OWSLA CONFIDENTIAL, LTD.The infinite Skrillifiles: Next Generation— Quantum Force - A podcast by Skrillex


Why did you do this? I didn't do this! You did this! I didn't do this! Why would I do this? How could you! I didn't! What the fuck is HE doing here? What the fuck. You need to stop this. I can't stop. What did you DO. Exactly what I had to. Shasta! Who the fuck is that? That's that bitch. I told you it was Shasta. Who the fuck is Shasta. What show is this? Where is Skrillex? FUCK SKR— Wait, what show is this? INT. THE VOID. DAY & NIGHT. I remember the first time I ever realized, I could love anyone in the world, if they needed me to—or, if they just gave me the chance. Or if I got the chance. Or, if there was a chance. And, if there was a chance, and it was supposed to happen, it always would—especially if I wanted it— But definitely, if I needed it. But, what is is “if”? And, what is “supposed”? What is it to “want”? And what's a “need”? Now I know— or at least pretend to. Because, the more it is I think I know, the actual less I feel that I actually do; None the wiser, I am what I always was— And God is, as I am. INT. TURNER STREET—FAIRBANKS, ALASKA. DAY. Have you heard of Dillon Francis? I mean, I've heard of him… He's hilarious. I feel like me and him would get along. I doubt that. Look at this. No, thank you. Just watch it. Video: Need You, NGTMRE and Dillon Francis Dillon Francis: “so much trim , dude—shes overage, I think.” —You're probably right. Just watch it. Nah, I'm good. INT. GOOD CANNABIS—FAIRBANKS, ALASKA. DAY —- The DJ—slash—actor somehow became a muse for me after so tragically being entangled in a less-than-comfortable premonition turned fairytale fantasy via tragedy and trauma from the fallout of finding my formerly favorite founding father of modern dance music to have fallen from grace —Or into it— EXT. A DITCH SOMEWHERE. TWILIGHT A drunken DJ is discarded. —only to amazingly recoup and recover, seemingly like magic— Which by the way, is real. A comeback nobody saw coming— And still doesn't see, at least—as of yet. I remember the first time I levitated as an adult; two years later to that very day, I found myself uncontrollably laughing, to the opposite affect, so heavy I seemed almost to be bound to the floor; It was the only gift I received for my birthday that year, though albeit unintentionally given ROFLMAO. What in the fuck does that mean? Rolling on the floor, laughing my ass off. OH, THAT CHUCKLEFUCKER. I just laughed so hard, I came. I saw. Come here, kid. OW. Ohhhhhh, I see. what was THAT. Now, you listen, I am listening. No, you're laughing. That was more than a laugh… It was more than a look. DID YOU SEE THAT? WOW. That was orgasmic. Shishane!! I gotta go. Okay. But come here. (They kiss.) See you tomorrow. Yeah. Okay Hey, I'm home: SHASTA!!!!! Where WHERE YOU? I had work. Finally having caught up to SupaCree (in Skrillex's body), Sonny (as SupaCree) is flabbergasted at her actions. Dressed super flamboyantly and colorful, "Skrillex" looks ridiculous, touting a Jamba Juice and sipping erroneously SupaCree (S): what the fuck. Skrillex (SC): Yooooo. You're ugly. Mau5: you're one to talk. Skrillex: Psh I am sexy as fuck right now. Wow. SupaCree: Jamba Juice? I don't drink Jamba Juice. Skrillex: you do drink Jamba juice. I mean. I do. This was free. Actually, you know what, a lot of shit is free, when you're rich; it's fucked up. Right. Yeah. Doesn't make a lot of sense. ___________ (Earlier) A super hot fan girl walks up to "Skrillex" Hey stranger. Hey...wow. Yeah wow. This is kinda random, but would you want to… (whispers in ear) Woah. That is random. (Basic bitch giggle) haha yeah. You would do that? Yeah! Because...I'm... Skrillex..? Um, yeah, I guess… Huh. … Well...would you do that if I wasn't Skrillex? ..um...no??? Huh. ___________ (later) Skrillex (SC) Yo! Did you know that people will (whispers in ear) just because you're Skrillex. SupaCree (S): (bashfully) Well, yeah... Skrillex: YO! _______ Switching Back In an attempt to return to normal, Skrillex ends up back in his own body, but has left SupaCree and Dillon Francis now stranded in eachothers' bodies. Skrillex/Sonny: sigh of relief--rolls eyes at outfit, but otherwise satisfied, shrugging. SupaCree (DF) Woah I am...colors…! [Looks over self in awe] Dillon Francis (SC): Awh what, no way! Aaaaghhh! SupaCree (DF) [Looking down] ...these are tits. Dillon Francis (SC) : HEY! Don't touch my tits! [Looks in mirror] FUCK YEAH, I'M DILLON FRANCIS: Stuck in SuPaCree's body, Dillon Francis experiences full fledged synethesia heightened by the circumstances of the switch; an array of colors and vibrations fill the world; he stares, taken aback by Skrillex's "colors", which only he can see [but is clearly phonomenal.] SupaCree: Oh man, this is... [looks at Skrillex] Whuuuut. Skrillex: (creeped) What? SupaCree (DF) [steps away from him, wide eyed] ...this is a lot. Dillon Francis (SC) [checking himself out, approving] Dude I'm hungry. What do you eat? SupaCree: what the fuck do you eat? Sugar Cubes of acid? What the FUCK! Dillon francis: I try to stay away from