[That Episode.] (SEASON 6 - ACT III, PART IV)

OWSLA CONFIDENTIAL, LTD.The infinite Skrillifiles: Next Generation— Quantum Force - A podcast by Skrillex


[The Festival Project.™] {Enter The Multiverse} LEGENDS ASCENCION SCARY MONSTERS & SUPACREE THE iNSOMNIAC DEATHWISH SEASON 6 ACT III PART IV (An Anthology Compilation) It's life in grey; I'm not okay— Amen, Amen, Amen It's life in black; I'm just a hack I should go back Okay, then Amen Amen— A— It's life in blue; I still love you; I'm on my way, then Amen, Amen Amen— I hate men, But, you know what hate is? I loved so much that I changed it Changed it Change this: Your way of thinking, Today It's life in pink; You know what I think? It's always spring in LA, But I hate it I'm not okay, okay? I just might not make it TO U II [Working Title] END SCENE I, having run off from I, runs into a forest alongside The Endless River, which opens out into a beautiful meadow, the micolored cosmic sky twinkling sweetly above, strange auroras dancing in the skies; a field of glowing and stardusted singing wishflowers at her feet, she frustratingly falls into them, soft grass puffing with the twinkling sounds of fairy dust and sprites (a homage to the lion king) the wishflowers softly sing her to sleep with the subtle and sweet frequencies of Skrillex. (A homage to the wizard of Oz) From Above & Beyond, a flock of Cosmic Creatures in flight spot a golden glimmer from afar; they descend dimensions-- to get a closer look; Closing in on the universe within the confines of a massive structure, which propels itself seamlessly through galaxies faster than the speed of light and sound, though she appears as a large golden space station, slowly drifting through the atmosphere. Manned by yet unseen beings, the golden ship descends upon Skrillex, almost silentl— a swishing whir as the ship, more similar to a futuristic building, an ovaline rounded structure seemingly structured in brass, gold, and silver as it docks to the soft soil of planetary terrain. The landing is soft enough not to have awaken Ū, still sleeping; but an immense light pours from the openings of the ship, waking her--and blinding Sonny as he finally approaches from behind, having been searching for her. She is drawn into the light; he shields his eyes as the beings emerge from their massive station. Monologue/Montage I fell in love with you...it was an accident. I fell in love with you, because I had to; I hadn't thought about it before, but i've been thinking about it ever since. Had I succeeded in my attempted suicide, we wouldn't have come face-to-face… Had I succeeded in my attempted suicide, I'd have no reason to write something so pathetic as this, pititul letter, which you will probably never read. Probably, anyway. I've spent a majority of my lifetime very deeply troubled, yearning for all the attention one could ever crave--until suddenly, I no longer craved any at all. Solitude, rather than isolation, became sacred, and safe to me; It was in the solace and quiet of my very own world, that you entered my kingdom...and it became ‘ours'. Silence. Nature. Astrology. My greatest found pleasures, in a cavalcade of endless self-doubt, self-loathing...a tiresome collection of all the hatred I've harbored for myself in my twenty-something years. I fell in love with you...I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to do anything, except be. Another festival, another escapade...another chance to dance, in the sunlight--the moonlight, under stars… And under the stars, is where I was forced to find you. Now, it seems, can't escape your presence--or lack-thereof. Unrequited? Perhaps. But, not unprovoked. I love you because it is in me to do so. I will always love you, always. There is a world where you're in love with me, as I am you; All I can do now, is hope that this is that same very world, and that as days go by, we draw closer to one-another, rather than further apart. In truth, friendship, in the very least, would serve as a worthy reward...for all the worry, all the wonder, and all the willing I've done for you; in honesty...I'm ashamed in my inability to let go--yet also proud, that I am able to love this much, this hard. To see you with someone else, now, would be a gentle relief; to know that you are kept in love, with graciousness...a subtle gift, an answer to a prayer I asked. Loneliness, I wouldn't wish upon you for anything--love is, in fact, my whole