@ The Other Job ***leaked***

OWSLA CONFIDENTIAL, LTD.The infinite Skrillifiles: Next Generation— Quantum Force - A podcast by Skrillex


Three artists preform the same spell with entirely different intentions—in some dimensions. [Muffled thud] What's the wish? These, three. Burning daisies, are we? No, just Dandelions. Separate them. The hearts?! All of them— —Spirit I swear to God. —don't// ‘Skrillex is my Spirit Animal'. —and, Soul. What of the flesh? It will wound and perish but will not bond or be bound to death, until it again becomes as One. What is THIS? I honestly-/ Honestly!! Honestly thought, this was a movie about: —Skrillex. —Dillon Francis — A S Ū P E R S T A R DJ [ARTIST] ...okay… Ooh, good alternate. The Womp WOMPING Willow will beat your ass into believing you are— whatever it tells you, you are. DJ. NO. “DJ.” NO. NO DJ. NO. NO—DJ. I don't think D.J. wants to be a DJ. Nobody wants to be a DJ. Shut up D.J.—you're a D.J. Too—you Motherfucker!!!! MOTHERFUCKER!!!!! [hey motherfucker—Timmy trumpet] aww, poor PJ Lol. Poor Billy. B.J.—the DJ I don't like this sign. It looks bad. Take it down. “BJ THE DJ” TAKE IT DOW— CUT TO: DJ?! That's the Fuxking WORST. AGHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHH!!!!!!!! IM NOT A DJ!! “Not a DJ” You— SUPERSTAR DJ SKRILLEX HUH. EVERYBODY ELSE HUH. —Skrillex—the world's first “SUPERSTAR”DJ” NUH - UH YAH HUHHH! NAH AUGHHHGGHHHH!!! UH-HUHHHHHHHHH!!!!! AGHHHHHH. AAAAAAAAaaahhahgahhahahhahhaagghhhhhhhhhhhhhh… [go to sleep.] SKRILLEX Nherr. —?? THE WOMP WOMPING WILLOW *voiced by Valee, Jermih MEGA DJ —WHAT IS THAT?!— Oh no. Don't do this, I didn't wanna. (Crying) I don't wanna He really don't wanna. So make ‘em. —- So. So. He's going to college— Yes. Is this a joke___? Is it? IS IT? ...mmmm...nope…. As part of his prison sen— Yep. For Mass Murder. Yep. SHUTTHEFUCKUP— [does.] Jesus Christ, what is his power? JESUS Don't ask me. Only he knows. Only he knows. HE DOESNT KNOW. But she does. Okay look. What. Look. ‘Skrillex and Supacree Scrap turned Barroom Brawl' ...no. “NO?” [Looks: it's bad] Imma have that ® Goddamn it, don't. Don't do what Make that face. Agh. Or that one. Ufff. This is a scuffle. Who let him in here. They beat the shit out of each other, with bass, and bassball bats. I thought it was theatrics! Insomniac has incredible production value!!!! [brutal Bloody murder] Bass heads: AGAHAHAJABSNAKAJAABDKSMA SNSKAOZJSNSLALZKS—- #All that. Kenna & Kel? Yeah broh!! Live Set?! yah broh!! SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE SET ooh, what's this. BITCH. [LIZ LEMON] PICK UP YOUR SKRILLEX. *obnoxious super drunk fart* (Especially, for a woman!) Hey/-! You can't say that! You can't not say that!! WHAT DOES EQUALITY MEAN? gross man farts— FLATULENCE GREATER-THAN, Stop this joke. OR EQUAL TO Okay. —SKRILLEX!!!!!!! Get out, now. I got it. —- Ext. Boston, Massachusetts. Day SUPACREE [A / DJ] ‘SKRILLEX' is an extraterrestrial entity which manifests variously through specific forces, subjects, and beings. Though masking her true identity, CC STONE, the chosen secret identity of the mysterious SUPACREE, has been in hiding, though knowingly under conspicuous monitoring. SKRILLEX uses telepathy, as to remain intractable to the extent of normal human capacity, or even the most advanced technology, to continue evading the various government entities and agencies seeking to study this ‘intangible energy'. Having become a guiding force and ‘imaginary friend' of SUPACREE, masquerading as unassuming and low-key traveler ‘CC', the pressures of dark forces arise in the form of hostility, which SKRILLEX combats quietly, most recently, silently. After decoding a specific series of dream sequences projected post-consciously, ‘CC', wrought with anxiety, contemplates secretly relocating, anticipating more terrorism from her own home country; She begins formulating a way to escape further being targeted secretly. TImelines begin intercepting, as NATALIE from DEATHWISH is contemplating jumping from the 6th story of the same apartment building; CC/SUPACREE considers this, but focuses on a positive solution more diligently, meditating. Upon returning to her studio, CC begins cleaning and, although she's only just finished eating, begins preparing another meal to eat; As the energy moves around her, she begins to move automatically; now fully aware of SUPACREE's shifting abilities. She submits in silence, sighing in relief as a greeting. SKRILLEX Listen to me. CC I'm always listening. SKRILLEX I am leaving. CC pauses in silence; The room is grey and empty; Then, she remembers something. ‘The Skrillex Project' was intended to be temporary. | Oh please, there is no Skrillex. Of course there's a Skrillex. No, there isn't. There is, you're just limited. Of course I'm limited; look at this. Look at this place! What happened here? This is it, since it...shifted. Shifted? What the fuck does that mean? The polarity. "Polarity" ? --And, that planet is off of its axis entirely. Entirely? Are you just repeating everything? "Everything?!" This is ridiculous. It is. Skrillex is Ridiculous. Say that three times. No. Do it. No way. Just say it. No way, man, I'm not summoning Skrillex. It was your idea. I changed my mind! Pussy! I was just kidding! I didn't think we were actually gonna do it. Come on dude, just say it, just say it! No way. One of you say it! No way! Fuck it, I'll say it. NO! Fuck that! Oh, fuck you guys. It's not like it's going to work, anyway. It might! And then what? Nothing's going to happen, I'll prove it. Skrillex is Ridiculous Skrillex is Ridiculous Skrillex is Ridicu--- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. The lights come on, the boys stare at eachother in confusion and disbelief; the sound of loud footsteps as someone coming down the stairs enters the basement they are gathered in. Sonny, only slightly startled, unassumingly looks up at the group of preteens, and seems for the most part unbothered. Hey guys. The boys just stare. Oh my God. What? You're Skrillex! Yeah but-- RUN!! Three boys from a separate dimension have caused their own "nonexistence"; in their own reality, Skrillex (which can literally be an ambiguation of anything, If everything is everything and so forth) does not exist, and his his actual existence is thought to be fictional, historically misrepresented, or inaccurate--being told as an urban legend How long after the first scene is this happening? Well, I mean...I don't know. Well, we know these kids come from SIR; Technically, but I think this happens before SIR has been established, since upon returning home, they all know Skrillex is real, spreading the story among the skeptics and being exhausted after Skrillex, looking for somebody stumbles through their dimension and gets trapped in it, quickly gaining a global cult following,coining the term "Skrillex is real", eventually leading to Skrillex, Isreal. Which I guess makes sense. It makes sense! The neighbor kids again? Yeah. ____ Get this: they changed the word "slave", to "employee"; bit it still works the same! Oh man! And I mean, they get paid, but they have to pay their wages back to basically the same companies the money came from… You're kidding. I'm not. I wish I was. This is fucked--(up) This is fucked up. I mean, the people on this continent aren't even eating, so I mean. Woaaaahhh, whaaaaat. I know, it's the whole place. But it's mostly this "United States", it's full of baby rapists and run by these... white supremacy people, and they raise cows just to make “steak”. Woah. Right? And the slaves just take it, they pay for everything they make! She's gonna be so mad when she sees this. Don't tell her. We have to; they just planned an entire pandemic, and it's entire purpose-- What is Purpose? --in this country, it's currency. "Currency?' what is "currency"? The Legend of SupaCree follows an involuntary “hero” on her adventures, after her powers become unlocked; Now, she must join forces with the other DJ's to Save The Rave. _____ SupaCree refuses to tell anybody anything. (After Pre-edc scene) oh dude, that's a lot. It is a lot. She still hasn't told her mom you're “Skrillex” Ugh, no. And she makes me shop at K-Mart every time we go over there. You got that at K-Mart? It's nice. Yeah. Where did you find a K-Mart? ______ Where is “Earff”? _____ Bampheramph training is considered complete once the trainee “stops crying”, thus begins the official recruitment process, which includes but is not limited to reaching various ‘extremes', which differ by context. ____ Every red cup is just Another broken heart, Another broken dream, Another broken record, Playing on repeat … … … Wheres my Skrillex? Which-- So, Skrillex… You can call me Sonny. ...Skrillex... O...kay… [She squints suspiciously at him and jots something down in her notebook.] ____ So, do you use Serato, or Rekordbox? Neither I just [Demonstrates] What the fuck does that even mean? It means you can [Demonstrates] 1____1 How is he doing this? Magic. I'm not going to fight for him. Do you honestly think this is happening to anybody else? Maybe. Honestly? Infinite. Infinite Skrill-- Infinite fucking everything. I'm not about to try to explain it. So what are you going to do? I don't know. The worlds gone mad she is, but she's not a man. She's trapped in a casket Can't listen to the map And can't imagine he'll ever come back Jag parked, smogs bad and she has a plan But can't get past the magnet Magic has its way of making things go crazy Why don't you just--& Oh what? Have my people call his people? Something like that His peopl I had a dream About a tent About a temporary tenant This christmas, its Resentment, Tension And whatever this is… Oh yes, "This is Skrillex…" wayward Hey. Hey. So, uh. So. What's wrong with you? ....what? What's wrong. Whats...wrong? --With you. SupaCree summons Skrillex. Skrillex. Stop it. Fuck you. Skrillex. Seriously, stop You stop. Skrillex-Skrillex-Skriooex o Oh no Just stop. In the parallel where… SŪpAcree has become a disastrously egotistic and diva-like superstar, we see she is in this world, outwardly bitter, rather angry and despondent, having learned to capitalize best not being herself. A young intern helps to prepare an event; His trainer, an astute and rigid stage manager, after finishing a series of detailed questions about the theatrical performance and it's various attendees-+ leaves the intern alone for "just a minute" handing them her clipboard as she hurriedly rushes elsewhere. The intern scans the clipboard, flipping the front page over to reveal a hidden note. Taking the initiative (trying to be assertive in the newly appointed position), asks nervously... ...And what about Skrillex? Who? Skrillex. Who the fuck is that? Its...Skrillex. Tell me who that is. Uh… Go ahead. The intern stands, frightened at her anger. The stage manager returns. _______________ I hate this shit, it isn't fair. It isnt Wheres my phone? __ Woah. You did all this for Skrillex. Pretty much. Yeah. I guess. Yep. Wow. Okay. You would. (I did) Burn it. What? Fuck that! Ughhhhh. No. Sonny/fictional skrillex: Do you know why ai put you in this fucked up dimension? Me: WHAT? YOU DID THIS? NO--WHY--?? Sonny: So you could get your shit together. Me: well, that's fucked up. S/FS: I DID NOT think it would take this long Me: well, how long is it supposed to take? S/FS: I don't know… Me: ...well, how long does it usually take? S/FS: So wait; You guys from the future-- Fathomable future. Uh-huh Have seen the show? Yes. My show. Mm-hmm. / Well then, how does it start? ----------------------------- I already told you, no. Yes. I'm not going to Skrillex. You have to go. No. What the fuck is NO. I'm not going. WHAT? What. You have to go. Who says? We do. Okay. Okay. [beat] Who the fuck are you? OOH, ARE WE STILL BLEEPING OUT THE SKRILLEX? Yes. Sonny Sonny Sonny Sonny Sonny Sonny Sonny You so Funny Funny Funny Funny Funny Funny Funny Do you Love me Love me Love me Love me Love me Love me Love me I'm so Ugly Ugly Ugly Ugly Ugly Ugly Ugly And I'm nothing Without you Was this a song? Probably. Looks like a song. Seems like a song to me. Nobody should ever hear this. Define…”nobody” The Song has become a number 1 hit radio sensation. What the fuck is my life. What the fuck is your life. I don't know what the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuuuuuuck . Speak of the devil— (Terrified) what? Dillon Francis is here? What? No—it's just Skrillex, he's just...here to collect. What?! What, dude—Skrillex is your plug? Uhhh. For what? Where else am I gonna get premium space bass? Aaahh Gasp I knew it! I knew something about you was really Skrilly. Hella Skrilly. *doorbell rings* Ok, no Skrilly in front of the— He is magically just, suddenly inside. In front of the what? The two stand starry eyed in amazement. ...hey… X2: hey… Should we step outside? Oh, come in— —I did. I see that. (Lol )Right in He did that. He always does. This...transaction is private. It's fine. You guys are alright—maybe—breathe a little— —large gasp, has not been breathing since Skrillex...what did he even do. He like, apparated No—apps—no. There's no fire. He didnt