processed sugar-- SupaCree: what the fuck is this shit? Calm Down, You're just ugly. Are you kidding me? !'m tripping dick right now. Dillon Francis: I'm tripping dick right now-- SupaCree: HEY. Dont touch my dick! No tits, no dick! Dillon Francis: first of all, I'm Dillon Francis, I can do whatever I want; secondly, nobody's touching your dick--ew--it's just attached to me. SupaCree: What is wrong with you?! Dillon Francis: nothing, im--i'm Dillon Francis. SupaCree: WHY is everything wavy--what are these colors? Dillon Francis: it's just---mild synesthesia-- SupaCree: "MILD" (to skrillex) Stay over there. SKrillex: K. Dillon Francis: It ramps up when I get excited. Or anxious. Or hungry. SupaCree: Make it stop. Dillon Francis: I can't. That's why I rave. SupaCree: AGH. Dillon Francis: Just don't get too close to Skrillex. Both: Why? Dillon Francis: I don't know, okay? Just...don't. And here, wear these [puts on sunglasses.] There. SupaCree: better...kind of. This is insane. Dillon Francis: just don't play his music… SupaCree: why, what does your music do? [Skrillex is silent. There is an obvious secret Dillon Francis sends a threatening glare towards him, and they nod in agreement not to elaborate] SupaCree: nevermind. Switch me back. Dillon Francis: no way! I'm an even whiter white guy now. I wanna go out! SupaCree: out where? Dillon Francis: I don't know. Somewhere really white. Like. Manhattan beach or--Beverly Center. SupaCree: I don't wanna go out like this! Dillon Francis: you're right, you look ridiculous. [She's still dressed in all black, signature skrillex] _____________ Skrillex, Dillon Francis and SupaCree end up as the finalists in the fight to the death J battle to become “God's” favorite DJ __________ Dillonception -Dillon Francis's Magical Universe immediately follows dillonception, where he uses his newly acquired = magic and works for a variety of characters to save the world, albeit from a DJless post apocalyptic wasteland. _______ Hot fan girl from before: you deleted that picture, right? (Later) Dillon Francis (as supa Cree) is wearing a shirt with a picture of the fangirl and skrillex [insert goofy picture here] a reference to Getter, though the act is innocent rather than sexual, as the prior scenes indicate. The Voices Parodyish Dilon is the only person who sees Gerald and his friends/ family as “just a pinata”, however, Gerald, appears as, in fact, a real person to everyone else, who believes Dillon to just be joking, or even ‘a real asshole' However, it is later revealed that as such, Dilon “suffers” from a condition similar to that which the main character of The Voices also struggle Dillon Francis is officially too hot for Supacree (Sunni Blu, alternately) as they are often booked to work together, Supacree becomes clumsily awry of Dillon Francis, hanzel, and RAF respectively. Don't do this. I'm about to. Just fucking stop! I won't stop. You're being ridiculous. Yes, I am. What—Dillon Francis?! What—Kayla Lauren—? It's a thing. It's a cult. Well, fuck this. I want it. So, get it. I got it. He played you. Okay, then— Listen to me—? I am listening… You are NOT— Let me guess— “NOT HIS TYPE” —yeah, I know. So, what's up! Well, he's hot— That's so gross— I'm an adult— He's a DJ— —a record producer— An Oscar nominated actor— What?! —and Grammy nominated. Wait, excuse me. Same year, too. Different project, though. How'd this happen? “This can't happen” Oh, my God! That never happened. What never happened? Okay. Exactly. What about So— WHO? Sorry. Right, exactly. Hey, how's Kayla? Who is “Kayla”? Well, this hurts. Just use it. He won't stay. Don't need it— —that's the way// I want it. So. Satan. ...hm? Can you handle this? This one's easy. He looks simple. But he's not. Dillon Francis is one of the most powerful Gods of creation in existence. What about Skrillex? There's no Skrillex. What about Sonny? S/He killed him. Oh. Who's this? This is Esmerelda. What's...she doing? Everything I won't. Woah. I'll be back. What is this? I remember this—he married her, and I suffered. Who, Kayla Lauren?! “She's so basic—“ So is Sonny. OoooOoooOooo000hhhh— —shots fired. “ The Simple Skrillex” That's this one. Fuck this nigga —fuck this nigga— And his posse. So, what's Dillon want? Nothing to do with me— Oh— Who are you? Who did you ask for? ...Jesus fucking Christ. What, Dillon Francis? ...are you busy? Jesus Christ and Dillon Francis finally have a face to face. “An Extended Vacation” Oh, my God. Don't say that. Fuck Dillon Francis. ...why does Dillon Francis have my dragon? Does she know I have her dragon WHY DOES DILLON FRANCIS— Is she mad? HABE MY DRAGON? Mm. Is she coming? You know what—?! — I should mention Wigga Skrillex, before I for get again Man, fuck SKRILLEC! Can't. He's “taken” Oh, is he? Plus, Dillon Francis has my—wait—. How did Dillon Francis get my dragon? Hoe did you get my dragon? You keep me jet Blue I can't forget you, But I can forgive you for getting me Used to this, Uselessness I'm just another useless piece of— Dillon Francis, send this shit to Skrillex, And just kill me— Or let's burn it, Just forget it; Didn't write it