OWSLA CONFIDENTIAL, LTD.The infinite Skrillifiles: Next Generation— Quantum Force - A podcast by Skrillex

Oh dear God. What is this place? It's right …now. Are you telling me I'm in a dead girl's house? You're dead, Major. Yeah, but I watched her die! Well then, you had better take some preventative measures this time around. So you're saying— Still alive now; and if you play your cards right— I don't have any cards—and what game is this, anyway? Just keep the little psycho out of danger. Have you met this woman? No, I'm postponing that until much later in life. Always speaking in riddles; What do you mean? I hope to die an old man. As opposed to? Anything. Two merging portals, a convergence— At the center of both, two parallels; A tin can and a straw hat, An idiom for relax, and then I lost my cat again, And my hat once , Half an hour went, and then came again In the sands of time, in bike cleats And needing desperately to feel Needed To nurture Feeling desperately to mean something To anybody Needing desperately to be deceased Besides lonely And having done my part To do Anything but eat everything And die But at least not once did I Have blue eyes So I wonder what It must be like To be loved by all; But I've never died Not at all. Perception is a virtue, And Jesus was a good brother; Come rescue you at the alter( Come rescue us on resistance Come now, and come all to pardon Come now, and one all to worship Come now, and pull the reigns back on the horses Come now, wild and fortuned To honor us There we are again In the shadow of light Where all must capture The essence of having once lived As a memory, though residual Lived in dreams and as fairy tails This, remembers us nothing, But having parted from somewhere So adorned as to call perfect, As we all were, there together None forsaken, but then, Enlisted to portray such As entertainers, A freedom, The good and the bad train; The things and the people, The planets and animals, And shadows beyond them, Above us, and below then Is also What we are, As such, Above is below, And also Within without, However Besides the point is ritual, Which we shall honor, As part us, And part other The unbeknownst; Not to all but many, Still shadows and unwaking Still sleep but never found alive Still alive but never found in ours Still breathing but never once to light, And encapsulated, captured Another time, and presence What will you summon! Another; Another, Another— As time is forgotten. {Enter The Multiverse} [The Festival Project.™] COPYRIGHT © THE FESTIVAL PROJECT 2024 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Complex Collective ©