Transmuting Trauma Through Creativity: Luke as Guest on The Great Unlearn with Cal Callahan (Bonus Rebroadcast)

The Life Stylist - A podcast by Luke Storey

This past fall equinox, I sat down with Cal Callahan to talk about the process of writing my first book. There was a lot to unpack, including the question of why am I writing the book in the first place. I talk about how my motivation changed along the way (with a little nudge from the fungus kingdom). I also touch on how the mainstream publishing world functions in an age of censorship and cancellation.Then, we move into the chapter I’m writing about childhood abuse and wrestling with my karmic entanglement with the perpetrator. The conversation wraps up with a challenge from the live audience for me—and perhaps for men in general—to be less self-sufficient and to reach out for support when we’re going through big stuff.