Need a girlfriend? That can never happen I don't want it, I just fantasized about it once, Or maybe twice I'm in my mind, I'll find you by the time I die, Right? Right? Dillon Francis's kick drum. In the reality where () becomes a college professor, she is interrupted by surprise and stunned, when Skrillex himself appears during a lecture deconstructing his music. After being banished into a reality where Dillon Francis is a level-one DJ in present times, he furiously attempts to escape through multiple failed attempts. He has also lost his ability and masterful magic of music, and experiences the struggle of obscurity and insignificance in the oversaturated and unfair present music scene. Just as he crosses paths with the alternate reality in which he has fallen into an eternity long Dark Void, which spirals towards Hell in a Terrifying Twilight-Zone like wormhole of sorts, where one's deepest transgressions, fears, and doubts are projected through infinite dimensions, often resulting in “The Illusion of Death”, or rather, depending on the construct of the respective reality, the “nearest-to-Death” experience you can possibly have. As the Dillon Francis in the Dark Void gets nearer to Hell, The Dillon Francis in “Dillon Francis Has No Fans Land” (located amongst the Universal Network of alternate parallels U has been been banishing ‘Hollywood People' into, scattering them into realities where they either haven't-yet or never-will make it to superstardom/celebrity status. *Note* This Universe has the highest concentration of SS as an actual person, as it is revealed to be hidden nestled and hidden in a deep subliminal realm of her own subconscious, which creates a protected vortex “off map”, a hidden Universe with its own complexities, Laws of Science, and Concept of Time; A Nearly Inescapable Consciously constructed set on its own independent, multidimensional grid--which only () herself can travel throughout. U kidnapping celebrities by Assassinating them through the “illusion of death” ( sometimes as the Colorful Crypt Keeper, depending on the reality) In our present reality (IRL) The Celebrities have either retired, disappeared into isolation “A Syd Barret”, or more dramatically, have actually died. Once removed from the current reality, the stars wake up in a new reality, where they are no longer wealthy, popular, famous or successful; While some entertainers happily (heaven) adjust to normalcy, finding happiness and bliss in simplicity, most are cascaded into an unraveling downward spiral, deteriorating their mental health as they experience life without privilege or status. “If Your Name Is________________, You're In My Movie” Once collected, they are then sent “One Deeper” into this skewed universe, again by Death, which happens in exact synchronicity of their first death, resetting time; they “What is this, Bad DJ Land?” “Yeah, I mean I call it, Dillon Francis Has No Fans Land, but. Yeah.” (mimicking her) “Yeah.” Venice Ventures (A Collection of Short FIlms, a Spinoff of the Scary Monsters Series, a Tie Into Secret Life of Sunni Blu/Much Ado About Sunni Blu, The Legend of SupaCree -Venice Ventures (Pilot/Venice Mini Burning Man) -Day Of The Dead -Who Killed Matt Maeson -Magic Is Real -Magic Israel -Magic Isn't Real -LSDream (Pt I.Vegas) -LSDream (Pt. II) -Brillz (Sammi The Bampheramph, circa 2013) -Au[DIO]tistic SupaCree meets two new “friends” at a small festival; However, she soon finds that she's on her own, after feeling “third wheeled” and deciding to roam closer to her home (front and center) on the dance floor. During a drop, she breaks into her signature improvisational “dance trance”, drawing a crowd of impressed and fascinated ravers, becoming quite instantly popular; It's almost, even, as if she has fans--as people excitedly ask to trade kandi and share dances. Then, as Getter begins his set--a circle of people have formed around her, groups of tribes, squads, and kandi kids, magnetically drawn to the The Vibe (I Am The Vibe) and spirit energy that the music awakens within her; The Spirits have called her home to journey into the spirit world, sending “Angels”, or “Light Spirits” tasked to assure that she completes this passage into the spirit world--aligning the present, with the future and past; Alternately, in the Dark Underworld, Demons, or “Dark Spirits/Lost Souls” to work against the light, as an effort to consume her, reawakening The Ego. The Ascended Masters, as an order to bestow Stories of Origin, ancient wisdom, and awaken the God Consciousness, allowing for ascension and Projection within the Interdimensions--must release the seal which holds the oldest known [or unknown soul], so that the “Light Magic” can be passed back to the living descendants of the ancestors amast to be Ascended Masters. To Blissfully yet truly unaware of her own light--either deeply within, or shining throughout, people dancing near her are givingly sharing “conscious gifts” forming a smoke circle within what seems to be an almost gravitational pull. She smokes cooly within the circle, enjoying the auras of those around her--who laugh, smile, dance, and