Dakota Robertson On Adopting A "F*ck It" Mentality

The Koe Cast - A podcast by Dan Koe - Sundays


Dakota Robertson is an online writer, agency owner, and fitness bro. On this episode of the Modern Mastery podcast we talk about adopting a "F*ck It" mentality to acquire stories worth telling, transforming from "Chubby Chunker" to jacked Chad, and why writing is the most important skill to cultivate. — Get In Touch With Dakota Dakota's Twitter: https://twitter.com/WrongsToWrite Dakota's Agency: https://www.growthghost.com/ - **Get Your First Month Inside MMHQ For $5** Join The Community: https://join.modernmastery.co/podcast - **Guaranteed Business & Personal Success - New Cohorts Every Quarter** The Mastery Program: https://join.modernmastery.co/program - **Tri-Weekly Newsletter On Personal Growth & Online Business** The Mastery Letter (free): https://join.modernmastery.co/the-mastery-letter - **Map Out Your Vision, Deconstruct It, And Execute Relentlessly** The Power Planner (free): https://shop.thedankoe.com/planner - **Free Online Business Beginners Training** Solopreneur Foundations (free): https://join.modernmastery.co/free-training    -    The Blog & Shop: https://modernmastery.co    — Get In Touch With Me Twitter: https://twitter.com/thedankoe Instagram: https://instagram.com/thedankoe YouTube: https://youtube.com/c/DanKoeTalks - If you enjoyed the show, subscribe and rate to help it grow further.