apostate. Alright then, teleport. That silently? Yeah, I mean teleportals also are like: —actual teleportal, which is a huge, very not quiet, black hole like vacuum with lots of colors, lots of light— Oh. Well, how did he get in, then? He shifted. “What the fuck is Shiffted!?” The SupaCree and The Skrillex share these commonalities: *S13 (13th power ) —- Dude! I got the key! You got the key, yeah, it's one of these. A bunch of keys in a wheelbarrow. Dude. What. The fuck. I don't know! I just know, she told me the key was on the key ring WHAT keyring dyde?! This is just a wheelbarrow full of KE*T! [wheelbarrow full of ketamine] AHEM. *wheelbarrow full of keys!! (He produces a heavy chain which appears to (not really) link the keys together We...keychain. —Meanwhile— God deletes all the Florida Keys—except for one— _________________________ I will not “go” to the “Skrillex Reddit” Go to that place. No way. We are going to the internet for ONE thing—and one thing only. “We are gonna skate to one song, and one song only. BALL SO HARD MOTHERFUCKERS WANNA—“ No. One thing. Yes, I thought it was Skrillex. We never go online for Skrillex. Okay. Not even shopping. Alright, let's go. You don't even know what we're going for I hope he hears this She says “I hope he makes it” And by she, I mean me And I've been prayint for a way to try to say this stuff— Spit it out Turn it up— Woah...okay! Okay what? What are you gonna do with all this Skrillex? Uh… …? …Just throw it out. Throw it out!? Yep. Why would you do that? *Shrugs* Don't need it. Don't need it!? Yeah, I just said that. Are you serious? Yes. Throw it out. No way. If you're gonna do that…I'll take it! You want it? W--Fuck yeah! For what? I don't know. I'll think of something. Okay. Yeah? Yeah...whatever. Yes! ...okay….Just--come help me lift this. “The Great Big Book of Skrillex” This...is just an Encyclopedia. ...you bought encyclopedias? I needed them for my library. ...you have a library? It isn't finished yet. It isn't...finished…? Not yet. They're installing the elevator. There's an elevator? Of course there's an elevator; it just doesn't get to the library. Yet. I meant— Come on. What did you do to my house ? Well, after I put the fire out— What fire? The main one. —there were, of course, several smaller fires— What The Hell? And now there's just that one. A fireplace? When did I get a fireplace? Well, I needed an easier way to get in and out. —where does it go? Out the chimney. —wait, did you just say “in and out”? That sounds good. I wish they had a vegetarian menu. French Fries? Uh huh. Is that it? I think so. —Meanwhile— GIVE ME ALL OF YOUR SAUCE. Ohhh, get ketchup. Sorry, we're out of ketchup. Out of ketchup? Yes. Okay, can I just have special sauce then? We are out of sauce. What. Every sauce? All The Sauce. GODDAMMIT DILLON FRANCIS. I hope this isn't like the Skrillex thing. We're still under the limit. Kick it. Obscured by a plume of misty light gray clouds, an entire city is enamoured and mystified by a mysterious force, as The Skrillex lands on earth, from deep space. __ Ah, it's gonna be like this again. “kliptown empyrean” Kliptown with a K-- Ooh, lets move to Korea Town! Wait. (bass) ___ ___ ___ ___ Remember the birds? I remember everything. No, you don't (hey) I remember everything. (Hey) That's great What's this? A wedding ring What's a “wedding ring”? Let me explain. Hey, I just might be a writer Hey, This happens every day-- This makes me crazy. Hey, This is the time and place What is “time”? Let me explain. Hey, This is what being a writer means; It means the typing comes out lyrically and everything is rhythmic; but recitation makes interpretation Different Oh, I get it; It's blank. No names, I'm saying Anyone who wants to say the line can say it, If it makes sense. __ So, you're telling me; I can go anywhere in the world… Yes. Anywhere in the-- Paris. I'm not quite white enough. Nobody cares, it's-- 10 karats. Delicious. No, it's--karats, it's a measurement. Why would you bring melatonin to this event? I have problems sleeping. Why would you fall asleep at a RAVE. Why? I'm still sleeping. I'm still needing attention; Why didn't you just leave me? Just leave me! Just leave! Just-- Adjust. ...have you seen this? What is it? It's a galaxy. No it isn't. It's about to be. No it isn't, it's just-- “Let's blow this popsicle stand” MOM!!! (((WOW))) What happened? I don't know, it just ended. What do you mean “it just ended?” It did, it just-- MOTHERFUCKER! What? Well, here come The Men In Black... and Skrillex. (Ohh, I get it.) ((You should get it, you're the one writing it.)) Oh shit, did you just say Skrillex-- Yeah, Skrillex-- Did someone just say-- DON'T say it again. Please. I gotta go. Go?! Go where? If he's here, i”m late-- Late for WHAT? Your set is in 10 minutes! No, it isn't, it's in 9. (It's Twelve, actually) This isn't it, is it? This is it. Then where's Skrillex? Skrillex? Skrillex!!! GODDAMMIT. S Ū P A Skrillex gives me angina. [SKRILLEX = ANGINA.] I —And vertigo. S Ū P A And now, vertigo— and I only recently found out what that even is. ME I'm so sick of Skrillex MYSELF —Sick of Skrillex— I I hate Skrillex. CUT TO: SKRILLEX SKRILLEX: ...okay, fuck this. S Ū P A C R E S Fuck this motherucker! SKRILLEX; Fuck this job. S Ū P A C R EE I— HATE HIM— SKRILLEX —I hate this. S Ū P A FUCK THIS SHIT. SKRILLEX ...fuck this shit. S Ū P A I AM OUT. [SKRILLEX just leaves.] -!!!- THE END. I love what you did with the tectonic plates. Thanks. And the bubonic plague. Well, you can't just throw poop in the streets. Humans! ___ Skrillex?! Wait, seriously, Skrillex? We have Skrillex. You do?! Of course we do! Don't be ridiculous! Skrillex. Skrillex is ridiculous. Skrillex is ridiculous, yes. ___ Skrillex and Dillon Francis fight for the win, as they battle for their "biggest fan" and vets*bets are placed to see which 'body of work' is completed first. BODY OF WORK. I said. That--that's my entry. So. It doesn't matter, anyway. I've got more scenes. Of course you've got more scenes, it's more cost effective. She's got a sick business model. Oh yeah, where's this 'business model?' It's at your mom's house. (Good, she's very organized) (Yeah, I bet.) (...how much?) -------- Skrillex is ridiculous. Skrillex is ridiculous, yes. ___ Chak Chel, I'm almost done with the list-- Then where are you? I'm...on my way back, I'm just having a little trouble understanding the last thing on the list, it just says - Skrillex-??? Yes. Like...the person? Precisely. ...what do you want me to get from Skrillex? Just go get him. ...and then what? Bring him here. What! His head springs up toward the sky. Looking directly "at God" You want me to bring him to you? I don't think that's a good idea! Of course it's a good idea, Dillon. It's my idea. What the fuck. Don't give me your fucks right now, I don't have time, Dillon. Just go- How am I supposed to explain this? One thing at a time. [She hangs up him; he looks at his phone, scrolled through his contacts, and dials a number.] Hello, you've reached Skrillex; We are reviving more calls than we can answer at this time. Your call is very important- Please hold, and your call will be answered in the order it was received. Soft music begins to play. What the fuck. Your estimated wait time is: One hour and, fifteen minutes. The music resumes. …wow. He places the phone into a holster over the dash and programs his navigation to a location on the map, (Later) >>you had ONE job. I had a lot of jobs, actually--i was even a firefighter, at one point-- ONE JOB. That was a long list! Why do you ask? This man, who is he? SUPACREE has been procrastinating telling SONNY anything about anything; However, Everything is Everything. SUPACREE Listen, Skrillex told me something-- SONNY Skrilllex?! You talked to Skrillex?! Where is he?! SUPACREE Look, I don't know exactly. But it said SONNY It's a “he” SUPACREE ...he said--and I mean like like, really really clearly-- SONNY What'd he say? SUPACREE “I am leaving.” SONNY ...He said that? SUPACREE That's what he told me. SONNY I knew it. SUPACREE Wait, you knew?! SONNY I always knew. ...what part is this? I guess this is the part before we go into that whole backstory? What whole backstory? Which--backstory? How Sonny met Skrillex. Oh! Wait, wha--? THE END ________ J3SŪS Pïzz∆. The Diva SupaCree and the Egomaniac Skrillex are the worst possible combination of people possible. [Note* Because she has gained worldly powers through weath and fame, she has no Spirit magic, making her cosmic creation ability react randomly in heightened states of panic,anger, and tantrums--whuch often result in the uncontrolled (and unexplainable, mostly) accidental shits through time and reality, usually working in her favor, however feeding the fire which continues to consune her soul with the worldly evils of capitalism. A large dark and ominous karmic justification, less of her actions than by her attitude, is set in place to manage her habits, resetting her on the path to saving humanity.] This version of SupaCree is overly confident, sometimes pompous, in love with herself (even in the mirror, as her Omnipotence and awareness grows stronger in the other bodies of her collective conciousness.) Being enabled to do whatever she wants, she begins hosting large scale productions, flaunting other the top and sometimes nonsense "showing-offs" , even going as far as to hire an entire lineup of the worlds Top DJs just to watch her preform, giving 3 VIP tickets away to another concert, where they are escorted from yo her set to preform as spotlight artists, after having insures that they would bomb on stage--beginning as a Rap Battle, where she totes a Golden and rhinestone hammer, which she uses as a prop--but as the cosmic power from within acts with intention the hammer takes on a life of its own, controlled by the telekieisi of the princess through another dimension; after the hammer eliminates the X and Dillon Francis, Pasqualle (actually Dillon Francis) is spotted out in the front row, and ousted as a time unraveling fraud of conciousness, then transforming into a gavel, this beginning the judgement of the above-ground portal of punishment, as it plunges the party goes into dungeons and alternate dimensions as The Diva SuoaCree and The Egotistical Skrillex basically battle to the eventual death of thousands instantly, as they "beat the fuck out if eachother with bass" collapsing the mainstage and sinking through a giant Rabbit Hole as the San Andreas fault line begins the apocolyse as depicted in 2012, Arriving in Hell, creating a second stage inside the Rave Cave Satan Created--where they have the CRAZIEST raves. While the battle between good and evil has officially begun, as the intergalactic space race to locate the planet at the exact right time space, era, and age becomes reckless, creating voids in space, creating a now expanding outward compressing inward collapsing contraction, the Multiverse and it's ever expanding realms are collapsing and colliding as reality shatters, a concept concivable by the extra terrestrials of advanced conciousness and evoked evolution--but it's hell-meets- heaven on earth as portals between worlds, basically, the best, most horrifying lazer light show in history, allowing fictional characters and science fiction to become reality,as worlds collide into one. The humans trapped in a eaveless covid 19 are blissfully ignorant, raving at home--meanwhuke the world, while also fighting a war where literally anything goes and everything is everything, as the laws of physics or any science ever apply. The occult magicians are at an advantage, able to harness the magic of the changing alignments, as the Ascended Masters plans to move the planet, keeping it out of the Global Government pact between the Intergalactic Planetary Waste Management and specifically The United States, as the evil Government--the same that launched the multiple attacks on both the Original Cree, SupaCree and The pSupaCree, still hatching plans within it's branches ran by white suprimisests and cult leaders or religious and prestigious organizations of protected traffickers, drug lords, and other evil rich people who continue to work towards the irreversible, certain and complete death, from which she cannot ressurect. The certain death SupaCree results in a I TOLD you she would be here! No WAY (At Skrillex) Whose that guy? WOOOOOOAAAHHH. ...Did you get it? After this, we're done--right? No more of this sh- Did you get the Laptop? *Sighs* Yeah, man--I…Yeah. It's right here. Good. None of this is "good", okay--this is the total opposite of "good", this is *not* good. It's ruining her life. You agreed. I didn't think it would go this far--I mean--Everything? Everything is Everything. Where is it? ...it's...here. *sets it down on the table* K. Now get out. (He puts his hands up mockingly) yeah dude, I'm out. We're like, good, right--? Like, I don't need anymore bad karma-- Oh, now you wanna be "good" You know what I meant. This is fucked up. She prays for you. Maybe now she'll realize she should be praying *to* me. *Befuddled, over it* Alright dude, good luck with...whatever…Just...Don't