carson

Imagine this... a radio dj sits down with a SCIENTIST who studies C-19, and tries to keep up... 😅. Well it happened! (Ok, i only understood about 30% of what he said, but wow... did he drop some knowledge bombs! Scary ones.) Dr. Steven Pelech is a lovely man, he was one of the founding scientists of the Biomedical Research Centre at the University of British Columbia (UBC) and has authored over 245 scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters about things we can barley understand. His research makes the world a better place. He shares his concerns with these vaccines and mandates... some of this information with blow your mind. Enjoy. Kid This episode powered by ENTI ANA  Steven's full bio: Dr. Steven Pelech is the principal founder of Kinexus Bioinformatics Corporation. He contributes leadership, vision and strategic planning to Kinexus with over 30 years of experience in the area of science, business and administration. He was the principal founder of Kinetek Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and served as its President and C.E.O. for six years and was one of the founding scientists of the Biomedical Research Centre at the University of British Columbia (UBC). Prior to his academic and industrial experience, he spent five years in post-doctoral training with Sir Philip Cohen at the University of Dundee in Scotland, and with Nobel laureate Dr. Edwin Krebs at the University of Washington in Seattle. He is concurrently a full professor in the Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine at UBC, where he has been on faculty since 1988. Dr. Pelech received his B.Sc. (1979; Honours) and Ph.D. (1982) degrees in Biochemistry from UBC. He is a founding director of the Canadian Covid Care Alliance (CCCA), and presently serves as a co-chair of the CCCA Scientific and Medical Advisory Committee. Dr. Pelech has authored over 245 scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters about signal transduction and is one of the original discoverers of the MAP kinase family of cell signalling proteins. His accolades include the 1993 Martin F. Hoffman Award for Research at UBC, and the 1993 Merck Frosst Canada Prize from the Canadian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. He was the 2001 Distinguished Lecturer for the Faculty of Medicine at UBC for the basic sciences. He has served on grant review panels for the US National Institutes of Health, the Canadian Institutes for Health Research, the National Research Council of Canada, the Michael Smith Health Research Foundation, Genome Alberta, Genome Prairie, the Canadian National Cancer Institute, the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation and the American Heart Association, and has acted as an external reviewer for 22 other agencies including the U.S. National Science Foundation and the Israel Science Foundation. He has also been an external reviewer for 28 scientific journals.