greet her with friendly excitement; As she circle closes, she is handed a mysterious cartridge, filled with a liquid which she quickly examines in the dark and smoky crowd of dancers. ...This is weed? The girl neither shakes her head yes, or no--just gazing above the rims of her dark sunglasses. She takes three hits, and passes it back to the masked stranger, who disappears into the dancefloor. Thanks! (but she is already gone) The energy shifts around her, as her ravey extroversion quickly fades into an introverted and inward, calm and thoughtful state. She contently observes, as usual, checking back to see the the couple she came with, as they wave happily at her. She moves more closely to them, gesturing to meet her closer to the front of the dance floor. She looks up at the performance stage; the visuals, the lights, the many working parts of a high-production value theatrical production. The stage is set so that she has to look more upward at the DJ, who she stares at, drifting into what seems to be a daydream. Its time for Meditation. Meditate. Now? Ground Yourself. Are you serious? I just got here! Sit. As the bass drops, The world around her shifts, into a colorful array of light colliding with sound; Enter, World of Floor. (A flashback, to past raves) I always knew this world existed, but never had I imagined the things I hadn't seen, around and between all the things I had as I was flying overhead, passing by admiring all the life...and all the lights... (A montage of the World of Floor) (The Cosmic Owl's Flight) In a beautiful starlit meadow, on some distant parallel or humanoid existence, a group of boys are camping, being boys. One boy, a pale and slender boy with gentle eyes under pink-framed wide lens glasses, gazes up at the sparkling night sky toting his gun upwardly, looking through the scope. A bright shooting star appears, bedazzling him as he looks, rubbing his eye. What are you aiming at? It's darktime, I doubt you'll find anything to shoot. The boy shrugs, Suit yourself. The other boy heads back toward the fire, where at a distance one of the other boys asks “what is he doing?” I don't know, psh. Haha--maybe he's shooting stars. Shut up! They continue on. He scoffs and rolls his eyes, head pointed up as he watches the sky, inwardly wishing for another shooting star, then suddenly--a light, as something large and white flies over the campsite, leaving behind a gust of wind and sparkling light of stardust, dissipating as the boys all point their heads at the sky, wide eyed. WOAH! Did you see that? What do you mean did I see that? I'm sitting right by you! It went right over your head! Like, right by! They search the sky, as the stars seem to twinkle with a brighter blue-white light; The Giant White Owl once more flies by. What the-- Don't just stand there! What IS that thing? I don't know! Shoot it. The boy panics, aiming for the bird. He fires a shot, missing her, then another. Shoot it! From a birds eye view, the boys seem small in the vast meadow, nestled in a beautiful valley on a gigantic “alien” planet, with colorful auroras dancing in the atmosphere. The owl glows with the neon light, with giant wise eyes, whose light reflects the tale of all time. Hearing the two shots, but unfamiliar with the sound, she glides into a curve diving downward over the mountainside, towards the boy with the glasses, in her eye surrounded by an aura of golden light; she tilts her head as the shine in her giant eye sparkles with a loving light; As she admires the light, she cries as the sound of the gunfire aligns with a bullet, spinning her graceful flight into a flash of light, leaving behind a twisting trail of cosmic light and stardust. [*Director's Note:Though she appears only as a Giant White Owl (though with a glowing bright white light, only the boy in the glasses sees (with the naked eye) the neon spectrum of light emitted by The Cosmic Owl, eventually a full Prisim..] He jumps, as his eyes widen with shock and worry, in awe of the spiral of light and a shuttered surprise. You got it! Thank God, I would have called this whole thing off. What was that? At least he got it. Taking his gun off and dropping it, he walks still in awe towards the mountain, in an almost hynotized and quiet stride. ...Hey, where are you going? ...I'm gonna go find it. Go FIND IT? Why!? Just because it's not flying, doesn't mean it's not still alive! That thing was giant! Like three times your size! Ten Times! Unresponsive, and guided by the light, though fading, which has left a spiraled trail against the dark and starry sky. A giant moon rises over the mountain, as she runs into the forested hillside, ascending towards the spiraled light. Go after him. I'm not going after him. Someone go get him. YOU go get him. Pftt. Fuck that. They all stare blankly at eachother in an awkward silence. ...Mom's gonna kill us. -Countdown Shunned by h They know I am Good. Well. How? Who? They. Who this they? Anyone that matters. How--how? Insomniac. Right. EDC. right. The music. Well, it can't always end in martyrdom It always has Stay humble. All are one Whose world