Kx5 - [ A BlūW0rLd Premier Exclusive ]

OWSLA CONFIDENTIAL, LTD.The infinite Skrillifiles: Next Generation— Quantum Force - A podcast by Skrillex


I ain't tryna be out here like that; Put me in a body bag— I'm dead, I'm dead I'm debt free in an hour or three, That's 4-15's Adds up; get my bag, get my bag up I'm dead I'm dead; Woke up on the long side of bed, like Damn, that's a long fall Man on a long call It's a feat, just to feast Didn't eat for a week— Or a weekend, Jesús knows who SUPACREE is But not me But not me; I'm dead I'm left on Read By the readhesd dead head; Woke up on the long side of bed, With a song in my head, And a phone in my hands, like Oh, god, I'm blessed— Oh god, I said I'm blessed Woke up on the long side of bed, And I'm on my way to Heaven, I'm dead, —- Sorry for calling so late; I just had to say this: I don't hate you, I just had to make it, straight up Probably shouldn't say shit, But— It's it's another day in LA And it doesn't go away, So, I guess I better stay put And wait, With my legs shut Baby, I know you probably hate me, I don't blame you I just came to change things, Then fade away Then fade away —then fade away Like the days in LA fade to night In the blink of an eye And I'm dying, without you But have you Had to Wonder why the sky's blue Like I wish my eyes were—? I'm so tired, Baby, I just want to find you, In the cycle Probably gotta die first Just another night I'm Short on time Like always, Almost just another day in LA I should just Fade away Fade away I guess you probably hate me I should just fade I should probably hate you Phase two —- I just spent an hour and a half On a sandwhich Damn, But I'm tryna win a Grammy I'm tryna win a Grammy I picked up 7 songs on spring street But I wrote at least three Just another shift, On some shit Bout to get paid next week {Enter The Multiverse} [The Festival Project.™] BLŪ MUSIC GROUP — PURPLE WORLD PROD. COPYRIGHT © THE FESTIVAL PROJECT 2022 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © -U.