Anti-Dillon Francis {Enter The Multiverse}

OWSLA CONFIDENTIAL, LTD.The infinite Skrillifiles: Next Generation— Quantum Force - A podcast by Skrillex


EDNA [So], how is Hanzel, [Dear]? GRETL Oh, you know… EDNA I don't know...s'why I ask. GRETL Same, as usual. EDNA What is “usual?” GRETL He's so broken. EDNA **tsk-tsk* [shaking her head, sipping tea] GRETL —wvich is fine— EDNA Good for you. GRETL Yes, it is—but still—almost sad. EDNA [shrugs] Almost. GRETL [shrugs, sips tea in unison with edna] EDNA Would you like another? GRETL Sure, why not? EDNA [she pours another mug] GRETL Wvat is this? EDNA It's just coffee. GRETL Are you sure? EDNA … GRETL … EDNA …. —- AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH YAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH HIIIIIYYYYYAAAAAHHHH STAY DOWN, BITCH. YES, I WIN. don't get up. GET BACK UP. seriously, don't move. GET UP, BITCH! no, you don— BLACKOUT. Ooohh. Kick to the face. That was to the neck. Neck/face— ‍♀️ There's a difference. S/he has a short neck. X.X The famed Edna Mode (The Incredibles) becomes excruciatingly angry after learning that SupaCree has altered the “supa suit” she designed for her—by adding a cape. I wish i was pretty Tim admitted that might be the last wish he grants me this century; Wanna make history... but now I make dollars for callers, I'm all in my misery Misery: Listen to me! I didn't mean to see something in Sonny nobody should see And this shit'll make history; Guess i'm blessed, Now he's dead to me “Bless you” I said, As I sneezed when they cut off my- ... Now I live on a silver platter, I splatted: my hat's on the pavement Must be something ‘bout Asians, Cause every time I say ‘Amen' when I'm praying for Sonny, or Kayla Lauren, or whoever this demented demon that's chasing me-- Satan asks for a payment, and says “Hey! Now, a pop quiz in Mandaran, Learn to speak Spanish, fast, if you can, Cause american ignorance, laziness, complacency and impatience Is ending this country.” --It's ending this country, And the reason why I'm homeless is I decided to run for president and run from him at the same time, And then nobody wanted me Nobody wanted to see the things I would preach about, If they let me out, Of these restraints now; I'm not havin a cow or nothing, I mean i'm lactating, wait; Did he throw my 8 week baby at our other baby, Just to punch me? Broke it off with Sonny a decade later for throwing a Grammy Award at me; Literally and Action Figuratively Hasn't happened yet, But all of the future history I remember is vivid to me So he has to be Evil, I think To claim that he loves me all these infinite ways and dimensions, And then throw a demon instagram basic bitch at me Now she's the reason I bleed and can't eat for a week-- I'm tired of being Jesus, but he's still on his leave, and I'd probably be laughing if I wasn't magnetically attracted to half of the Industry's greatest I hate myself, I hate Dillon Francis and I hate him, But only ‘cause I can't make it to the banquet. I burned the sweater he gave me and left the blanket with my ex, I was stressed, yes, Left my luggage in Boston just to get to Dillon Francis at XS in Vegas and Write this: “WHY GOD!?!? WHY DILLON FRANCIS?!” Jumpin Jumpin, Destiny's Child June 4th, 2021 XS NIGHTCLUB, LAS VEGAS NEVADA See, I told you. There they go. I guess. Alright, where's Rick? He's here— I can smell him. That's— There he is. Mmm. Stop lookin nervous— I don't like this. Alright, that's good ^.^ Okay. Let's find this portal. Damn. Huh. Last time I was here, it was to see— Don't say Skrillex— —It was to see Skrillex. Fuck you dude. ——-ahhhhh——!!!!!! GET IN THE SHIP. —I AIN'T SIGNING SHIT— YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!!! [WAPPING] alright, that's it! GOD!!! That's not my name. (It is.) —-what? Where are you going? ...We're going camping. All of us? ALL OF US. Oh, shit! Get IN THE SHIP. Woah. NOW! —- Ugh. Oooof. Bad. Get up. Ummm...who are you? Get up, you have to perform. Perform for WHAT? Come on, dude— —okay, first of all— Uh huh [A SUPERSTAR DJ] experiences the dance floor.. ...As a fan. But (I got nervous) what I meant to say, was DILLON