OWSLA CONFIDENTIAL, LTD.The infinite Skrillifiles: Next Generation— Quantum Force - A podcast by Skrillex

{Enter The Multiverse} Now I'm wondering what the fuck they did to Obama Some shit he can never talk about bro. Some shit, What they do to Kamala? For real! White supremacy is on some psychological terrorism shit, They don't even gotta touch you no more . They'll kill you with your own fucking mind Frequencies and shit The brain is electric. And the soul is not always attached. Your whole ass soul can abandon ship on some trauma shit— Real fuckig talk. I leave my body a little bit every time I'm in the subway “No.” Some shit you don't want to see Some shit you can't talk about My soul like “bye” I'm like “bitch, where you going?” “See you later” What the fuck, bitch!? “Find me.” My soul gone. Fuck this world— Fuck this body right now. Whatever you're putting it through is WRONG. Meanwhile, I'm on the stationary bike for like two hours cause I had fucking cream of wheat last night— And watched bad girls club the day before. I'm telling you. I love bad girls club. I'm trying to calorie deficit myself into affording a peloton. Then I can sit In my livingroom. Watching bad girls club for visualization It's like body shopping, Half the time I can't even understand what these fucking Broads are saying, cause they're gods. They're dumb— Fucking gross Or smart and just know acting hot and dumb gets you more dollars-/ Cause we all know men fucking hate smart women. And if t you're hot and smart, and they can't fuck you— They'll try to take you down some other way. I'm 30 years old. I just realize all a man does is literally destroy shit, Literally just destruct? Fucking destroy. That's it, That's all they fucking do. They want to fucking kill us, That's their game, Double points if they can make you fall in love with them. That's the best way to destroy something wonderful and beautiful Make you think you're loved You're beautiful, You're the center of the world— And for a time, you are Then— DESTRUCT The real killers will put a baby in you And try to own you forever —this little weak ass nigga over here grunting and shit. Shut the fuck up. Go hop in somebody's dms. Go watch anime and “play the game” and shit, Fuck these dudes. I like older dudes now. Like, Fuck these 90's niggas. They're obsessed with fucking creepy ass Japanese cartoons, “Anime is cool” “Oh, it's the animation” No, It's a light skinned cartoon bitch That's a little bit exotic with some fucking green hair and purple fucking eyes who talks in a fucking high pitched baby voice with a school girl outfit and pigtails and giant fucking boobies Anime girls are like toddlers with fucking giant boobies, That's it. With green hair And fucking purple eyes and shit Yep. “It's the animation” Dumb ass niggas. It's a creep habit. Go take your weak dick to Japan and get the fuck out the gym. Throwing 20 pound weights and shit, Fuck out of here, That's why dudes like skinny bitches Cause they can't do shit with their dicks. Dudes like stick thin girls cause they like to destroy things, They got a 5 inch dick and shit But a petite little 5 foot 99 pound teenager makes them feel like a real fucking man I'm a put my tiny dick THROUGH this bitch, But I promise, that shit don't work. Even the petite little bitches apparently just fake this shit This nigga over here doing gymnastics trying to get my attention. You got it, But it's not my attention you need. You wake my dragon up? Then it's over, You wake up that dragon? It's game on. I'm like “What's your story” Hm “What this nigga about” Shit, You feed the dragon? I'll sit there and watch dumb ass anime and play video games with your stupid ass. You feed my dragon, All of a sudden, you're a genius. That's why I don't take no black dick Fuck that shit, Bitches be hypnotized as hell. That's that shit. Nope. I got limits. My dragon gots limits. I had c-section My only ex— My one ex— Like 5 inches max, Make it like 4.5– 4.2 cause he's fat When you gain too much shit Your Fupa makes the base of your dick inaccessible And the base of your dick is the best part! Says the back of my throat! HAHA! The base of your dick is the best part— If you're obese, It just— It's gone. And when it's cold, You get a whole innie belly button True story, A whole ass inverted dick. My ex's dick used to actually just run inside him. —he a pussy. A whole ass fucking pussy When I heard that salt and pepper song “Aww, look, a second belly button” I'm like “Right!” But you know what It's the opposite with big girls Big girls pull all kind of dudes Be having them obsessed You know why? You get lost in that pussy! Damn! Wet! Like the ocean! Whild— Like the JUNGLE. That's why they been hating on big girls so long Dudes is low key territorial They be with their friends like “fuck fat bitches” They make fun of each other for trying to look at bigger women. “Oh, you like fat bitches” “Hahahahaha faggot” —but the truth is, That's a mind game Dudes like those They're all about that They'll haze you out of liking— Even looking