003 How Human Beings Get In Their Own Way

The Legacy Creation Podcast - A podcast by Lisa Wynn


Today I want to talk about what it means to put ourselves in our own way, how to be compassionate with ourselves in failure, and also how to rewire our nervous system and reprogram our minds. What You Will Learn In This Episode: How our habits stop us from making change The lack of self-belief as the biggest change blocker How the beliefs of others condition and shape our minds Social desire for staying the same vs. our ability to change The root of the imposter syndrome  We are the result of our historical discourse. The world in front of us is what the people we know got from their personal experiences. But to provoke substantial change, we must rely on our ability to learn new skills and generate new habits.  Resources:  It Didn’t Start with You by Mark Wolynn https://www.amazon.com/Didnt-Start-You-Inherited-Family/dp/1101980389 http://www.whatisepigenetics.com  How Hardwired is Human Behaviour? - Nigel Nicholson, Harvard Business Review, From the Magazine (July–August 1998) https://hbr.org/1998/07/how-hardwired-is-human-behavior#:~:text=Human%20beings%20are%2C%20in%20other%20words%2C%20hardwired.&text=That%20said%2C%20evolutionary%20psychologists%20do,by%20personal%20experiences%20and%20culture.  Join The Legacy Creation Clan on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/legacycreationclan Visit my Website http://www.lisawynn.com/  Find me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/legacycreationcoach  Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/legacycreationcoach/