
OWSLA CONFIDENTIAL, LTD.The infinite Skrillifiles: Next Generation— Quantum Force - A podcast by Skrillex


Uh. Did me and Skrillex have a baby? YES. *Sonny. Is she cute? SHE? Well, which baby? Aww, he's so protective. I erased that memory. WhyS. I had to. I erased all these memories. WhatS. I erased you. FUCK. What. I cheated on Skrillex with Dillon Francis. AHAHAHAHA NO! You didn't. You did not. I didn't? You didn't. You cheated on Dillon Francis with Skrillex! *Sonny THATS believable. Don't do this again. Do whT. Become a celebrity and fuck up everything. [drunk] Can't fuck up everhtbkng. Oh. Everything is everything. Oh. Wait. HuhZ This is our son. DAMN. What dimension is this. The one where you just accept it. I just assumed Dillon Francis wanted white kids. That's a fair assumption. Why would you even consider an affair with Dillon Francis?! Honestly, Sonny and I are pretty bad for each other. What is “bad”? I would do anything for you. I love you so much, nothing matters. Anything. At all. We did everything together. We were absolutely inseparable. Until we weren't— And even then… Listen, Dillon. We can't be friends. Yes we can. No, we can't. That's not true. After what happened between us—? What happened between us?! —-I gotta go. What soap opera is THIS. It's still Legends. It's just L E V E L S Wtf! You did all this so you could fuck Skrillex?! I mean— NO! Look, that's not gonna happen. That's okay! It's not okay. To be fair, I wasn't loooking Lol we get to write our own Illuminati scandals?! C00L. I had seen it all with Sonny and with Dillon beginning to end—all the routes we had taken, the choices we made—the outcomes and the aftermath of all the love to be had, and what was leftover/-reminiscent of all that had been in this infinite, disfigured and reimagined, magnificent whatever it was we were in once again. At least if he marries that other girl, I get to drink again. BUD LIGHT ON ME. This is hard to watch. FREE BUD LIGHT FOR EVERYBODY. Wouldn't it be nice to have your cake, and eat it too? Look, Satan, Sonny and I made sense—it ain't happening with Dillon Francis. That's not even my guy. Say again? He's on “the other side” Tell me what you mean. Have another drink. UGH. Man, I gotta get to the other side. What in the world makes you think anybody THIS HIGH UP— First of all, what goes up, must come down. HE'S — —secondly, look at how far up I've already climed. There's something you should know about Dillon Francis. I already know too much. Well, here's this: [secrets] … —you feel better? No! This sucks! So, Really early on in this, When I first started having these visions of Sonny, right after we strangely met at this cross roads, there was a woman who told me, “That's my son, and I'm worried for him; I need your help to protect him and relay this message— That I love him” And I didn't understand at all; I didn't know anything about what was going on, Or about Sonny's mom, Or if it was even his mom, because I myself had a lot going on- I had no idea she had passed. But that being said; I had always had a presence in the spiritual realm; I had recently lost my son and my daughter Who had both at one time or another revisited me in the present after their death: Before my marriage [to my ex husband] and long before our children were born, I had this dream of my ex's mother, who had committed suicide when he was very young and in the dream, she told me “you will have a daughter, and she will be named Precious” and I woke up horrified and thought “That's terrible” because I hated that movie so much — and did didn't make sense. Then, after everything had happened it all started to make sense, that our daughter had passed away and that she was precious to the heavens, It's all hard to take in; Whatever has happened I no longer believe in mental illness in the traditional sense, I don't believe in coincidences, So whatever has happened or is happening between me and Sonny is somehow historically and culturally significant and I'm just doing my best to cope with whatever else needs to happen for whatever message needs to be relayed to be translated into a sequence or format that can be easily understood or comprehended by whoever needs to see/hear/read this. I still don't understand the full concept or intention of the festival project besides typing together these worlds and realms to further the greater understanding of our inner and outer known and yet widely unknown worlds—that these strange and supernatural, psychic connections have a reason and a purpose and the mode of transportation this specific energy has chosen to move though this body is just through these words and these music. It's been a long time since Avicii appeared to me on a mountaintop; but everything that has since manifested continues to be an unfolding of these parables, prophecies and passages fortelling this so-said ‘Omen', relaying these ancient encryptions through the language of music and concepts of magic and high consciousness. I have seen infinite realms and dimensions over the expanse of space time and consciousness —-the only thing I aim to do now is live peacefully and harmoniously and let live with the most pure intentions of love and joy for everyone involved. I cannot certainly say what the future does hold, and the future is always changing — but I can say that I truly hope whatever wishes are wished be granted, that all the love to be had is loved, and that all the many blessings of the world are known and felt throughout this series and the rest of existence itself, for as long as it lasts, and as long as we live. Thank you for listening and reading along in my ever expanding Infinite multidimensional Omniverse. -Ū. {Enter The Multiverse} [The Festival Project.™] COPYRIGHT © THE FESTIVAL PROJECT 2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © -U.