112. LIFERS - Mahmood Shaikh

The LIFERS Podcast - A podcast by The LIFERS Podcast


We’ve been trying to get Mahmood Saikh on the show almost since the podcast started. And finally, he has relented, but with the caveat that he be allowed to appear not as a traditional guest —oh, no, no!— he wanted to be treated as “just one of the guys”. A panel position, if you will. Fine. We accept you. One of us. The indie-rock booking-agent maestro DID send us a bio, however — so here it is: “Mahmood Shaikh is an agent at Concerted Efforts. He represents a wide range of artists including Algiers, Boris, Frankie Rose, Jawbox, Karate, Mr Twin Sister, Nothing, SURVIVE, Ted Leo, We Were Promised Jetpacks, and many others in North America and other territories.  Previously, he was an agent at Flowerbooking, Inc. where for over a decade he sat next to the guy that booked Local H.    Last name is pronounced “Shake”.” Anyway, on this episode we talk about Mahmood’s love of the Mighty Mighty Bosstones, Scott’s Global Entry worthiness, 1982, Michael, Commie Liberal Pinko Tuesday, upside down pizza, U2 cover bands, Gabe’s fever for Pac-Man, and finally — COVERBOY: Chicago’s newest super-group. This is Ben’s kind of episode. Gooble gobble.