is this, anyway? Apparently, ours. Sonny's somewhere Sonny's always somewhere except, wherever I am. Not true. Oh, God. Hm…? What? I just want peace Want, or need? Need. Fair. I need PLUR Al of it? I'd gladly trade my life to rave again You were promised an eternal cebration in paradice Where's paradice Stay on the path San Diego would be on the path. It is. A town called paradice Oh, Tiesto. His wife is 23. Gross. Is it? Is it love? For now. Have faith. I am faith. Be kind. I am kindness. I said, stay humble. Kendrick. And? AND. The remix is always better. Only when it's. . I am Skrillex. As if. what is "if". Go make music. Music made me. I am music. I need tome. Who, what, and when, are driving in a car together… The coffee rub (run*) There's significance in that video there's significance in Dillon Francis Even Deadmau5? Who? On God. ...what? ...oh great, now I gotta figure out which biblical character represents Dillon Francis? It's not Jesus. We know Jesus. (Everyone knows Jesus) It is Jesus. Everything is everything. That's a step. No white saviors! ...go somewhere else. Be a color! … ___ There's a lady in my kitchen, cooking me breakfast. I cooked breakfast. ...is it...poisoned? No, it's breakfast. … … It is hot. Who are you? *censored vigorously* … Apparently, I'm Skrillex. What the fuck. What the fuck. I gotta go. through the other end of the telephone, a DJ, having overheard the conversation pipes in loudly, with peeping curiosity. Is that Skrillex? Call you back. Supacree continues cooking comfortably. Is he there? Another DJ runs towards the phone, having overheard—in the background, we see a news program playing, the headline reads WHERE IS SKRILLEX, the latter obscured. Is he there?! Sounds like him. Yo! It does! Where is Skrillex!? I gotta go. He hangs up the phone. … Dillon suspiciously pushes back his plate. SUPACREE Let me guess. DILLON FRANCIS HEY GOOGLE, call SUPACREE I am Google. DILLON FRANCIS Apparently, You're Skrillex. SUPACREE Apparently, I am. (I AM.) What was that? ...what was that? SUPACREE That was Ï. [beat.] [Very awkward silence] ...I need a… Eat your breakfast. Who are you? Listen, Dillon Francis. Who is that? That's—your name. No, I'm not… … …who are you? Alright, just— look. “NOT DILLON FRANCIS” She forfeits. She forfeits? This tournament is intense. How do you even remember this story? I just remember it...it sticks. ASCENSION. Who wrote this? Who, indeed. Explain that. I can't explain that. You made it, you have to explain it. I didn't make it. Yes, you did. I didn't make this. I will bring her here. How? Jeff: Don't ask me “how”, just watch. (Jeff?) What? I don't know how to spell “Excision” ((But I do.)) That's not a fucking FLEX, it's a SKRILLEX. It is what it is! IT IS WHAT IT IS AND I KNOW A SKRILLEX WHEN I SEE A SKRILLEX ITS A SKRILLEX. *GASP* THE HEX. (Oh shit, what Hex) ((The SKRILL-HEX)) (((AHA.)) Apparently. Watch this. [Ext. Basspod (Underground)] Wait, she's leaving. Where is she going? I don't know. Just-- I can't keep track! She was just-- --RIGHT THERE-- Wait, what was that? What was that? Over there? Over...where? It's….it's that way. That way what? Lets go. GETTER doesn't know what he did. JEFF knows exactly what he did and isn't saying shit. EXCISION knows where you can get it, but not unless you pay. SKRILLEXCISION is the world's hottest super-duo, (who is in reality, just one person.) ((and doesn't exist)) (((at least, in this dimension.))) SUPACREE, is probably -she dead -she's an alien -she has superpowers That's just a Skrillex. I don't think its-- Just leave it. IT'S A BIRD. IT”S A PLANE. IT”S SUPACREE SUPACREE, WHO THE FUCK IS “SUPACREE”? SUPACREE is a SUPERSTAR DJ. (who is actually several different people) ((who are actually just one being)) (((infinite)) SKRILLEX is … … …. … Explain that. I can't explain that, I didn't make that. Oh, you made it. I--okay, wait--no. I am NOT taking responsibility for this-- (She is responsible for this) ((and infinite other things)) (((everything, actyally.))) No, I mean, she's actually everything. “Everything” She doesn't know she's in control of it. Wait, I can control it? Watch. Don't watch. Just listen. It's not how i hear it, it's how I feel it. Did you run? NIGGA, I DID NOT RUN; I RAN. Oh shit, now she knows she's in control of it. Sick. Yess--but she doesn't believe it, so it's fucking with existence. Shit. This existence? Every existence. How can you tell? I don't even know what I'm about to say before I say it, I think she's writing this... Wait, do you usually know what you're going to say before you're gonna say it--? I don't know, I can't remember anything before this happened--I'm not even sure if we existed, I think we might be in this shit. Wait, like in this--like, we're not even… ...then it just ends, dude. IT JUST ENDED? But it wasn't just purple rain, It was rainbows and--wait So she.. Wait. Two planets passing so closely, the two worlds are forever changed. Well. Now that we know this is possible. Oh shit, that 12th PLanet. He's black? I-- Huh. Wait. Wait. Can I...Remix this…? What the fuck is a “Remix”? The Remixes. AH, FUCK