at that bitch “Oh, you like fat bitches? You like that bitch?” “You're fucking pussy” “Fucking little faggot” “I don't fuck fat bitches” —but then you know what? He gon go fuck dat bitch. Mmmmhmm, And most dudes are fucking prejudiced against fat bitches so you know what? Her pussy tight It's wet like fucking water She the whole earth and the ocean He like “I LOVE YOU” (Imma deny this ever happened, but) I LOVE YOU, Dudes are the worst, You can catch that fool in the act and you know what? He'll deny some shit you saw him doing until the day he die He'll lie in court on your ass He'll be convicted and sentenced and still deny some shit You saw him do! Ten people could have seen this pussy ass bitch ass lyin ass nigga do it— And he's still like “That never happened” TEN SECURITY CAMERAS SAW YOUR ASS DO THAT SHIT: “No, never happened.” “WE ALL SAW YOU.” “It wasn't me.” “Never happened.” What the fuck! That's why I hate the me too movement. Like, don't get me wrong, I stand with women— But privately, Don't tell on these niggas. Be there for each other Seek support and treatment—privately Shit, He might be a special kind of monster He might even pay for your therapy and shit “Never happened, wasn't me. But you're clearly very sick and I feel for you— I'm gonna help you out” Some shit. He went and did some monsterous, foul shit-/ And he knows this, He'll never admit it-/ And then, to make himself look like a better person Or a person at all, He'll try to have you “repaired” Knowing damn well he broke you He did some gnarly shit To your heart To your mind— Maybe even your face! He fucked up your job, Your reputation, Your peace of mind? Your clarity-/ —and maybe even your face, “Doctor— this dumb crazy bitch has a bullet wound, she's bleeding all over the place. It's a problem.” You're all “He had the gun! He shot me” He's like “She's bleeding on my floor and shit, it's a mess. Has a big old fucking hole in her— She's fucking up everything.” “He shot me!” “That never happened” I'm barely alive right now, I promise, I wake up out of my body With no way to get back in it And the only thing behind my mind Seems to be eyes that arent even mine I don't want to see another human being maybe ever again I keep trying to get a job that would be worthwhile but nothing seems to be working I light candles to protect myself from looking at the clock from certain times sometimes I feel like the best way to go would just to be beaten to death Over and over again Cause every time i look at the clock at 5:55 That's what it feels like anyway Only instead of dying and crossing over to the other side I have to stay awake in this life with a broken mind With nothing and nobody around Besides people who smell, think , And act like him Thereby, your honorary stands as it may— Doctor, you're speaking out of turn and out of order Sovereign by nature and varying by state— Doctor, you're speaking out of turn and out of order Come now the clock strikes one all night Doctor, you're speaking out of order Gather by the dew of the morning light— Doctor, you're speaking out of order Listen, I'm going to be using you as a human shield for a little while. What! What for!? I just said! A human shield! —well, I'm only part human! That part will do. I come around the world And back again Multi dimensional And irrational Time traveler Promotion to journeyman m Ascension never finished | | Aprrenticship on the condition of Subliminal To women, I'm indifferent, Don't go the picture of either gender Chicken tinders in the [Conventional oven] [the festival project (™) ] I hatd to throw the note away; on one side jokes, On the other a whole curse reversal I keep seeing numbers And iron smelling robots And I'm almost sure that The motorcycles And slamming doors Are all punishments For moving forward from him God went in on that album yesterday. Facts. #ffs I'm real excited about these breakfast tacos tho. For real. What makes them breakfast tacos. What about these tacos is breakfast. The fact that I'm having them for breakfast. But it's brunch time. Whatever, brunch tacos then. (Potatoes makes anything breakfast.) I'm not arguing, Alternatively, however Potatoes can also make anything dinner. Wut r those. Lol DJner jeans. Well work on it. My mother used to leave me in casinos and make me look for her for hours. I would check the bars one at a time over and over to see if she was there. Sometimes she'd run off and dissappear and I'd just walk around in circles thinking I'd find her, Until eventually I did. [A haunting whisper wakes CONAN OBRIEN from his slumber.] [raspy ghostly whisper] CO—NAN. Huh! What the—?! COOOOO—NAN! lol. This is beginning to be the house of horrors. Actually, the show is called House of Hosts. Sure whatever. wtf is going on in this series? Idk but apparently Fallon lost the microphone challenge. Idk what that means. Nobody really does. ♀️ {Enter The Multiverse} [The Festival Project.™] COPYRIGHT © THE FESTIVAL PROJECT 2019-2024 | THE COMPLEX COLLECTIVE. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © -Ū.