FRANCIS is stuck in SUPACREE's body, and vice versa. She must perform in his place. Stop it, man. I have an itch, I'm gonna scratch! Not the ink. What is it? Don't touch it. Don't touch it. DON'T TOUCH THAT— —OR, DO. ‍♀️ . . . ...I don't know. What do I do? Push the button. Which button, Gerald?! The PLAY button. You're a DICK It's ROUND— —what, your di—?! —NO, the BUTTON. WHICH FUCKIN BUTTON. Ooh, I got one. [the Motherf*ckers are fuck hunting] It appears as though they lost all their fucks— DILLON FRANCIS has plenty, because “Chandelier Lol. Pop. Bang. Ooh Oh. My God. What. Wake up. We're here. Im addicted It's lit lit Getting lifted Gifted shapeshifters sit in While I disintegrate my disinterest What is this? You're in it Did I mention I made you a sandwich, It's still in my kitchen Oh shit, the— “That's The Tallest Skrillex I've Ever Seen” Oh wow, tall. Never thought about that Thump thumps— Where'd they come from? This is nuts: What is this. This is earth. No. What is your life's, what is your life Where is your wife And why can't I get this shot right Right on time? Right? That's the guy, right? Might be— It might be time- Tame Impala I don't know, but I'm down for the night Going wild for the I I I forgot my line, like: Try to write an album on the dance floor All these lines, VI—what's that for? I'm free from, call me kudi I'm reborn Call me Lynard Skinnard. I'm a freebird Oh please— You got me weak in the knees Bitch please What are teeth? Take me out to chuckle cheese Tell me what your disease is, It's easy I'm a pleasure, I'll teach you Now let me get a drink Before I speak truth OH MY GOD. I love His fandom so much. Love the fandom, cause I am one Call me Katy imma go dumb Call me carnage, with a green thumb Drop the Bass up In Your face, I call it thump thumps What's for lunch Let's get drunk Don't make me go pop the trunk!!! Oh YOU! YOU! YOU! What's wrong with him, What'd they do to him. What's—wait. Look at that face. That is not the face of a free man. I'm a trash can. Yeah, well...that. Who's his master? I am. What!? Goddamn! I did that. What is that? A sandwhich? Just have half. WHOOOP-WHOOP! What! Whoop whoops?! It's MUCH too earty for Whoop Whoops! Far too early. Where's Chak Chel? oh my God!! Who's this LADY?! I'm in VIP Give me a sip I'm gonna get lit, eat chips with Chak Chel and then dip “What is this sauce?” It's ranch, dipshit. You're an ass NAH, I'm A PIÑATA. Bitch, I'm the boss, I wanna get lost in my thoughts, But I'm lost in the box I'm a rockstar, rockstar games. Or maybe Okay this: He has a man purse. I like him. What's going on?!!!! He has a man purse, we like him He has a man purse, we like him He has a man purse, we like him He has a man purse— GET THAT S#iT BAMPHER: —You're in. I'm in VIP OH YOU FUCKIN WANNA BE LOOK AT MEEEEEE IM MR— There's Rick. Mx. Meesinks. Hi—I'm— Get this bitch [picture of SUPACREE/SKRILLEX/a whatthefuck] Yesssiiirrreeee Don't call me sir. SIR And— SERVANT Wait, there's more? SCRIBE/DARK LORD There's always more— SIR Aaanddd—I would like to be called “sir” SERVANT Excuse me? SIR Call me sir. Third eye itching, Let me stop and take a picture Switch it Feeling wishy washy, Kinda bitchy, kinda bossy— Where the party at? you lost me. Where the fuxk I park my car— It couldn't be that far— I— I— I— I— — I woke up on a farm God. WW U D IM ABOUT TO DO WHAT JESUS WOULDNT DO (Yes, I would.) Whoop whoop!! —Nope, still too early. OMG look. Birds! Becky, Becky, Sarah— Oh, there's Sarah! Wow, Nancy's recovering well, yeah? [NANCY, freshly out of her neck brace; attends her first show since “the incident”—after breaking her neck to EXCISION, her friends agree that DILLON FRANCIS will be a safe bet.] Damn, people don't give any type of fuxk whatsoever. Nope. [drinks] So what do we do? Have a drink. I'm a robot, now No home, no soul I'm a robot now, No friends, no phone I'm a robot now And I'm always all alone I should be proud but I'm a robot now {mixes with A.A., iambic} What is reality? That's not dancing. Let's just—no. No, l—no What the fuxk. What the FUXK!!! How did he get here?! Look at him. No, don't look. (Don't look at me.) Don't look at