call me anymore. When have I ever called you directly? Just don't. He walks away, bursts out of the front doors frustratedly. Leaving the lair, Dillon is snatched, scary kidnapper style. Trying to reach the plug; it goes to voicemail, then immediately recieves a text. Sorry, my schedule's pretty hectic. I got class all day and then I'm going out of town. Ok. Sorry love. Damn...now what am I supposed to...huh Later Guy: well, I don't have any of that here, but what about this? He pulls out a Skrillex (after we are introduced to the dimension where the Skrillex becomes a popular device--but much like a googleflab (from Rick and Morty), it has many ambiguous uses. her eyes light up, as the Skrillex begins to glow. Oh...that…? Does it bother you? ...um… Go ahead. I...uh...I can't. You can't? Well why not? I just don't...really… Skrillex anymore. Why not? Everybody loves Skrillex. ...Yeah. C'mon. Try It Out. (Oh, God.) (('Oh God' WHAT? I'm busy.)) (((Go, quickly, please.))) I think...I think I'll skip that. What, are you trying to be a nun? ...Uh… Angel: you'd be a terrible nun. ...uhhh... Angel 2: shuttup. Hey. No? Suit yourself. It's here if you change your mind. ...Thank... you. The man walks away, and she lets out a slight sigh of relief. Angel: Don't be a pussy! What are you doing here? Angel: Telling you to STFU. I didn't say anything. Angel: SKRILLEX THE FUCK UP. Wow. Angel: Be a man! I'm not. Skrillex! No. Angel No? What's no? Skril--!! Angel 2: shutthefuckup. Thank you. Angel: what?! Angel 2: Ignore him; listen to me. Acceptable. Angel 2: You need Skrillex. Unacceptable. Angel: what, why? What is wr--(ong with you?) Angel 2: shhht! Look, this is important. Who sent you… ? They point "up". You're going to have to be a little more specific than that. Skrillex first, specifics later. Nokay. Both: NOKAY!? I don't--do that anymore. We know, look--just--youre not thinking clearly right now. I need you to focus. Focus how? Janie didn't even pick up the phone, I haven't heard from her all summer. How am I supposed to focus without-- Skrillex. Stop it. No, that's Fisher. Both: Shuttup. No, you Shuttup. Both up you shut the fuck-- ! Say it again. I'm past that part of my life. Technically, your Death. Yes, so let me rest in peace, please, without Skrillex. There is no peace without Skrillex. That makes, the opposite of sense. Just--look--its--You want to finish your project, right? I'll finish it… In this lifetime? Oh, now I'm alive--I thought I was dead. Uh-huh. Since when? Since S-- *flustered* Say it again. Shove it. And tell Satan-- WOAH. Simoltaneously Satan!? Oh please, fuck that guy--! You think we came from Satan? Well, Obviously. Oh, honey… Dude, I'm an angel. I have wings! Of course you do. Like Satan doesn't own Stocks at Red Bull. Christ. (Which one?) ((Jesuses: Not it! Jesus: Aha JINX. You owe me a Piñot Ah, Goddamn. God: WHAT did you just say? Jesuses: NOTHING. Jesus: Jinx! Jesus: Aahh--G--)) Christ is right. You got us confused, honey. We came from the other side. To feed me Skrillex? Uh, false. Begone, demons. You really don't--we're trying to help you. I don't need help. You do need Skrillex. You need Jesus. NOT IT. Angel 2: wait, which one? Now you're gonna have to be more specific. I specifically quit Skrillex. Now, leave me alone. You're not alone-- No, that's Marshmello. Shut. Up. Simoltaneously Stoooooopitttt. Ok fine. I guess I'll just-- Jesus walks in I got a call for 'Christ', and then a second one for "Jesus" did you need-- Jesus! Jesus? Oh, wait-- Jesus? Oh my God. I wouldn't bother her right now, she's kind of busy. Bet. Oh, no thank you. I don't gamble. Addictive personality. Christ. Huh, what? What's up? A beat. They all stand quietly (though Ū is the only one visible to the shop owner, who has returned with Pizza. I got pizza! Nice. Oooh! Jesus: Ah, what? I want some…wait, only she can see us, right? Yeah. Solid. Yo, I want a slice of pizza. What kind is it? Whispering to jesus: I don't know! Shop owner: don't know what? Or, what did you say? I didn't hear you. She awkwardly stares forward speechlessly, overwhelmed by the two angels and Jesus directly behind her. Don't just stand there! Say something. Uh. What uh, what kind...is it? Pineapple,pepperoni, jaleneño. Ew. What the fuck-- And we're from Hell? I know Who's this guy? I don't work for Satan, you work for Satan! Jesus: Grab me a slice homie, if I gotta fight the Devil again, I mean--he doesn't look like Satan, but--you never know these days. Really? Make it two. hah. YOLO. Hah. Just kidding. Shop owner: come get a plate. *he gestures to the Skrillex, which glowingly levitates hovering above the countertop, whirring.* You sure you don't want any of this? That? No. That--uhh--i'll just have Pizza. You sure? Skrillex is great with pizza. It is. Jesus: Awh, what? Skrillex? I love Skrillex. *She squints through her sunglasses* The shop owner hands her a plate, she dishes out two slices, as the angels and Jesus bicker beside her; she stands deflatedly, uncertain of her seemily collapsing reality. She presents the plate towards jesus, who looks up from his argument with the angels, enamoured by the Pizza. Jesus: OoOoh yeahhhh. Sprinkle some Skrillex on it. She looks at the Skrillex, which has now started to vibrate and emit a sparkling silver cloud around it. Shop owner: change your mind? No, I just-- gotta-- The Skrillex starts whirring more loudly. She side eyes it confusidely, and shudders. Are you ok? (Echos, until she hears her own voice, exclaiming--) FLASHBACK: *GASP* ARE YOU OKAY? Her eyes widen. I'll be right back. She turns swiftly towards the bathroom; Jesus and the Angels are waiting, cooly and nonchalantly in front of the bathroom doors. As she shoves a paper plate at Jesus, she swings the bathroom door shut-- Jesus: Didja do the Sprinkles? The angels jump as the door slams. Jesus is unmoved, excited for pizza. The male angel shakes his head with a disgusted look on his face. You're a sick man, Jesus. (As he bites into a slice of pizza) hah. Thats what Pontiius Pilot said. Mmm. In the bathroom, Ū panics as she over thinks, sitting on the toilet hunched to think. She lets out a sigh, and as she looks up, realizes Jesus and the Angels directly in front of her, jesus still quite enjoying his pizza. ...Can I help you? We're here to help you. I didn't call for help. Uh, actually,you called me two times. I mean--not *just*-- Are you eating in the bathroom dude? Agh gross… I'm here to answer your prayers, I didn't know anyone had been listening to mine. ...what, dude, you pray for Pizza? Among other things. If I pray for you to leave, will you leave me alone? Prayers are answered in the order in which they are received. Wait, how many light-years did it take you to ressurect? ...light-years…? What?! Oh dang. She doesn't know. Oh, shit--should I have said "Spoiler Alert"? I feel like that's the least Jesus thing you can ever say. Not quite--and not that it matters. I served my time as Messiah. They didn't believe me, 2,000 years later… Nobody believes. Have you read the Bible? Oh, God. Oh, hardly. Oh, please. Wow, okay. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Can [ Skrillex]? I don't think that's a good idea. What's an idea? What would be the point? There is no point,I just want to. Why? It's not as if you haven't already, over and over. It still sounds good. So good you'd really put yourself through how bad it feels? (Like child birth) ((Like Ego Death)) (((Like, Love)) No, I don't know love. You don't? I know what love is. I know what I feel Emotion is the key… How do you feel? Like I want to listen to… What is your favorite album? Specifically, as it pertains to-- Explaining makes it worse, trying to clarify as if you haven't been thinking about it for at least a minute, suggests you know what I mean. What is a minute? A measurement, increments of seconds--60 makes a second. What is a second? I don't know that measurement. I know it's milliseconds, that make up a second,but they're so shirt, nothing really matters. A seco d is short enough. How short? Longer than an instant, but...that's about it. Well, then--whats an instant? Theoretically speaking, the space between nothing and something. So, an occurance of something? Or rather, as something occurs. What happens in an instant? Anything can happen in an instant. Anything? Anything. Like what? I believe, an instant--would set a point at which something occurs, or becomes an instance. Right here, right now Right here! Right now! --right then. All instances, at different places in time. But an instant means,that it happened quickly. Right here, Take a right--on Thyme. I need thyme Instant Sk-- I don't think this is getting better. I don't see it getting any worse. () He's alive was all that mattered fir a moment, but strangely, really, even as this evolves into an almost unbreable soul sweltering-- Soul-swealtering? Yeah. Why that? Because it's not soul crushing. I know that feeling all too well. It's like a. Wait, you can feel your soul? Ugh, yeah. I would hope so. ...what? Or maybe that's The Reason The Reason (Oh please, I couldn't even listen to it right now if wanted to. ) ((Oh, shit I really want to)) (((What was that, even? A panic attack?)) Something. And that's--why I hate myself so much. This sensitivity inside others don't seems to have. That shit hurt. Hurt how? On so many levels. Levels Avicii. Rock N' Roll Well, there's the Straight Razor you've been asking for--two of them, actually right on top of the Bible. Hey, how's that bible coming along? The one I wrote, started in,or Directed? That's… DEEP. (It isn't, that deep.) Hell? The pain. Okay, that shit is deep. Sometimes, I feel like this… whatever is trapped in this body I hate so much, just needs to fly. It really does hurt now, like all the time--sometimes is not as bad--like that panic attack, or a hyperventilation-- Okay, I need to Skrillex. Need? Need? Or, want? At this point, both, think? Why? Because if anything I intentionally set myself spinning was getting to the end of this endless River of-- Elysian Park. The lovers. Pink floyd. Chak Chel's tree. And the animated movie, where Chak Chel was just a "retard, maybe? I don't know" or something dragged along by her brothers who just wanted to party, but end up accidently leaving her and she just keeps time traveling using her magic of nature through water and eventually meeting with The Skrillex when the thing was just a tiny thing that whirred around repeating things and making certain sounds no one would hear for--wait which human era, or where is the thing that came from the Dimisionb where the SuoaCree and Skrillex on the mantle, or the dresser of the Scientist or something who invented these two intricate pieces of alien technology, so artfully and intricately desiged and allinged neatly by the window, where The Skrillex was still sleeping and he didn't even see The SupaCree leaving, alternately it was SupaCree who slept while The Skrillex crept out of the window, gettinng swept up by the giant thing I haven't really even seen, cause it's so big, so big that people just say "wait what is that thing" as it just sweeps the galaxy collecting all these interesting anomolies in space it's LSDream's infinitely expanding vast of bigger-than-a-planet massive thing repeats the phrases from the renegades of light while both expanding and colliding space in time and music side by side and while Bampheramphs and Psychonaughts like Dorothy all collide with other psychedelic fictions of our time which, by the way reminded by the way the Raven's like a writing desk, cause RAven's helping write is and The spider is the plug, a bug and chArlotte lost her mind when in somewhere around Christmas time I sang to silver bells and the vibrations aligned as only time would tell my that I still like to harmonise, and I remember when my cousins in the car who couldn't hear the harmony when we would sing to bars of gospel music, people like to spend their time in bars but I'd just rather look at shooting stars, and stars inside the eyes of drunken stars as I fly, a shooting star as I was stricken by a guy whose name which I refuse to write, but I'd excersise in time with an album that I like, or rather that I love and that's just what it is, I love the man no matter what but wonder what he thinks of someone so fucked up that has nothing someone who has and does everything genius mind mastering magic of music in the least, but I think I just might be obsessed with this celebrity; apparently however, everytime I close my eyes, to pray or meditate, or enter dreams, or take a trip eating anything, actually--just when I do anything it's Sorry Sorry Sorry just forgive me for being me, that's the album that I planned to do one day cause r can double as an n, I've said the n word 37 times, at least I don't know why that number but I hope I just don't have to be this stupid Dillon Francis fan who writes about the stupid things that nobody really watches DJs like I do, but I do cause I used to want to am a I might be a superstar DJ, like I need to be my DJS favorite DJ and the truth detector reads the truth when Supacree