L E G E N D S ((minimixx))

OWSLA CONFIDENTIAL, LTD.The infinite Skrillifiles: Next Generation— Quantum Force - A podcast by Skrillex


I'm looking for The Nigga, Skrillex? Oh— NiggaSkrillex? No, no The Nigga, Skrillex. So, Skrillex, The Nigga. ...no. Then, NiggaSkrillex. No, just— wait, which dimension is this? So I turned to a dark spirit- because here I was, with little money, and not enough love., to give anymore or to get anymore and the more I thought about it, as awful as it sounded, NAH, FUCK THAT. what. I know what you're thinkin' Jimmy Fallon— No you don't. I do! And you know what! I do. OH NO! OH NO WHAT, what I miss?! SHE MARRIED EM! SHE MARRIED HIM?! YES NO They're getting married. GREAG. Who the fuck is “Greg” Ah, nah. I had the strangest feeling—all of a sudden, I was a stranger; I realized I had no longer the charitable wholesome qualities of my former self, but— ::|pause. Canabliss, I can't adapt to this madness in Manhattan Manic? Bitch! I just wish for a pic of a dick A scratch to itch this skrillex addiction Or some attention from spenders Pitchin a tent instead of pitching this flick tk Netflix Flicking the bean to this teeny meanie No beanies and weenies for me; Just some Wheetus and Penis— Till I wake up from this dream, At least. Lol you're so gross. Whatever. Alright— unpause. {Enter The Multiverse} [The Festival Project.™] COPYRIGHT © THE FESTIVAL PROJECT 2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © -U. Lol. Niggas in Paris. Oh! Shit! Skrillex is Niggas. Everyone is Niggas. (But Especially Skrillex) BALL SO HARD MOTHAFUCKAS WANNA— GO TO BED. Sorry mom.