[Coming Full Circle.]

OWSLA CONFIDENTIAL, LTD.The infinite Skrillifiles: Next Generation— Quantum Force - A podcast by Skrillex


SUNNI BLU: BALLS BPM: really doe Sample first four bars, pitch down The black Batman doesn't exist. Because The Illuminati would never allow a black man to be THAT rich. Supacree defeated the black Batman in battle before he was acknowledged into existence. Sunni BLU is the richest black man in the world and becomes the black Batman in the new franchise– Great. Now the KKK is going to try to lynch me. I don't know why, but I feel like crying— And on the way here, I felt like dying If I said I was okay, I'd be lying But at least I'm still here, At least I'm still trying It's been a whole hour, I haven't been writing Go somewhere else tonight (Or maybe I am) But I haven't had my hair done in awhile Got no more energy, Can't run the mile So I walk it out, Put on a smile— (Or trying to) Look at the time, Alright Look at where I am Now I know where to begin (It's him again, isn't it) I should be m getting it in (But it's always him, in my head) Or it isn't, And then I'm In trouble with Remind me who I am again I find money in the street, it's uncanny, really. INT. EQUINOX SPORTS CLUB MANHATTAN. SHABAAT [the full circle] ends. Music plays over the sound system. Hmm. What's this? Shazam… Wait, this sounds like— Shazam… Watch it be SHAZAM HEY ITS SKRILLEX BLŪ (Out loud, under breath) ugh, of course. I might have actually rested today if my roommate wasn't possessed by The Calorie Deficit THE NIGHT BEFORE— THE DEVIL LOOK AT ME. I'M FAT AN I EAT PRINGLES . Alright. THE DEVIL I TAKE BIG-STINKY-NON-VEGAN SHITS. SMELL IT! Ugh, shut up. THE DEVIL LISTEN TO MY DUMB MUSIC. NO. THE DEVIL WANNA HEAR WHATS IN MY SOCIAL MEDIA FEED THROUGH MY SHITTY PHONE SPEAKERS?! UGH. THE DEVIL EVERYTHING'S IN SPANISH AND YOURE PAYING WITH IT WITH YOUR TAX DOLLARS. FUCCXXXKKK YOUUUUU. THE DEVIL ok. Goodnight. *turns lights off* BLŪ continues DJing in the dark. Man, fuck this energy. I had no protein, no water, and hadn't had anything green in weeks—I was in short supply of vitamins and minerals alone, but was wearing off in coffee and had absolutely no pre-workout—. But still, it was as if I had somehow opened a portal into the very unknown itself, as if the universe had known that all I really wanted was to return to Equinox—. And I had sworn just days before I would not go to another gym lesser than, no matter how long it took. {Enter The Multiverse} [The Festival Project.™] COPYRIGHT © THE FESTIVAL PROJECT 2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © -U.