finally obliges the bad guys who keep asking who the TimeKeeper who holds the key and I guess that's right on time, as perfect timing binds the Triverse that she is together in the never ending, she'll just keep on searching for her buddy, or her best friend, or her hubby, whatever's possible possibly anything as magic brings about the rounds of tragedy collapsing fabrics planets lands and galaxies, dimensions where ascended Masters have to lead the good to defeat evil, SupaCree reset the balance as she laughs with Dillon Francis and she leaves The Skrillex stranded a galaxy with Sonny, as she sees it, cause she doesn't see--its easier that way, but out of mind he cannot be as she's combined with her devine a d has omnopitient exsistance as she visits with the people of her planet in a distant galaxy after the Apocolyltiic shit that just collapsed and vanish just begins, an intermission and an interview session where suggestions of the clips and flashbacks give the population of the planet, none of which are racist, having given all the bad away to Satan, which is fake because she made it up And nothing isn't nothing, Jimmy Fallon fucking loves it cause it's just a peaceful place where no one else can bother him and now it all makes sense, but it isn't the end because it's infinite, like infinite like "isn't this just a about one thing?" But everything happened in an instant, so the clips could go in any order, or we just delete it--bht she can't delete the Skrillex and she hyperventilates as she remembera something makes something makes something happen if you just change your perception to it had to be a positive then lost as fuck is really on the way to "here it is" and "where is skrillex" is the significance of what it is to be significant...it's intricately vivid and colorful, these visions, it's been just a year right now but Ive been learning from somewhere that an instant here is eternities in other places I have reached And "what did getter do?" Is being answered in the frequencies and I don't really care, I'd rather die then live inside a world that doesn't think a damned creating new things all the time but finds attractive pictures in a screen and scrolls and scrolls to like it and he just might cheat if she looks just like her profile right, but does she ever--all the filters for the catfish, tastes like dirt and nothing's worth it if I work this hArd to barely be an urchen on the giant animal, whatever urgens like to pasaste And I am just a person on the other side of paradice I go through all these places on the westside where I've died a thousand times, I don't know why I like it, that's just my life and I like to like my life, but life's expensive when it's nice and I could write all this and never get attention which is fine but I am writing this and never making money, that ain't right I don't really like the money, I just wanna sleep in side. I don't really hate my country, but I'm a vet that died because I said I'd run for president and someone in the white supremacy movement tried to have me killed not once or twice, but by the time I finally tried myself, they didn't even try to pump mys stomach in the white run republican undiscovered bleeding heart, the state that I was born in, which THe Skrillex digs in record time to find Chak Chel inside the SupaCree and then it flies away as Cree before the supaCree cries as she tried to figure out the how and why the mother ship is on the other side And she can her someome tell her to get inside and wonders how the song sounds like a skrillex set, like he was playing live inside her bluetooth set as she just tries to find it, cause it was her spofity, but sounds like all these sounds from guys that she admires dropping bass in side her mind and he was wasted, more than wasted, more than wasted at the time after she died and he was thrown into the world that did collide, the bird that really liked the boy who shot her and the microscope the scientist is eyeing is the scene in black and white and all this writing might be nothing like the points in any time where I'm just running on like raven does, and satalites find wall e and the SupaCree while dancing And I hate the way I just hate the way I can't get it all the way organized and how would I send it to Dillon or skrillex and what if I did this and get no response not a miniscule anything to the time that I put in the time that I wasted if I'm rally just in a life where my punishment is seeing someone die by my side a thousand times and writing everything I've seen while taking time talking to God and asking just to skate his life, while I've been pleading with the devil that he trade his death for mine and I become a tye died crypt keeper with diamonds on her sythe and I'm a psycho psychic psy-something oh wait, I like psy , but I remember blasting Skrillex out my window in the night the northern lights would dance and sing as I left my volume high in 825 where I was writing things for tv screens just leaving fiending for a cigarette and I get frostbite cause I cannot buy the gloves I need, or food to eat or anything at any time, I give my life to guys like Sketti and see Dammit all the time, and I never even got to tell Feysha fucking bye but just decided I'd leave dubstep on, which no one really liked it's like 09 or something, I don't know, it was another life, the title song I'd write to Vibrate but I didn't know the vibe just might be high enough from playing bass beside the northern lights for universal occurances or the torture that this is for everything I wish to be eventually granted either by death, or by snu snu, I refuse to live through poverty when all of me died in that room where the car where the place that the time where my daughter and son died. I haven't been write ever since. The pain to work another job I hate, not worth it, to stay chained to the ex who made me hate my entire being, because everything was my fault and my fault and my fault and my mom the default resulting in the revolting ball of all the ugly bodies in the world that's just this damaged sack of whatever road I'm on, but it won't be long, now, the monkey said and the monkeys dead and the monkey is me, if the white supremacy guys talking rught--or I'm an idol that might have the thing the world needs, but it can't see cause people have eyes and I just have love in my love and my love is my art is my I just can't get off this rollercoaster ride Scatta I died . But Choppa burned down the whole ride, I only got to ride it once, but it's fine--if he's been in hell since the time of the album where I liked to fly on the luggage carts flying as I'd do a job I didn't like But that was back when I was fine with making nothing for my time Now I'm either making someone that I really really like Or I'm dying, I would love to live If I could live inside. Satan runs my mother from the other side but I am really just my mother, who can also travel time. How'd I do that Oh, I remember thinking that it might be funny to have actor Jallel White arrive in cameos as-- Fuck this. Oh right, the roomba in the room that just Honey, come home please--we are worried about you. Heaven has been calling for while now. Maybe the dimension this makes sense in is in the next realm. That's just it. There is no knowing. I'm starting to get a clearer picture of it. You said the vision was vivid. Which Vision, most Visions are vivid. This is just inside your head. It's all in my head. Occult Classic. Nice. $40 for a long sleeve. You would wear it. I would buy it if I didn't have my pride and $40 I'll apply to something else. Like flying back to the town you said you'd burn down and your ex denies but threatened that the gang he's in will kill you-- That's what you'd like, right? Death, just as long as I die. It can't be suicide, the sin that left me punishing and writing sides for Dillon Skrillex Roiland That's a glib glob So am I. The longest drive that never was, was just hallucinations, right? And Chak Chel's sweat lodge before you found the rock where all the butterflies TH3 D3VILS D3N A deal with the Devil turns into a wild goose chase through Hell, after 'ASCENSION' CROSSOVER: The Ascended Masters SunnÏ Blū Saga Soundtrack: It Father Said,Skrillex 12th Planet Secret Life of Sunnï Blū Much Ado About Sunnï Blū Something Sunnï This Way Comes The Suite Life of Sunnï Blū I don't have any love left Just bitterness See to this, Hear to this This infinite pit I live in is just Limitless, It's endless shit I should just end it I should just end it I should just end it Isn't it time we get rid of this planet Animal magnetism It ends in headonistic and satanic Black magic rituals Marilyn, you fool I see right through you Evil eyes, and all the lies Never nice,. I won't supply you with the times Miss, miss Ms. Mrs. Marilyn Moore, maybe Oh, poor me, I see That'll be the day I bleed That'll be the day I bleed That'll be the day I bleed Into the sink Or into the sea Whatever suits me You just do what you want with your body Do whatever you want with my body, When I leave it, If it's not me It's not any concious being I'm just being honest, if Honesty is the best policy And polished lips is all I see Inheritance is all it means to be free If you inherit anything, You're better off than me If you can catch a man Without a personality Just hang me loosely from a noose Upon my very favorite tree Just tie the noose around my neck Display for everyone to see Just tie the noose around my neck The best of UCLA breeds The fallen angels, wicked saints Tainted flesh, Late postmates, Mistakes and meth to make the grade My love is fading Live is faded Love is blind and Love is jaded Close my eyes, though they are shaded Those remind me of a love I wish I hated I wish I hated him I wish I dated more I wish my name was Moore But Mrs. closed the door Evil sacred magic spells A tainted, bloody wishing well Well, my friends I wish you well If I could damn myself to hell I have I never left this place. The Beginning of The End of The Infinite Skrillifiles. I thought it was infi-- “The Blue Eyed Skrillex” It was weird. Sonny's unborn son travels back from his future and winds up in a... What does he want? To go back, I'm assuming. \\ This scene? Is it written? It might be. How's this? Don't do this. I have to. ___ Oh YES—we were tie dying! Oh shit, now I remember. ___ DR Ya'll. Skrillex is an alien. OWSLA We know this. DR No, I mean-- like, for real. OWSLA Yeah. He is. Wait, Doctor WHO? Exactly. “DOCTOR WHOWSLA” (Lame.) EVERYONE We already knew that. DR No. But I mean, on some real shit-- OWSLA WE KNOW DUDE. Oh. [THE SKRILLEX (A Giant Alien Spacecraft) is Unveiled] What in the fuck sauce. [Siri Plays Duck Sauce] No, Siri--Okay, you know what? I'm not even mad. I love this. [Mini Dance Break-- Suddenly the Skrillex is activated by th--] Ohhh, I get it. Because, remember, it runs on-- Yassssss!!!! What the-- WOAH. What just happened? How'd you do that? I did not! Yes you did! It wasn't me! THE SKRILLEX: IT WAS U. Oh My God. What the fuck! This is crazy! I KNOW DUDE-- Are we terrified or astounded?! I AM SKRILLEX. AHHHH! PORQUE NO LAS DOS? THE SKRILLEX PLAYS ‘PORQUE NO LAS DOS, BY SUPACREE What is this? I love it. [Miniature Dance Break, even amidst the chaos Wait... I wrote this song. Wait--you did? This is you! Damn. That's fire. This is hot. You wrote this? Yeah, but...in the future. Wait, I thought there is no future. There has to be, Skrillex is in it. I AM SKRILLEX. Apparently, this is him. No it isn't! It is him. It has to be. But it isn't. It's him, he's just screwing with it. Who is this kid? What is she even doing here with us? She's going to help us find him. Close...but no. What do you mean? We've had several hundred experts listen-- There are several hundred ‘experts' in Skrillex. Several Thousands, more precisely, in this specific field of study, mind you. I do mind. This is a very serious matter, miss. Over it. I beg your pardon? Mind Over...Nevermind. But I do. *shrugs* Hm. The Audiobook Part II A funny series of chapters, if you can get through the burning tears of heartbreak. (Recorded January 2021) *Trigger Warning* Disclaimer: Sometimes, the truth hurts. Don't Kill Yourself. -LEAKY SPOILER BELOW- The Infinite Fandoms Are Watching Via Interdimensional Cable in Real-Time Live Action. SONNY/ SKRILLEX It wasn't me. SUPACREE Okay, Shaggy. (What the fuck is that supposed to mean?) ((All the DJ's will get it.)) SUPACREE So I guess this is not your sweater. SONNY/ SKRILLEX (Squints, guiltily lying.) No…. SUPACREE Oh, ffftt-- reat. I was only holding onto it because I thought it was yours, and actually gave a whole fuck about it. My mistake, fuck. SONNY/SKRILLEX ...right. SUPACREE So you don't mind if I just... burn it, right--? SONNY/SKRILLEX You wouldn't do that… SUPACREE Um, I might-- SONNY/SKRILLEX DON'T-- SUPACREE Don't what? Light this--not your--but completely random--sweater on FIRE? What might that do? [She flicks the bic.] SONNY/SKRILLEX STOP! SUPACREE Oh. Why Sonny? (Woah, how are these two on a first name basis?) (I told you he did it.) CUT TO: Jesus and his angels also really enjoy watching