him. Aww. GET UP DILLON, it's time to go! What is time?? WHAT THE FOOOOOO1– posaqwwwwwwwwww—— GADDAAAAAAQAAAMN!!!! STAAAAAAHHHHP. Goddammit, what are you doing here?! Everybody's here. Nah. Nah. [everybody is there.] Nah. Got this catatonic obsession, Shoulda learned my lesson, There's a learning curve to everything; You finally taught me something Floor is so sticky, I can't even sit and meditate Can't even find the space to write this My mistake, not my guy, I guess? My idol, maybe friend? I know those eyes inside of mine each time I see them So what is freedom? So that's it, There's no love left It's just money and sex No new friends So that means No new beginning— And at the very least no new enemies— Please Gerald! Damn, you're hot. Okay, knock it off I got it. I got it. I told you this would happen. Doesn't it always? “Follow the eye” Or just DONT Time to go. I love that song. I almost wore that shirt; I love that song! I am that song. What. I think I need a day, or forever, maybe To get away Time flies when you fast; I just danced my last dance, Thanks, Dillon Francis. Now when I meditate and pray I can ask GODDAMN, what the fuck was that about Now where in the fuck is my hat,yeah Grab that piñata, Let's look at the map, Maybe tonight, imma get in a fight These white girls are like DANE COOK “MINE” Pelicans MINEMINEMINE Hot Vollyball Girls: MINE. Alright, that's enough. No, stay here. What the fuck. NO, STAY HERE. Okay, I—guess. NO, STAY HERE. Fuxk, the watchers. I thought they didn't want me here. He doesn't care?! Clearly— Clearly nothing—! Gather more evidence! What in the world do you want from me? What in the world do you want from me? What in the world do you want from me? S Ū P ∆ ⓒ Я E E.™ He's a very handsome man, the full package She's actually a retired dancer, turned rapper; The trash can and last kandi handler, Handed a band to a fan, that's reality shattering yeah What happens after? Back to camp, I guess. SWIPER Aww, maaaan. I just wanna hold hands with a piñata, but I can't; I just want the answers to the questions I asked, answered, but nah. Have you seen my left arm? It's self harm, and it's just harmless, a charm— All I did was send magic to that man, Laughed under my mask, but haven't had a chance to love again since the last man banned me from having ‘happy'; So I can't handle this thirst trap, I reverse that Mantra from can't to Yea I can, Now, Where is Pan at? Ask Hanzel After, actually, Scratch that, I said I'd never turn my back on him, but Here's my butt and my backpack. I'll see you at Bass Camp, Or a Mansion, Or @ a mention, And thanks for the graduation, I hate my name, and I'm famous, maybe But hey, I just want someone to know me, I'm really lonely, I owe money to every agency, The governments enslaving me by my name and a paycheck. I've written albums, but haven't gotten paid yet; I wrote a novel, about a man I'm willing to say I've never met, Cause I respected him— And the Sadness Never Ends, I made a fandom out of friends, How it ends is with a pen and paper, I guess My hands on the decks, I'm just an ambidextrous sexually ambiguous DJ bitch; And Dillon Francis is my favorite producer, cause I'm just a loser who refuses to lose it, Enough to end the pollution and politicians who use us for getting richer I snap a picture, no movement. So even though I wanted to, I didn't— No pictures, no press releases and no random bitches; I just saw him in a vision, and at least ten astral projections, Got a circle of protection, a lesson, Cause now I'm branded and stressing OWSLA kicked me out, CAuse I'm a Cow, But I can also be an owl I'm growling now, I'm on the prowl for anyone to let me out, I'm trapped And down, cause he's out of my league, And I like him now. AHHHGGG (Eggageratedly disgusted sigh) (busted) --WHAT? YOU WENT TO DILLON FRANCIS LAND--WITHOUT ME. Nooo...I didn't. YOU DID, and you had a GOOD TIME. It's always a good time... AGH-- AGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! [One attacks, the other runs.] {Enter The Multiverse} [The Festival Project.™] COPYRIGHT © THE FESTIVAL PROJECT 2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © -U.