THIS. Wait, did it-- It did, it dropped. He dropped it. FUCK THIS DUDE. OH, FUCK THIS MOTHERFUCKER. THIS MOTHERFUCKER. --BASS BITCH, MOTHERFUCKER!! Is that the lyrics? I don't know, that's just how it goes! ___ How do you know him…? We are...friends. BITCH, I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND-- DAMN! --I AM YOUR SAVIOR, YOU SHOULD BE WORSHIPPING ME-- Oh, shit. That took a turn. -- I do worship you. OH SHIT. THAT TOOK ANOTHER TURN. Are you sure it was CTHULU? (Nods.) Okay then, lets get this bitch. __ Skrillex and Dillon Francis make a Deal with The Ex. OH SHIT-- IS THAT WHY SHE-- YAH. UNH. YAS. So these planets pass so closely, that their atmosphere's collide, and--not only do they-- --THE PLANETS-- --actually manage to acknowledge eachother as it's happening, it actually alters their axis-- --yeah-- --and changes their orbital paths... Yes. WHAT? Okay. So. Look. There's two planets. Two planets, yeah. Different Galaxies. Well yeah, that--that would depend, wouldn't it. Dependent by which...definition... ? I mean; what is even a Galaxy-- I mean, scientifically? No, infinitely? Excuse me? I mean--what is a “galaxy” if existence is infinite. It's--what? If Everything is Everything; then whatever a galaxy is, by definition--what our actual perception of this reality is exactly just that Whatever I was about to type was definitely better sou The Legend of SupaCree follows an involuntary “hero” on her adventures, after her powers become unlocked; Now, she must join forces with the other DJ's to Save The Rave. _____ SupaCree refuses to tell anybody anything. (After Pre-edc scene) oh dude, that's a lot. It is a lot. She still hasn't told her mom you're “Skrillex” Ugh, no. And she makes me shop at K-Mart every time we go over there. You got that at K-Mart? It's nice. Yeah. Where did you find a K-Mart? ______ Where is “Earff”? _____ Bampheramph training is considered complete once the trainee “stops crying”, thus begins the official recruitment process, which includes but is not limited to reaching various ‘extremes', which differ by context. ____ Every red cup is just Another broken heart, Another broken dream, Another broken record, Playing on repeat … … … Wheres my Skrillex? Which-- So, Skrillex… You can call me Sonny. ...Skrillex... O...kay… [She squints suspiciously at him and jots something down in her notebook.] ____ So, do you use Serato, or Rekordbox? Neither I just [Demonstrates] What the fuck does that even mean. It means you can [Demonstrates] ____1 How is he doing this? Magic. I'm not going to fight for him. Do you honestly think this is happening to anybody else? Maybe. Honestly? Infinite. Infinite Skrill-- Infinite fucking everything. I'm not about to try to explain it. So what are you going to do? I don't know. The worlds gone mad she is, but she's not a man. She's trapped in a casket Can't listen to the map And can't imagine he'll ever come back Jag parked, smogs bad and she has a plan But can't get past the magnet Magic has its way of making things go crazy Why don't you just--& Oh what? Have my people call his people? Something like that His peopl I had a dream About a tent About a temporary tenant This christmas, its Resentment, Tension And whatever this is… Oh yes, "This is Skrillex…" wayward Hey. Hey. So, uh. So. What's wrong with you? ....what? What's wrong. Whats...wrong? --With you. SupaCree summons Skrillex. Skrillex. Stop it. Fuck you. Skrillex. Seriously, stop You stop. Skrillex-Skrillex-Skriooex o Oh no Just stop. In the parallel where… SŪpAcree has become a disasterously egotistic and diva-like superstar, we see she is in this world, outwardly bitter, rather angry and dispondant, having learned to capitalize best not being herself. A young intern helps to prepare an event; His trainer, an astute and rigid stage manager, after finishing a series of detailed questions about the theatrical performance and it's various attendees-+ leaves the intern alone for "just a minute" handing them her clipboard as she hurriedly rushes elsewhere. The intern scans the clipboard, flipping the front page over to reveal a hidden note. Taking the initiative (trying to be assertive in the newly appointed position), asks nervously... ...And what about Skrillex? Who? Skrillex. Who the fuck is that? Its...Skrillex. Tell me who that is. Uh… Go ahead. The intern stands, frightened at her anger. The stage manager returns. _______________ I hate this shit, it isn't fair. It isnt Wheres my phone? __ Woah. You did all this for Skrillex. Pretty much. Yeah. I guess. Yep. Wow. Okay. You would. (I did) Burn it. What? Fuck that! Ughhhhh. No. Sonny/fictional skrillex: Do you know why ai put you in this fucked up dimension? Me: WHAT? YOU DID THIS? NO--WHY--?? Sonny: So you could get your shit together. Me: well, that's fucked up. S/FS: I DID NOT think it would take this long Me: well, how long is it supposed to take? S/FS: I don't know… Me: ...well, how long does it usually take? S/FS: So wait; You guys from the future-- Fathomable future. Uh-huh Have seen the show? Yes. My show. Mm-hmm. / Well then, how does it start? ----------------------------- I