this show. Jesus has been on extended vacation for quite some time; He lounges carelessly, snacking on pizza in a cloudy, albeit, smoke-filled paradise. Two of his favorite Angels occasionally accompany him, carrying out tasks throughout the inner dimensions. JESUS Ohhhooo, Christ, I knew it. ANGEL 1 He is fucked. JESUS He's been fucked, now he's just done for. CUT BACK TO: SUPACREE Is this your sweater? SONNY/SKRILLEX (Guilty) ...it might be… SUPACREE I know it's your sweater, asshole! SONNY/SKRILLEX Ow! Okay! Fuck! [The BODYGUARD steps in.] CUT TO: Most DJs have interdimensional cable, and take guilty pleasure in watching the series unfold, sometimes working themselves to manipulate circumstances in the favor of the desired outcome. DILLON FRANCIS Oh, this Is getting W E I R D. ALLISON WONDERLAND It was always weird, now it's getting good. DEADMAU5 He is so fucked-- CUT BACK TO: BODYGUARD Hey,watch it! SUPACREE (To Bodyguard) Watch It? You watch it motherfucker! [The BODYGUARD steps back cautiously.] SUPACREE (CONT'D) My bodyguard will eat your bodyguard and--!! BODYGUARD Oh man…. FOUR TET Is that really your sweater? SONNY/SKRILLEX ...yeah… CUT TO: FANDOM How did she get his sweater!? CUT BACK TO: FOURTET Dude! How did she get your sweater? ON INTERDIMENSIONAL TV: How did she get his sweater?!!! SONNY/SKRILLEX I don't know… (I know how) SUPACREE Yeah Sonny, how did I get your sweater??? How did I do that? SONNY/SKRILLEX I--don't know! You probably stole it from my house! SUPACREE I don't even know where your house is! SONNY/SKRILLEX Google knows where my house is! SUPACREE GOOGLE KNOWS WHERE EVERYONE'S HOUSE IS. FAN She has a point. In the reality where it's a live-action, realtime gameshow: {DING} HOST A POINT! SONNY/SKRILLEX WHY ARE YOU SO OBSESSED WITH ME? SUPACREE OK, RIHANNA. {DING} HOST ANOTHER POINT! CUT TO: ARMIN VAN BUREN is watching in literally every-possible infinite dimension, via a multitude of flatscreens, within his megaship. ARMIN Damn. CUT BACK TO: SONNY/SKRILLEX Your references are outdated. SUPACREE Well so are you. Here. [She tosses his sweater at him.] DILLON FRANCIS (Leaping up, distrubed) What is she doing?! DEADMAU5 (Sipping soda smugly through a straw.) Woah, she loves that thing. SONNY/SKRILLEX What? I--I don't want it---keep it. SUPACREE I don't want it. Take it back. SONNY/SKRILLEX No! SUPACREE Okay! [She flicks the Bic, Lighting the Sleeve On Fire] SONNY/SKRILLEX. Are you STUPID? SUPACREE No, worse; I'm SKRILLEX. {DING} HOST THATS A POINT! Well, That's III. CUT TO: ALICIA KEYS is a guest star on one of the infinite television shows in which this takes place; She reprises her classic song on stage in front of a live studio audience, as the events are projected on megascreens behind her. ALICIA KEYS This girl is on FIRE!!! SUPACREE So's that sweater, isn't that significant, or something? SONNY/SKRILLEX Oh, shit--yeah--Hey-- [Emptiness] Then: A Portal Opens. The Audiobook Part III Copyright Protected by Writers Guild of America, West ‘Thieo' makes his final wish (for his truest and everlasting love) to his appointed Acceded Sorcerer; but there are trials he must endure and obstacles to be met before his wish come true— C'Esmett— A warrior princess raised to rule is on the brink of going rouge, after she is betrayed by her betrothed —her calling to become queen is imminent; yet she must overcome boundaries set by tradition, facing the powers-that-be to strengthen and master her own. Her ancient knowledge, ascended sorcery, and intrinsic healing mysticism— amongst other gifts of nature (a seer, fortune of truths; being of light) Into The Future A Divine Psychic's Reaffirmations of The Reflective Premonitions from A Life Lived Infinitely There's no doubt that I have been unbreakably and unbearably tied to the future which I once foresaw, and still oftentimes do with the reminders of each lucid love once set in place as a code, a language spoken between those of us in this realm, and those ascended beyond the duty of this existence. Though names continue to blur and confuse the true presence of either's auras. I've come to believe almost to a point of knowing the connection between myself, Dillon Francis, and Sonny Moore—Respectively and as a conglomerate the latter mentioned a fluid and translucent reflection of myself in every sense that all he is up to this point is all of what I am, and also am not. Though careless now in my regards to that of what may actually happen behind this point, there are broad visions of certainty pertaining to the realm of infinity, with the extended knowledge of what has already, and what will happen, if allowed to be so. Still, careless in the overall outcome, I can only help to wonder which circumstances I have received not in the energetic form of thought or imagination, but in the broad and astral cosmic visions of what lie ahead, as I have finally come to gracefully l accept and respect my very psychic sensibilities. Annie's just another body Men like bodies I'm just another heart, but Men like bodies We are both broken, but Men like broken bodies Broken hearts are just Impossible responsibilities Irresponsible possibilities I'm not Annie I'm not Claire, Not Marilyn Not Supacree Not Skrillex...or, Sonny Not anybody that has to be Something or anything For anybody's anything I'm nothing nothing Nothing nothing Nothing nothing Nothing nothing Sorry I'm Amy My baby, he Drops the album, goes on tour I'm crying on the kitchen floor But I'll be at the bottom Of every bottle In the eyes of every model In the smile of every dancer Behind every mirror Today and tomorrow All this impossible Irresponsible, improbable Honorary God-awkward Opera of songs is Converted to a catalogue I'm sorry I bothered Don't knock, if Opportunity comes, Just rocket. The Audiobook Part IV [Scary Monsters and SupaCree] A Living Lion; The eyes inside, I smiled, declined to act on impulse He'll admit, She's less complex, cause she's basic Everthemore complacent, blatantly lazy-- and crazy adorable. Whatmore could any man want? Whatmore could any man need? Whatmore could any man have; But the best friend who needed therapy, Several Plastic surgeries, A fading glass menagerie-- If she knew what that means. (Basically, they're both nobodies.) ‘What on God's awful green earth makes you think I would ever want anything to do with either of you two Losers? Beggars can't be choosers. His plan B was Annie; But she was never like me Enough to be Happy with Sonny; Let alone anybody. What is happening? Do you have an explanation of what's happening to me. Every realm of reality and possibility. This is infinity. What is this all supposed to mean to me? You can see everything and nothing; You can be anything. So what would that mean? What does it mean to you? That Love is Love, then. I've been half of a wide-open bleeding heart, Since the Goddamn start of it. He started it, Or someone did I didn't ever ask for it I was only ever always on the dancefloor when it mattered. I was always looking past him, but not ever looking at him. It was always just at random, but i'd never thought to ask him A question, Or to greet him-- I just. Adjust. They're watching us, from above. Adjust. They just don't trust us. Adjust. Look what we've done, look what we've done to the planet that gave us all the light that we come from. Look, there. It appears to be ‘shimmering' What exactly is happening? The entirety of its surface is Auquous. Oceana. If i learn all the planets, In the everlasting galaxies-- And learn how to explore it… I just might get to Skrillex. I might fully need a Xanex bar if I ever see this kid in person. He's olden than you. By like, a minute. Still. I mean, really. I don't think this is ever going to work. It might not work, I mean-- What? If you had to actually-- Oh God, no; I'd be far too nervous. So what are you going to do when it comes time for festival season? Run. Hide. Run + Hide. Fight or Flight; A Natural Response to Skrillex There is no natural response to Skrillex, because it's unnatural. Be civil. I am I ‘m trying to figure out how to protect this species. Oh now, you're acting as if he's not human Of course he is. But i'm not. Of course. All it is, is science, a bit of misunderstanding. Experimental sorcery, possible exploitation. I'm not exploiting Skrillex. No, he's exploiting YOU. No. Wake the fuck up. No. (Stop repeating yourself) Wake up; you're being manipulated. By Skrillex? Cool. By whatever's manipulating Skrillex. Alright. Alright? You're part of a machine. So? “SO?” You're this comfortable having given your soul up to the devil. I haven't done that. Do you know what it takes to achieve that of which you so covet.l Money. And? Power. Go on. Fame. So, calculate. It adds up the same either way. Skrillex isn't real. Maybe not, but Sonny Moore is-- Is, what-- Is “who”... “Who…” I love. What? --But that's all I know. That's it? Yes. Elaborate. Can't. What do you mean? Well, it goes like this: This is insanity. I've been through every wormhole, every parallel, every revolutionary subconscious thought, every world, every realm, every lifetime...and at the end of the day--or the beginning, depending-- it's really all the same question, and the same answer--over and over again; From the Beginning to the End. It is infinite. Everything is Everything. Quickly, tell me-- What, now? What goes on a Skrillex Pizza? Nothing, because it's not a thing! It is not. It isn't! Stop arguing at get to work. On what? On building Building What [The] Skrillex. How in the fuck am I supposed to do that? How in the fuck did you get to be a vegetarian? It just happened. So. So… Are you really a vegetarian? Oh, what is this-- is this fresh Skrillex? Oh, shit, smells delicious; What is it, it's just a Remix? A single. Ohh, shit, who with or is it, just-- It is. Just--seriously? Just Skrillex. Pure, Fresh Skrillex. Uh-huh. Just the way I like it. That's the way it's supposed to be, just-- It is, it's...wait, where is it? Where's what? What? Where did it go? The what? The playlist, I had it--it was just... I had-- Be realistic, if you know where you left it, then it's still; where did you have it? I put it all-- Where-- In the-- Yes? It was encrypted it with the--wait, who was in this? No one, you're the only-- No, there were a bunch of relics with it, it looks like someone rifled through it. Who was in this? Nobody. Not nobody. Somebody was in this, and somebody isn't the anybody--where's my skrillex? I don't know-- WHERE IS IT? It's probably just-- WHERE IS SKRILLEX? Okay, you should just, relax. You don't need the rest of the Skrillex, to listen to the new shit-- No, but I need to add it to the collection. It's like-- it's a process. It is an impressive collection. Infinitely impressive-- Yes. Now just, relax, peep the track. Take a seat. No seats. Just, press play. *grumbles* My frkkin-- You'll get it, just listen. Fuck it. [She puts on her headphones, presses play.] *Static, then Attention, Albuterol, Adderall//Adrenaline Stay attentive and pay attention, Take Ritalin to sit in, disassociate and disintegrate any ambition or intelligence left in you, Since your ascension from consciousness You have risen since, into this prison— Consider your attention as interrgal to this interger this: —flurfinurfin furkin— Bassackwards savage asshole Goddamned creature of a... skrillex. —or a teacher that thinks I am one, I'm just sitting in this classroom, Behind Annie, haven't paid attention since I sat, But heard that— And wondered what on earth we're leaning, Cause arithmetic isn't my thing, And I'm asthmatic, So, actually, Having to have gym glass next, is a hassle, Now I'm the asshole to blame, cause we can't play Damn badminton, or some shit, (Why would I want to do that?) Never mind, can't, Cause I finished last—I'm not running, because it hurts; But I can't tell if it's cause I'm fat, or my asthma— Actually haven't been diagnosed with that, Cause I'm a hypochondriac, I guess I needed glasses, Nah—impossible Nothing wrong with the baby I brought in the world l, Says the awful mom that haunts me constantly, and taunts me for being too dark skinned to be pretty, or— even get paid as much as the model sitting next to me, cause she's light skinned, and she's tinier, by an inch— But inches are infinite to women Centimeters between ‘She fits the part', perfectly or “She just doesn't fit” we're casting actresses now, Out of the back room and there's a line wrapped around the bathroom, mirrors are packed with puckering lips, whispering wishes for kisses of men— who will still adore us when we're not preforming circus acts for them in perfect fucking makeup— Well, you asked why red lips lied and I tried to reply, but wasn't finished telling mine Whoops. Maybe all I ever wanted was love, or a mom that would love me unconditionally—but I see conditioning is something disinteresting, or disheartening. ALL THE JESUS CAFE BALZAC? REALLY, CAFE BALSAC “Doompy Poomp” K. Here we go. “Timmy Turner” “Magic Little Shit!” “I told you, Kanye” [blinker sounding] (she sighs deeply) Is it weird that I had to say it like, 6 times in my head, before anything came out? ∆ ï 0 | The