‘-complications.’ IV- {Fade To Black.}

OWSLA CONFIDENTIAL, LTD.The infinite Skrillifiles: Next Generation— Quantum Force - A podcast by Skrillex


The ‘-complications.' mixtape compilation series which focuses its internal monologue on the ideology of exploratory existentialism, using simple and classic mixing techniques into smooth transitions which mirror synconocities in time, musical elements, and lyricism to illustrate a vortex of collisions in cosmic omniscience, theming its recurring dominant soundscapes into a singular foundational focal point, and centering its multidimensionality into a gripping pull to return its emphasis on reflecting at checkpoints as if to reiterate a greater hidden meaning; the highs and lows of falling in love, it's consequences, long days and nights, missed connections, lost and unrequited love—capturing overall the rock and roll darkness of the neo-moden dance music scene—moving about from world to world—night after night, song after song—bodies on bodies and the escapism of rave and dance floor culture, connected through the pulsating and throbbing heartbeats bridged by light waves, and spread across neon skies across the globe. Featuring dearly beloved hit and dance classics alike from global and legendary super-artists and masters of the dance floor, deadmau5, Kaskade, kx5, Skrillex, Fred Again.., Claptone, and more—featuring new music by and mixed with heart & soul by underground swamp creature and ancient rave God ‘- Ū.' as she explores the outer realms of dance music pre-and-post existence in the guttural haze of the afterlife. Oh yeah, i'm a big fan. I doubt that. No, I am. No, you're not. I am. One time: I almost spent $60-something dollars on a Covid test so I could get into your show. Oh yeah. Yeah. Then, I found out it was $60-something dollars with insurance — $60 with insurance? —Yeah— and like $150 without Wow. So I jut showed up anyway since I already had the ticket to see what would happen — Why didn't you just get a covid shot? I almost did—cause I heard they were giving them away for free—and I love free shit— What is “free”? Nothing. But when I got to the door, this blonde chick said if I gave her $10 she'd let me pass. Just play along You don't have to suffer You're not in the wrong Don't wait too long. Just pretend you belong Like it's your favorite song And maybe someday When all the beauty fades away, We all grow old with time and age, you'll say “I made it” and just fade away Into a remix And this is why I don't check Instagram Often, anyway— Play the game, pretend your famous Don't change your name It's too late for that shit They'll try to blame you, the haters But really it's all the same you Even Jesus can't save you From whatever you're about to go through —just shuffle the album, Plug up your ears real tight So only the bass gets through And your hate yourself But there's nothing you can change today Except you, so — These days are crazy But Everything's virtual Unfuck The World Sunni BLU I'll see you at the end of another long bender Head in a blender Idk how did I get here Back of a sprinter In LA in the middle of winter Right at the center I am ok up on a stretcher! All the stars are below me: You don't even know me! You will never be my homie You'd be lucky just to blow me! You reap what you sow, so I guess i had it coming Go Smoke a cigarette so your mouth'll stop running {Enter The Multiverse} [The Festival Project.™] COPYRIGHT © THE FESTIVAL PROJECT 2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © -U.