already told you, no. Yes. I'm not going to Skrillex. You have to go. No. What the fuck is NO. I'm not going. WHAT? What. You have to go. Who says? We do. Okay. Okay. [beat] Who the fuck are you? OOH, ARE WE STILL BLEEPING OUT THE SKRILLEX? Yes. Sonny Sonny Sonny Sonny Sonny Sonny Sonny You so Funny Funny Funny Funny Funny Funny Funny Do you Love me Love me Love me Love me Love me Love me Love me I'm so Ugly Ugly Ugly Ugly Ugly Ugly Ugly And I'm nothing Without you Was this a song? Probably. Looks like a song. Seems like a song to me. Nobody should ever hear this. Define…”nobody” The Song has become a number 1 hit radio sensation. What the fuck is my life. What the fuck is your life. I don't know what the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuuuuuuck . Speak of the devil— (Terrified) what? Dillon Francis is here? What? No—it's just Skrillex, he's just...here to collect. What?! What, dude—Skrillex is your plug? Uhhh. For what? Where else am I gonna get premium space bass? Aaahh Gasp I knew it! I knew something about you was really Skrilly. Hella Skrilly. *doorbell rings* Ok, no Skrilly in front of the— He is magically just, suddenly inside. In front of the what? The two stand starry eyed in amazement. ...hey… X2: hey… Should we step outside? Oh, come in— —I did. I see that. (Lol )Right in He did that. He always does. This...transaction is private. It's fine. You guys are alright—maybe—breathe a little— —large gasp, has not been breathing since Skrillex...what did he even do. He like, apparated No—apps—no. There's no fire. He didnt apostate. Alright then, teleport. That silently? Yeah, I mean teleportals also are like: —actual teleportal, which is a huge, very not quiet, black hole like vacuum with lots of colors, lots of light— Oh. Well, how did he get in, then? He shifted. “What the fuck is Shiffted!?” The SupaCree and The Skrillex share these commonalities: *S13 (13th power ) —- Dude! I got the key! You got the key, yeah, it's one of these. A bunch of keys in a wheelbarrow. Dude. What. The fuck. I don't know! I just know, she told me the key was on the key ring WHAT keyring dyde?! This is just a wheelbarrow full of KE*T! (He produces a heavy chain which appears to (not really) link the kets together We...keychain. —Meanwhile, God deletes all the Florida Keys—except for one— I will not “go” to the “Skrillex Reddit” Go to that place. No way. We are going to the internet for ONE thing—and one thing only. We are gonna skate to one song, and one song only. BALL SO HARD MOTHERFUCKERS WANNA— No. One thing. Yes, I thought it was Skrillex. We never go online for Skrillex. Okay. Not even shopping. Alright, let's go. You don't even know what we're going for I hope he hears this She says I hope he makes it And by she, I mean me And I've been peayint for a way to try to say this stuff Spit it out Turn it up— Woah...okay! Okay what? What are you gonna do with all this Skrillex? Uh… …? …Just throw it out. Throw it out!? Yep. Why would you do that? *Shrugs* Don't need it. Don't need it!? Yeah, I just said that. Are you serious? Yes. Throw it out. No way. If you're gonna do that…I'll take it! You want it? W--Fuck yeah! For what? I don't know. I'll think of something. Okay. Yeah? Yeah...whatever. Yes! ...okay….Just--come help me lift this. “The Great Big Book of Skrillex” This...is just an Encyclopedia. ...you bought encyclopedias? I needed them for my library. ...you have a library? It isn't finished yet. It isn't...finished…? Not yet. They're installing the elevator. There's an elevator? Of course there's an elevator; it just doesn't get to the library. I meant— Come on. What did you do to my house ? Well, after I put the fire out— What fire? The main one. —there were, of course, several smaller fires— What The Hell? And now there's just that one. A fireplace? When did I get a fireplace? Well, I needed an easier way to get in and out. —where does it go? Out the chimney. —wait, did you just say “in and out”? That sounds good. I wish they had a vegetarian menu. French Fries? Uh huh. Is that it? I think so. GIVE ME ALL OF YOUR SAUCE. Ohhh, get ketchup. Sorry, we're out of ketchup. Out of ketchup? Yes. Okay, can I just have special sauce then? We are out of sauce. What. Every sauce? All The Sauce. GODDAMMIT DILLON FRANCIS. I hope this isn't like the Skrillex thing. We're still under the limit. Kick it. —-ugggghh, there are homelesses here!! —homelesseses are not always bad people Homeless—AGHHHBLLAAARRRGHHH— —-...okay, so they're not all sane, either but, neither am I. Homeless—RAAAAAAHHHH LALA—Aaahhhh NANA—*supa drunk* BLEEAAAHHHHHH DADA- Shhhhh—DADADADA - (Each character and each ensemble joins until all together they are are a crazy chorus in the ensemble in madness together) 1. Turn off the lights 17 minute dance number 2. Magic is real 20 minute dance number 3. LALa Land -La-Bay-Bay -Hollywoodland -HIII by the beach -Tent City Madness (homelessess) -The Bus Song -¡Panic @ The Disco! (Robbed) -Traiiin -ShutTheFuckUp -It's you! (Bless you.) -LALA Land (tune it out) 33 minutes ACT I— a young entrepreneur loses herself in the world of the bustling