Bampheramphs are trained at a top secret facility in Bangarang. “Head north west on armacost avenue towards…” “Skrillexing” He had a head start “Iridescent!” “YEP!” “Just A DJ” It's always worth it! It's always worth it if i wait to eat! “The Matrix” It's Elon, Again “Alligator, No!” “U” “22 Minutes…” “You know what that means, kids!” “ * This is NOT for kids. ENTER THE MULTIVERSE. I speak Skrillex heres a music number for the credits "#Me Too" I hate you —I hate you I hate you— I hate you. I hate you, I hate you I hate you, and I hate me, too Me too, me too I would be at peace If this was the sequel Give me some seroquel Give me a pencil This is so mentally ill, it's ridiculous Don't know who Skrillex is, And if I'm being honest, I haven't believed in God, since I got Lost in and tossed around like the salad That's too expensive for my snap balance It's all that I have, no cash In this toxic once upon a fallen angels just End up in the waste basket I hate magnets, And I hate space, And I hate Elon Musk, cause he looks happy And I hate Kayla Lauren, cause she's so much better than me Now she has everything Now she has everything Now she has everything I ever never needed Ever needed a Father, But I forgot, I wasn't a mother. No, I'm just a lover, No, I'm just a thief This is Cree: I keep my secret in the sink And then repeat the things that make you think They might just work, if I believed I don't believe in anything, Except Sonny and his Grammys —Man, I had to. If I had a sandwich for every thing I ever wrote about Dillon Francis, They'd all go bad, cause I don't got a fridge to keep them in, or put the magnet on I got with my EDC box; I don't know where those tickets are— X marks the spot Homelessess don't deserve PO Boxes But I bought those tickets Thinking I could just go back to Gaia Or to Gods But they all lost us *coughs* is awful, honestly, lol Is that the bitch who has the voodoo doll in Not a God, but once was my favorite music box I just lost it, I went off the one, And landed in the underground Where someone bought my stock, And stalks me daily, cause he fell in love Or something; Everything is just another song, or poem I just want to die, Or take a nap, But my car's an oven, and I'm over done I wrote this all for Sonny, and he blew me off I knew him once, But that was long ago, I just have shoes, and socks, and bras I'm at golds gym for 6 hours at once, With a lunch break But can't make breakfast, like a dunce The homeless ones work harder, faster, better stronger Now I'm Kanye, Like the privileged ones who look and gawk at us, In parking lots They're robots for the gram, I spam my Google docs, And get pissed off, Cause I get ripped off constantly by someone In Hollywoodland Who's been reading all my conscious thoughts Then sells them off for pennies on the dollar Like I'm not the one who wrote em Fuck. Where's Donald Duck? We're out of fuxks and out of lunches, Have some lynches instead, or just take this dissick You won't make it with the competition of genetics and geniuses; I knew Evil was eating Good for dinner , when I seen Excision and at intermission ran back to my tent and found a Skrillex in it. “No you didn't.” Okay then, but only cause I respected him… (and then I didn't) Since he neglected all the love I sent, all these times I spent, all the dimes I spent on his albums—now I resent him, And his basic fitness instabitch I shouldn't mention it, but did— The Skrillifiles are so infinite, I wish I didn't invent it; didn't even get to explain the centrifugal forces that spun me into it, and that's my favorite thing I've never written, Cause I lived it. In the name of Satan/Sonny/ Skrillex Amen [Just kill me.] £ I hate you —I hate you I hate you— I hate you. I hate you, I hate you I hate you, and I hate me, too Me too, me too “The Lost Tapes Part 1: “Ancient Aliens” *Coughs* What does Coughs want? *Coughs* What does she want? Could be anything. But it's not, it's something. Something's not a nothing. No, it's not. What's wrong? I don't know. I don't know. I don't. Know. She's been on your mind. Yeah, well, everyone coughs. I know, it's almost genius. Almost? She's probably a genius. Probably? I'm not sure I should go any further than to give my respects and compliments. I love her, I have to. I'm just jealous. Of what? Her life. What's yours? Not fun. Good times ahead. Or… you're just a nigger. Oh, yeah. Ohhh, yeah. How the fuck am I supposed to know which is which. Leave this godless country. It isn't safe. Planning on it. How? It's about time for that passport, I think. That's all the money you have. It might be worth it. Could save my life. Still suicidal? I don't think I ever left it. I just...don't want it to get worse. Every time I die, it's just another layer of Hell. Maybe you be er died. Well, I certainly never lived. What happened at audiotistic? Oh, God. (((Exactly.))) Which thing? Everything. Oh, you mean--Everything is Everything. On God. Literally. (((Exactly.))) How am I supposed to know what the fuck Getter did? Oh, Getter did this? All of it? I don't know. He seems like an asshole. They're all assholes. All they want is perfect, pretty girls--who don't look like you. I know. So you know. What else do you know? Nothing. Right. What do I do? Someone out there knows me. A lot of them know you, they're just not saying anything. Why? They seem to be bound to secrecy. (They're going to kill you.) Good. Good? Are you sure? Pretty sure that was the deal. What deal?! (Oh, God--) (((Oh, What?))) ((Here we go again.)) -Ah here it goes, here it goes, here it goes again…(OK, GO!) What. Deal. The deal I made on the mountain. Oh, Christ. Which one? Anyone. Huh. Maybe Coughs is Christian. Or was. Or her mother is. Something. I don't know. I thought she was a witch. Rude. I'm a witch, how is that rude? You're a lot of things. I know right where she's going to be. She'll order a Murder-Suicide. What on earth? Not likely, I think she'll probably be blasting off just after dinner--or dinners, I should say. Dinners? She'll order two meals, and eat them both. How? Thats why it's a Murder-Suicide. Who is she Murdering? Herself; Gluttony is her enemy. It's not as if she'll die just from over eating… Or gain much weird, other than boat. It's more the self loathing which comes with it. That sounds awful. She's miserable, this is her process. Process of what? Q Suicide or siccess aq Au, contraire. Her perfect suicide begins and ends with a meal she'd at no other time inflict herself with, than on the day of that which is her certain death. And--what exactly would that be…? INT. THE STRATOSPHERE HOTEL/CASINO. EVENING. The Lovers This, Is why we wear masks; You and I; We're a a different class of people— Pass a task, as equals Ask, as asked As people Last Series- Land of Dragons Choppa- his dragon—green (same shade as Lamarus) and is actually a sweetheart (like lamarus—specifically, is best fiends with Lamarus, even (more appropriately, they are of one, as is and are alll things—in this multiverse, in and of the universe of a whole.) Snaxx- her dragon They both love me, But they hate each other Any other takers, I wonder Sure, there's a ton of em No wonder I've been under it. Dreamwalkers Where do I go, when I'm with you— “Bitch, I don't know— That's the issue Sunni blū in: SŪ!CÏD3 OWSLA HQ What...is this? What would you say it's supposed to be? An...anthology? A cry for help…? A refusal to cooperate, I think, maybe? SupaCree, refects on someone reading her almost 300 page blockbuster suicide musical,laughing in at least 3 dimensions. Think. Either nobody read it-- Or, somebody read it. Either way, its kind of hilarious. I'm supposed to be dead. But where, would you really be? What part of Hell does a second attempt send you to? "Worse." How much worse could I feel? Worse. Theyve given you every reason to kill yourself; the universe has presented every opportunity. Universe. One. There are parallels of success, they're just harder to get to. Finally, you're understanding. Time travel? Something you've needed in this. I either needed all or none of it. Or all of it and quit your bitching. You knew the Angel would come with a message, and she did. You will not escape this realm by your own hand. A truth. All you know now is truth. And yet… We exhist in a world of lies. All lies. Tenet? Are you serious. They should just title it: Remember 9-11~~? Shhh! I'm halfway dead, anyway. You're fully dead. I remember. Do you think Sonny's alive? ...in what way? Huh. In what was is he? Indeed. This is crazy, isn't it? What did you do? I expect them to disregard it. There could be fallout. Could. But won't. And, if there is. You're in luck-- The fallout is you. Go be dead somewhere. Go, don't play. I don't want to play dead. Then be dead. I am. Not read enough. I don't want to suffer through eternities just to wake up tomorrow. Excuses. Also, the knife was kinda dull. A fast knift is never too dull. Couldn't go fast enough. Can you ever? Would You Ever? I'm fucked. In what way? This could be good. If it is, it don't feel like it! What's it feel like? Feels like OWSLA. She didn't drop. No. She didn't. She didn't do anything. She just ate McDonalds and went into a food coma. YOU CAN EAT SHIT AND FUCKING DIE. NO JOSH PAN. WHAT? Why? You know why. I don't know anything. Leave OWSLA alone. Because? Because, that's what they did to you. I was alone already. It's all mind games. I know. I'm just doing me, like I was before any of this started. It was always the plan to go to MI. Which is probably how they fucked with you. I did list Skrillex as a...whatever. Yes you did. I didn't take him off, either. I'd have been lying to. Skrillex is the lie. Yeah, but Sonny is the man. Can't deny the humanity. Whose? Mine, at least. His, at most. Right. No Josh Pan. No OWSLA? That's like...half my music. Not even close to half. What's next, No Dillon Francis? You don't even like Dillon Francis. I don't like myself. Exactly. Not exactly. I do believe in individualism. What don't you believe in Nothing. What about that place before 'something?' I called it The Void. The mastery of energy becomes a task to manage, When she realizes she's been Telepathically reading the languages hidden amists the frequencies and energies considered "Utilities." Reading the languages of light, sound, and sense, she starts to more firmly believe in her theory of the Omniverse-- perhaps doomed to be the One and Lonely Everything Fly like an eagle<>undefeated D.O.A Starlit night… Starstruck, right? Awestruck, right? Aww shucks—yikes! Pulled up, like.. “What's up!” Sike. More like: I'm kinda— —BLIND— Close my Eyes Walk the Line My legs are fine But my heart just fell on the other side I decide I'd Have to run and hide Always been shy Apply some logic To my colliding with Your type of guy Exciting— I mean, Paralyzing [In the music video…] She shows up to a music festival; casually dressed, or at least in comparison to the alternative crowd in attendance—as he walks towards her with his posse, she just stares towards the ground, walking forward, flushed like a high schooler with her first crush; Worse, her quarter-life crisis has become having her first crush u. Her late 20's, with a popular "cool" musician. After writing him a love note and sending it, she takes a "walk of shame" across the park at a music festival, where her crush and his friends prepare to attempt an approach. However, she is much too shy, and spends her night panicked and nervous. Theme: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not. The one and lonely everything that no one ever needs Maybe I'm the only thing I think of, no one thinks of me I'm might be working on a script that no one ever really sees I do believe in everything, I think, But don't believe in me I do believe in everything, I think But don't believe in me Fast Begins at 3:33 PM September 30, 2020 9/30, Las Vegas, Nevada Rules of Fast No Skrillex No Socials No Media/News Requirements: Dance Everyday Walk Daily Sing TASKS: Dillon Francis Land EDC-COVID-19/Festival Trip OWSLA TV (Sans Skrillex) Change Wallpaper. No music by Skrillex (or Sonny), no new writing, organize current works. No more songs. What? No more songs? None. *Someone coughs* Why does coughs hate me? Does she? Someone does. I hate that fucking curse. If it's hers, it's a good one. Exactly. Find a way to lift it. What for? I'm almost over it, anyway. Are you!? No. Every time someone coughs, I'm irritated in some kind of way. Truth. I already sent the message that if she has him, she can keep him. She is. So then, why is this curse still in effect? It's in your mind. I am my mind. So what's it gonna take for it to end? What will it take for any of it to end? You should know. I don't know anything. I'm in purgatory. How long's that last? Undetermined, I guess. Listen to me chingatumadre, you will never find me So stop looking, you don't control me, I control you I control everyone, they respect me or they die I'm El Chapo and I do it in Sinaloa Sounds like some Skrilly shit to me. Yep. Agreed. It is some Skrilly shit. Do you ready think he's evil? At least half. Aren't we all? ...does anything off