entertainment industry through entering the worlds within, and navigating the outterworld, while battling the worldly demons of darkness, as she fights for her life to break a curse set upon her by a devil with whom she will not name, but will haunt her—she must manage and master her inner magic to break this curse—and it is only when she learns that the curse may only be broken, if unspoken words are made spoken I just ate my skateboard That's okay I ain't bored— That's ok I ain't organized I came supplied: Some dude replied “I have the answer—come to me, you tiny dancer.” ‘Yessir' I replied with laughter Smile bright cause I'm an actor “Faster-faster-faster-faster!! I ” Shhhhhhhhhhh—SHADDUP. LALA- oh, hey you—! DADA- I thought we were suppressing her LUST-*sluttily* GAD- *quite so*>> We *are* LALA- *guiltily* —it's just... DADA- NO. No ‘it's just'— NANA- *drunkenly* yeahhh, keep it together, kassandra LALA & DADA- Shut the fuck up, hoe! [NANA shrugs and nothings away] LALA & DADA make a face at each other— - God, What the fuck is wrong with her, anyway? NANA coughs loudly, backstage. GAD- It's a curse. DOC- we don't believe in Magic. LALA- I don't believe in you, bitch! HOLLYWOOD (ensemble)- BITCH—WE DONT BELIEVE IN YOU, EITHER. The Three: Hot *daaamnn* Mr Poopy Butthole- hot daaaaamn...! (yeah, there's cameos) CAST: Mr. Poopy Butthole?!?! Mr. Poopy Butthole: Uhhh—yeaaah, I just got here I uhhhh, I got big plans—big dreams, you know, I just—I'm gonna be a staaaar!! CAST: Laughs—the laughter trails off into different forms—awkward, daunting, sarcastic—then, only the spirits and LALA—suddenly, it is dark, and she is laughing all alone. Her laughter turns into a sorrowful pout, looking about quite lost. She shudders. Lala- Fuuuuuuuck. And I could get a place out in Hollywood land— But I'd rather be close to the surf and the sand— Cause that's how I planned it This is my planet (This is OUR planet) Oh yeah, my bad—this is weird, having f all of us here ‘You should put on your ears, dear' Hustle, hustle, hustle That's how you get muscle And it just is what it is Bitch you know this is a business And you know that's how you get this Make your check, earn respect build up your interest Bank? No thanks. Cause bro you know that shit stanks— You studied all your mistakes— Keep money, make money tell yourself thanks (Thanks) You'll probably thank your self later (Twice?) That's when you start making paper (Thanks) And yeah you know you got haters (Who?) Yeah bitch you know he's a hater— (Boo) Who? Yo bitch—I told you no crying!! (Woah) (They go in the round, the 3) “Yes, ohhh my GAD” ( But I'm not Spent my deposit on a house that's rotting—vultures spotting me— Ex husband haunting me PTSD. Take it with me everywhere I go, It follows me, Swallows me up like the coffee cup I left and needed this morning. Oh, Elohim. Lala Land: a musical revue m Escaping your past is not always easy—Master Your Magic. Featuring music by: Skrillex (Vs)<<<Life/Death/Light/Darkness Dillon Francis Timmy Trumpet Excision Snails Cake With ORIGINAL MUSIC BY: SupaCree With compositions by Elohim? Score Cast: GAD- everybody has it LALA DADA (shaddup) DEATH PAIN WOM WOP WUBZ I have so many songs I have so many birds I've had so many lives (That's absurd) Yes, it's absurd I repeat things I've heard I've been walking through your worlds And I can sit still (Sit still, sit still) Ladada Don't let nobody steal your vibe Your vibe's too high Don't let nobody steal, you Just get By, by, by… Just see you next time, Never goodbye Who the fuck is Kayla Lauren?! Porn star. Oh. That was easy. It always is. Problem solved. Yes? Maybe not his— How about yours? Sure, I guess. Meh. Fucking dumbass. It is, just— It is what it is! That's what I said—! That's what I always said! It's usually a cliche. It always is. Applies, definitely though. Definitely, yeah… Yeah… … … … Maybe they're just friends. (Everyone cackles) Poor guy. He's not poor. Stop calling him poor! You know what I mean. *cracks the whip* psh—whipped. Cooool Whip. lol Ew. I know, right? Poor guy. Like, poor in spirit… No, he's got spirit. [reflects on Skrillex] Well, he had spirit. What happened? What did happen? [reflects on Skrillex] Oh. OH! OH. OH. OH. Oh, yeah. That part. Pshhhh. ...what do you think the album is like? Well, it is finished. Probably basic, like— CUT TO: Dillon Francis? Ugh! Ugh! For what? Noooo—this isn't possible. This can't be happening. Skrillex traded me? What the fuck is this?! I thought we were a team. No. No teams. Idiots. What, they don't know they're all on one team? It appears not. What's wrong with them? Well—whos the weakest link. All: Not S Ū P A C R E E Right. Agreed. Yeah, we all agree. I—just said that— So, who's the weakest link—Skrillex, or Dillon Francis? Flashback to Skrillex Hm. Hmm. Hmmm. Flashback to Dillon Francis Huh. Hmmm. Fahk. … … … So, now what? Well, I promised I'd wingman ‘em. He doesn't need a— [Dillon Francis] Alright, go help. See. Dillon Francis Wins. WHAT? I never win. He never wins. ...I never win. He know this? Everyone knows this, Who's everyone? Nobody. That's you, then. Yes, it is. …