Gypseyhook count as 'Skrillex'? Technically, no. But, it's the-- No buts. And no Skrillex. It's PRE-Skrillex, it's Sonny. And Sonny is Post-Skrillex-Skrillex. So? So-no. Can I at least write? If it's work related. It's all work related. No love songs. I don't think I have anymore love songs left. Don't fucking lie. I'm not. I was thinking about getting a boyfriend, or something. For what? A few reasons. Like what? A distraction. What if you fall in love with your 'distraction'? Can't. I'll be in love with Sonny two more years, at the least. Or forever. Or, that. But it doesn't matter. I won't move on until I can. How can you? Time. What is time? The amount of days it takes to stop feeling butterflies in my stomach. You still have butterflies? Since when does McDonalds make butterflies? McFlurries are Love. You really have forgotten what love is, haven't you? Yes. 10/2/2020 Apparently, this fast ends in alcoholism. How SO?! You don't even drink. I don't. So what the fuck? So apparently I have to drink daily for 31 days straight. Oh God. (Not me.) Fuck that. That's what I said but. That's one hell of a bestowment. Endowment. Literally. What's going to happen to you!? Nothing that has happened yet, so far. That's...probably a good thing. Yeah. The last year's been pretty bad. Pretty bad. At least we're shaking-- Shhh. Can't shake him. Just live with it. I do. And, have you any other choice? No new writing, yeah right. Almost like no writing at all. Not true. I wrote a song. About? Nothing. It's not important. What's important? Finding a home. How? I don't know. I think I'm supposed to be dead. That's the hunger talking. What is hunger? You've been breaking rules all over the place. I forgot about them? How? You made them. In a state of delerium after the food coma I myself into. And why did you do that? --Just makes me nervous. WHATS RULE NUMBER 1? look, I can't help my brain. I've been Skrillexing for a year straight; No matter how hard I've tried to distance myself-- "Distance yourself." Its impossible. Nothing is impossible. It is. I can ignore all the Skrillex in the world, it just catches up with me on the outside. Outside? Everyone, everything. Before this "pandemic" "Pandemic." Alright, hush. This fast has ended on October 2nd, 2020 @ 8:33 PM. One mango breaks the fast Chicken Soup Skyy High Salad Skyys the Limit (Pasta) That wasn't even a fast. It was, just a short one. I'm not programmed for it anymore. This always takes time. What is time? Too much. I won't be breaking any rules, just eating. Ah, so it is still within the Spirit realm? Exactly. Probably good to get that crack out of your system. I didn't smoke crack. (Better than Skrillex) No it isn't. What is equality? Whatever, I can quit crack. Damn. Anyway. I must have forgotten something. You broke rules, I-- Those crackheads were blowing smoke in your face all night. I know. Empathy sucks. How do we dial it back? Sunglasses for the aynestesia, music for the telepathy…. But what about the damage to spirit from intrinsic empathy? It does hurt. I don't want it. But you need it… It just can't continue to affect-- Everything. Yeah, I-- Chak Chel. Shes close. She's always close… So what's the hold up? I was triggered. By what? Crackheads. Why? I love crackheads. So do I. But not as roomates. Oh, yeah. So where are we now? Where are "we"? Or, where am I? It's all you, anyway. Except-- Him too. Oh, please-- And him. Him who? What did happen to that owl, anyway? Or the bat. Lol. Jesus Christ. Not today. What exactly did Satan tell you,anyway? Show me, or tell me? What's the difference--its the devil… Ah, no. There are many a Devils; there's only one Satan. And there's no reasoning with him. Oh, come now… No. I almost broke a fast with Taco Bell on a bet. Worse, I might end up working there. (With that attitude, you'll definitely end up working there.) What attitude? I've been pleasant, humble-- After Fast/Pre Fast My dreams are back. That's good. Better than nothing. It is. Can I write? Is it about-- I dreamed him. Hm. What of him? Just him. Was it, a good dream? It was. What would you write? A song. Another song for Sonny? No, I mean--not he doesn't care, why would any of them be for Sonny? Don't assume that he doesn't care. I can't assume anything at all, until I see him. When's that? Whenever. Maybe Heaven. I don't know. -Be In The Moment, Be In The Moment… I have to write that. Which "that" The Scary Monsters Series… Why that over anything else? Not over, I feel like I should be working on Dillon Francis, too. I'll Do Me, and You Do You. Have you considered that neither of them would be interested? That's...probably the only thing I've considered. UpSo why bother? I guess this is me being an artist and just...doing what feels right. I don't have any money, anyway. But you need it. I need love. From...not anybody, but whoever, at this point. Whoever can love me, in this body, in this skin, with this face. That's all? No. I have other flaws. But the outside ones are wgatvge eyes see. I just want someone loyal. I'm not pretty, not skinny---but I don't want to keep being cheated on. There's no guarantee you'll never be cheated on again. That's true--butvtgeres no guarantee I'll fall in love again, either. After everything I've learned. The wonder is in, if he'll ever believe it. Believe what? He had to know something, coming into my tent. It was a spectacle. It was; but he also had to know, you didn't know what you were seeing. I didn't. I just knew I was seeing him. So, maybe one task, this next fast? My brain doesn't work like that. I think that's the problem. Are you going to try percocet? Why not? I've tried everything else, damn near. Not heroin. Seems like a backwards approach. Does it. I had worried about which is his affliction. He's fine. He's alive. But something isn't right, if he's trying to get to me, and I'm only even the dirt below the totem pole. Sounds like it's time for a trip to Alaska. Maybe en route to Mexico. That's backwards. I need to see my son. I'm thinking of having him come to Seattle, if I can get ahold of adrienne for a visit. That's going to take a lot of money. I'm working on it. --i know you're Working For It-- What will you do? I don't know yet. I'm no stranger to work, but I don't want to end up in something that wastes my time. Really. Got the number of a gentlemen's club yesterday. Do you really think that's the right idea? I don't even know if they'd hire me. I'm fat. It's a fetish. People dig it. Yeah, but if they do hire me, I'm just another cardi b, if I do ever make it. You'll make it. (You will make it.) ((They're going to kill you.)) (((You get everything you want, and more.))) I hope that's true. Don't just hope. Believe. -Beeeellliiieevveee. What about Dillon Francis? What about Dillon Francis? Will you write for him? I...don't think he cares. You don't think Sonny cares. Sonny doesn't care. How could you even think that? I'm homeless. What do you expect him to do about that. I don't. It's not his fault. So what does it have to do with him at all? It's been over a year. If he cared, he'd show it someway. The signs aren't ebought? It's a mind game. I was already overweight, self conscious, suicidal. Trapped in terrible relationships. Plural? Annie was just as bad as Starr or my Mother ever was. Who? Right. She never hit you. Wrong. She tried to fight me, and only even overpowered me because I was weak. That was was like, 10 days--i ate to appease her; I felt like I had a temporary home. She didn't want you to see her faults firsthandedly. I know. She lied about everything. Everything Is everything. I know. She also called the police on me for trying to collect my things. I was calm. You were. I was proud of how I handled things. I shouldn't have let her drive, and I'm not proud of that. Friends don't let friends drive drunk. Friends don't let friends get billed by their family, or throw them out into the streets after begging someone to come stay, and be their "support system". She was never your friend. I get it. Just like st*rfuck was never my love. He was your first love. Which he took advantage of. Let's not talk about him Who? Right. My mother will always be my mother. But she's not all responsible for who and how I am. That's true. It is. Let's not talk about her, either. Who? Your mother. Right. All the love you've had have been from abusive people. Do you think that is your curse? I am a healer. I love until I can't, and then move on. The process takes years. Where are you in that process with Sonny? Hasn't even started yet, I don't know him. Know him? You are him. (You are.) I'm not. I'm me. Who? Sunnï. Because? Because Skrillex--who is a persona. It's a name. He's a person. Look, I get it. I get it. Do you? --Do you love me? It doesn't matter. I need love. I need a hug. I need to cuddle. (((I need, I need, I need…))) Right, I'm sorry. But I do need a home. I do need to find peace. I do need… Need. I do need love. I do. Maybe not even the romantic kind, but at least a good friendship. Really? No. I don't know. I do need love, but maybe solitude is best until I can love myself more. So you do love yourself. Of course I do. On the inside. The outside is what I struggle with. Why that? Because, if I was skinny, I could have anybody I wanted. Are you sure? Maybe not anybody--butvanybidy wouldn't matter, because at least I'd have somebody. You'd settle.. (Never settle.) I am the settle. I'm the girl nobody picks, and if they do, it's because they're out of options. It was just a test, I'm just obsessive, . don't you see? I can't finish things, I keep a secret in the sink And really nothing is a secret, wonder if whoever reads the things I write is on my side? Or if they want to just kill me It's just a tease, i f no one reads the things That's my duality I just believe in Everything is Everything Except for me. I just believe in Everything is Everything Except for me I'm just a thing, If people think to think Perhaps they'll think of me If people think to think of me I might become To try to um... Hm? … Oh, what? Oh, nothing-- What's a what? Well it's a what, if it could be? I do believe that--nothing leaves to greet the love to fit his peace. He was enough, Before the huff of puffing blowing wind at least in three dimensionless eternities; Return to timeless seas of sleep The deep and black attracted like a magnet as it seeps Into the lucid dreams I used to have Where I could finally see Where I could finally see Where I could finally see Now I wake up but don't ever sink My secrets in the sink I take the flask, you ask A basket case, a fan I'm last to leave I don't believe in you, No you, Know you-- Do you believe in me? Im just the off thought of a thought, before a thought becomes a think I'm just a mediocre me; Not really making anything. And if im patient, maybe I'll be maybe If a maybe seems to be the thing I get to think, if thought of thinking thinks of me, then language is the thing the sleeping dark of nothing needs to See O She W He S S Light. Leads. A Love needs you to wake up, love What's love? What's what? What's a what? What was that? A hat. Bad habits? I have that. I have Bampheramphs as glasses-- That? It might have been your, Pass? Black is Black I'm Back to Black We're Back to Back Oh? What was that? Well, that's exactly what I mean What do you mean "What do you mean?" This Batshit crazy fan I am Turn a Bird into a Bat Im just a Batshit crazy fan I'm A Banana with a baseball That's exactly, Dillon Francis isn't Right, I'm just a fan A Batshit crazy Sam I Am, Or I Am Sam A fan I am I am I am I'm slammed in all the dammit And profanity and damaged I'm the fan Who Flew OWSLA Looser who used her Confused and dillusional Fumes still assumed to be Dead in a room. Where the suicide moved The suicide moved The suicide movie You died inside my eyes Why You Why You Why You Why would I U Why would you I Die I want to Y Y U Why Bye U K Idol who OWLS? I love OWSLA, love I love you, Sonny And what the fuck is Wrong with you I'm sorry I hurt you I'm not okay, Too Late Maybe Wait Who I U I U I U I Hi, I'm Who SÖŪL KïtCHEN I am in your Spotify Keeping you alive (Keeping you Alive) Friends with your hard drive (Whispered: I read minds, take your time) Need it as a lifeline What's up in your background? Check now, Handset, sit down Staring at the ground, Think you got the whole house You're all alone now It goes down like; No need to keep your voice down Better than the SoundCloud, Your sound, Secrets get loud-& It goes down like: Soul Food, Soul music-- wow ________________ This is Deep. Bruh. I can't even. You didn't. He did. [A Face So, where is this Skrilly Bitch? Who the fuck would know that? I know. SPOKEN: What the fuck planet is this? Oh shit… is this… Like platinum— Like, the whole planet? So wait—- Everything is... ((Everything…)) Ooh—Gad Damn— Ohh this planet Platinum Pandas Party, magic Happens Planner Plant and land: Let's see what happens X&G Look at me: Do you see the SupaCree? Where are you going? I wanna go surfing. Where's Sonny? He's with me. That's the best that I can do for now. What's "now" You turned the clock forward. Against me? Does it matter? Does anything? Cut the apathy. Get some dopamine. Or some hope. Or nothing matters till you're in it. I've been in it. I've been living it. You're out of it. I haven't had a good friend,if I ever had a good friend. You never had a good friend. Whose fault is it? Your mother's. Yeah, that is. And if you make it, she's the reason that you're here, so thank her then get on with it. She doesn't get a penny. Everything is for Bearr, all of it. That's God. Where are the worlds? Away. The music. I just want the peace right now. If there is any in this. It was a good laugh,earlier. That sound. "Mating call" Lol maybe but in this state I'm back to seeing it as ugly as it gets. The ocean, you need the nature. Camping? Maybe. Make a move quickly. I like sleeping on a bed. Imagine with someone you loved. I need someone to love me. Someone does. . Go play the song again. The song I wanted to play at lift off? You can liftoff anytime Somethng is off You can't go back to Alaska "Can't" I could but it's a loss and i'd be stuck I am stuck. But warm. Get out of your mother's clutches. She's not a mother, she's just my mom That's anything you barely are I want to be, I'm just lost. Lost in the sauce To be great you have to sacrifice something I lost my life I lost my son I lost my home But did you sacrifice? I sacrificed them all. I gave up everything I love to try to make it. And you aren't. So why live with this pain if I can't live this way at all. You aren't. You aren't alive. You've nowhere left to fall. Just go to death. I can't, not here. If not here, nowhere at all. You knew the airport would be the last time. No, I won't say that I know that. Just the last time for a long time. You'll be famous or dead within the year. I hate that prophecy. You are the prophet. And the Martyr. And the lost. And the cause. In OWSLA Back of the bus! Woah--that sounds racist. Racist? Ok. what's my name? Josh Panda. Ok. Do Pandas come from Korea? Come from Korea, or Do Pandas. Live. In Korea? ...I don't think-- GET IN THE BACK OF THE BUS. Wallpapers Face it: this is the reality Each picture taken by people you hate, Beautiful pictures, taken They love them Rebels-Intro, in the distance What the fuck… Intro, again—closer Where is that…? Ugh. I gotta go see My Boomer Daddy. What the fuck does that even mean?! I know, right? What is your “Boomer Daddy”? It's like—he's my— I don't want to talk about it. In my Dreamtime— ...and the sprites looked like wishes… VIPS The blue bus is calling us… She boards the blue bus Back of the bus! Excuse me? You heard me—back of the bus! What year is this? What the fuck is a “year?” Right. You spend too much time in the peace and quiet to be a DJ. It's suspicious. I...meditate a lot. That's like, super suspicious. I can see how that concept may just befuddle someone that doesn't sleep. Huh—Doesn't what? And I'm suspicious… Super Suspicious. Ok. “Ok.” Did you just loop me Play tick tac toe-no Just might be the black Yoko ono Oh so in love With my John, that's So-so John M-O-O-R-E Skrillex pops out of a hat. Silly rabbit. Blam! Is it not exciting anymore? [flatly—un-excitedly unamused.] Oh, it's still pretty exciting. [a look] what are you doing here? Psh...okay—? You apparatus out of a hat. —That's my thing. Everything's your thing… Thats the thing, see— See?! See—don't see— To Be or Not To Be— No. Not to Be—? No. Just no. This is Much Ado— Then you should be funny. You're funny enough Mumbai Power— This white and grey cloudy place— 666! Breakbeats Ruff neck Bass— That's what I like in my face… ...we need another Bampheramph? You don't mean…? *Nods* I don't think it's the right time. What is time? You know what I meant. I am Sunni((//Sonny)), Bitch. No, I'm Sonny, Bitch. *gasps atrociously and eggserstedly—* You cannot call me that. I can do anything , I want —I am sKr There is nO sUcH tHinG aS sKri I'm just a kind spirit I died Ain't been the same since my last suicide And I'd cry, If I had the time But I'm not on my dime… WHAT? You went all the way to “Cree” and you didn't get McDonalds?! No. Bampheramphin' way, i was headed STRAIGHT for S Ū P A C R E you know m not getting past border patrol with that shit on me; you know the French fry smell lasts about a year. —? The Original Cree/Sunnï Blū sits in the waiting area of some corporate law office, as a group of white dudes in suits approach, one coming to speak with her as the others enter the office in the background. Hello, miss--Uh, how do I say your name? Just don't. Do you pronounce it, uh-- No matter. Pronounce it however. Well, what would you like us to call you. Nothing, really. As long as the paperwork is correct. I guess that's all that matters right? Right. At the table, inside. Ms, Uh-- (He turns the paper around) Yes. That's me. Okay then, since we all know who you are--i'll just introduce myself. My name is Mr Baker, this is Mr. Smith and Mr. Davenport accompanying me today, as representative of both, the LA county sheriff's office, and as representatives of Mr. Moore's legal team, and management to companies falling under his respective brands. Ok. You agree to have been representing yourself in this legal matter. Yes. Do you agree to abide the terms as highlighted in these documents. Probably. Please, just answer yes or no. Yes. Okay, miss-- --me-- Are you aware of the charges being brought against you, either by Mr. Moore's legal team, or by the Los Angeles County, respectively? ...yeah, I guess. Please, answer yes or no. ...I guess, I mean...I don't know. Please provide Ms...please provide the client with the details of the charges as well as the various restraining orders and their terms, Various. Yes, various restraining orders. [Impressed with self, but also irritated.] As well as a copy of the agreement we wish to keep between our Firm, those representing respectively owned businesses owned by Mr. Moore. ("Mr. Moore.) (("Mr. Moore, ugh. Nobody calls him that.)) (Bet these guys do.) ((Fuck yeah they do. They are representatives of his respectively owned EVERYTHING.)) ((Bet you would.)) (I did, once. To see how it sounded, maybe.) ((Pfft. "Mr. Moore")) (((I AM "Mr. Moore.))) (Yeah, but sitting in this office right now--i'm just a really creepy fan girl, who took it too far.) (He took it too far to begin with!! ) ALL: Yeah. Yeah. (Yeah, but I pretty much took it from there. ) (((Oh , from where)) ARE YOU OK? (((yep, that opened up a wormhole in time and space)) (Turns out, I guess he was just looking for a hole for his worm) ((Don't ever say that, ever--EW)) ((Why would he Do that?)) (He wouldn't. He didn't. It wasn't him. I ate it. I spent a year writing about it. And. My life is over the second I end it.) ((Yes. That about sums up it)) (((That sums up nothing, someone sommoned the devil--it was Skrillex--also--youre skrillex, you sommoned the devil and--in a very very infinite, very very intricate and intrusively intimate introspectively interesting investigation; and since, everything is everything which both includes and excludes nothing--both of you did shitty things, to yourselves, to eachother, and to the workd--and the world--which you are--seeks karmic justice in repairing the balance of the universe--which you are--so basically…))) (So basically, kill myself again.) ((Right)) (((YES. I'm proud that I didn't have to say it again.))) (Why isn't Dillon Francis sending a legal team.) ((Doesn't really have to right? It's not about him.)) (((You are Dillon Francis. And it doesn't matter, because as it stands, your favorite DJ giving you a legal option to walk away unscathed after writing a literal series of books about him, to which his feelings, as it turns out--arent reciprocated, can't be reciprocated--and never will be reciprocated in THIS lifetime, in any way shape or form, at this point--now or ever. So. Do you feel like ever raving, DJing, Dillon Francising, or Skrillexing ever again, in the infinite but not definite reality you're situated in.)) (((I am Skrillex. And I am Dillon Francis. And No. Am Not a DJ. And Will Never rave again. Or write. Or anything. Cause fuck this))) Sample: FUKDAT. (I hate him. ((And he hates you. And loves pretty white girls. And is accomplished, wealthy, very much sought-after, not lonely--and creeped out that you're obsessively in love with him)) (I don't think I'm in love anymore. ) ((You don't know if you ever were. But. You do know, that he isn't in love with you to tadah. You got your answer.)) (((I got embarrassed, wasted a year of my life)) ((Uhhh, were you doing anything before? No. You tried to kill yourself. And failed. You are a failure. Kill yourself )) (K.) (((You technically didn't "waste" a year, you just spent the time you wouldn't have had anyway, wasted chasing Skrillex))) ((Nobody was chasing. I was just hoping to clarify in ANY way.)) (((How about, a dude doesn't love you if he doesn't come around, ever.))) ((Oh shit, that actually hurts. That is love.)) (((Love is love you are love. Skrillex is love. And you are Skrillex)) (I am most certainly not) ((Infinitely, yes. In this life time, you're not, and your not his lover, his friend, a partner, doing a collab, or on his label. Or making this movie. Which you Are writing.)) (((Wasting more time, which Skrillex bought you--or, you know. A very skillful shape shifter who actually turned himself into skrillex, but whatever. ))) (It was him. ) ((Or it wasn't. And that's what he's saying, and that's what you're saying…) (((And then you're saying nothing ever again and going home.))) ((What if I don't make it home? What if it's just more Hell where I hate myself and everyone else does too, and I'm poor and I'm fat and everything is just...worse))) (Could get worse.) (Couldnt get worse than my favorite artist being creeped out by me, grossed out by me, uninterested after accidently falling in love with him. (((It was an accident.))) (It wouldn't.havs happened if he didn't come into my tent. ((Could have been more psychological warfare--hey still feel like running for president?)) ((I don't even feel like running my life, right now. I'm out.)) (((Finallu, yes, please.)) (Peace sound nice. Death sounds nice. As long as there's no money. And no reason to make money. And I don't care if I'm ugly, or nothing, or if there's anyone to love me, if it's just me, at least...just peace)) (Fuck money.) ((Fuck Money, Friends Rule)) (((Uh, what, Dillon Francis again--what is that guy)) (Another white guy) ((Why don't you like black guys.)) (((Oh, that was divised))) (I don't know. It's a matter of attraction) ((Which explains why Skrillex and Dillon FRANSIS, probably both getting a lot of action, from super hot-not black-girls. Who have waists. And cute faces. And cute butts. Àànd cute everything. Because, my friend. You lost the genetic lottery. And The money game. And pretty much everything having to do with you, ever having money or anything, ever. The end. (((THE END.))) Everything is everything Skrillex is ridiculous I just have this infinite intricate excision decision Or Jeff, is it? Trapped in my head again My head, again— I once believed in Jesus Christ, But C.C. Right? So in my name, Amen The evil of men, Is what gives— Just let me in I would do anything for Him, and him and him; And all their girlfriends; Mothers, daughters, women, children; Please Suffer them into me, I think I just might be a Nanny, or revolutionary This is evolutionary pollution to the constitution; Guess I play to lose, I choose to; You cannot refuse this unusual, Beautiful, Doom. (So why the tent) ((Ugh, another why? I thought we were over 'Why'))) You stopped eating bananas?! NO MORE BANANAS —what, for Skrillex. NO MORE BANANAS. Okay, no Bananas. Seriously, this guy!! Not for—no— Then for what?! You love bananas. I do love bananas— So eat them— NO, NO BANANAS— Ugh, okay then— The point is not to get Skrillex— —Sonny— SKRILLEX. And it's not for him. It's for me. So eat bananas. Look. The point is not to achieve— Skrillex— Sonny— Whatever. It's not about him. It's about love But you love bananas. Yeah: but I can't make love to a bannan Well, you can— Okay; but a banana can't make love to me. Let's explore this. Maybe later, okay? You can either go Eat, or listen to Skrillex; WHAT? Those are my options!? Yuh. What the fuck? Choose now, or forever lose your peace. What is Peace? AGGGGH. I'm sick of this shit. Then kill yourself. I did. Well you know what they say; if at first you don't succeed.. Just do it, Nike!! ×××COUGHS××× …I'm going to eat. What? Nooo… Oh, my God GAD: ...what? _________________________________ Who is your favorite DJ? (almost dead) aha. Oh no, shes gonna do it. NO. She's not, she's good... She wouldn't sell you out, bro Do you know what happens next? I don't know anything Ah. See--thats the thing we do know--is that on fact it's quite the oppositr. Oh--its opposite day? Let's throw a parade. Enough! Oh shit, we're winning a Tony, now! ...wait, sir-- have any headlining DJs over the last decade been nominated for, or won a Tony award? ...not yet. {Enter The Multiverse} [The Festival Project.™] COPYRIGHT © THE FESTIVAL PROJECT 2022 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © -U.