wish for you--be it mine, or not. While I can wish that it will be mine, I've also wished for you, the very best--I would want not for my flaws to burden you. Flaws are what create our perfection; God is, as I am. Losing you, the flame of fear that set my heart and soul to fire; Cancerous, weakened, plagued--premonitions impolitely penetrated my fragile, eggshell mind… the death of a friend, fast-forwarded and reflected into my mind's-eye; How could I forget a face like yours--eyes like those? How could I not know you, as I have? Tears bearing your name roll over my nose, like the rain on a rose...the burden of belonging to one, rather than some; To all, rather than none. So now, I keep my favorite photo of you in my phone...a comfort, to the weary and wounded heart I carry. I can pretend that your sweet voice accompanies mine, as I sing to soothe myself, as I sway in solitude; A gentle kiss, I imagine to give, if ever the chance. I love you, without reason to--and with every reason to, I love you. Find me, again As the ship departs, charging to go into warp speed, Sonny is left alone on his own planet; as a slight panic falls over him, A key-like object falls from the ship as it dissappars at warp speed into a portal. As his hands clap together, catching the object, the sound rings outward--this clapping pages The Skrillex, which lands promptly beside him, exclaiming-- "I AM SKRILLEX"; he has never seen this ship before, however proceeds onto the ship as though familiar with extra terrestrial phenomena all together. We only see him enter the ship; we do not follow him inside, but instead cut to Ū on the Interdimensional SpaceTime Station. On God. I need you to fix the Everything. Everything; The Machine What's wrong with it? We don't know. So, how can I fix it without knowing what's wrong? The Everything, Sir. What's she doing? A Conscious Machine It seems to be malfunctioning. It's at capacity. The entire existence? All of humanity. This entire entity— What's she doing? It has evaporated. ...they just vanished. But nobody cared, or noticed. ...because they were homeless. More clothes. Shoes. Oh no. Where'd they go?! Socks, pants— Entire actual outfits— —as if the people inside them had just been/- —yes, as I said. Evaporated. Just—remove this. End the simulation. What is this? That's the secret. An entire planet— She completely refabricated— An entire duplication All of humanity's records have been encrypted; each era of existence I can taste the smell of my breath And the scent of my sweet sweat Is just getting the better of me The better of me There's no time left, And thete's nothing left to give but love, in loveless, My friend, you're dead But this is where I've always been This is where I've always been And, You've been dead a year, my friend But I've always been here I've always been here And, It's just getting clearer, Some may, and some may not remember Come May, then quickly comes December Let me rest until September Never have I ever, Never does this end, Ashes and Embers, Ever clear, And Ever withers In my head, I rest my memory here EXT. CENTRAL PARK. DAY An old woman takes her daily walk, carrying with her a paper bag— Oh, I love this movie. So does Disney, apparently. Forget it, Disney would never hire me. Why not? They hired him. That was before. What is “before”? SIR. Your Highness. The King is here! —which—King? “The” King, Your Majesty. In this realm? Yessir! Goddamit. What's wrong, sir? My good tie is dirty. Shall I phone the tailor. No— just— ??? Call the car. The car, sir? I'll go shopping myself. If you insist. MA. WHAT. WHERE'S THE SANDWHICHES? THE WHAT? THE SANDWHICHES, MA. Who the fuck are these people We'll get back to that later. [WORKING OUT FURIOUSLY] Hey. AAAAAAGGGGBHHHHH! [A heavyweight flies across the room.] (lol.) Uh. You okay? YEAH. Alright. AAAAAAAAAAGGHHGGGHHHHHHHH. [leaves quietly] (In the other room) Oh my God. I know. What happened. C'ESME'T!!!!!! Oh shit, The King is here. Ahem. Your highness. MOVE. ‘You'd best not have this in your possession.' The low, dark, and quite ominous voice said. The Amerhyst had done some strange things before now—it had hummed, vibrates, pulsated, and even rang; but now, on its own, without touching it all—it had begun to tumble, roll, and even OH SHIT. The Amerhyst began to levitate. OKAY, FUCK DILLON FRANCIS. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON. THROW THAT THING, OUT THE WINDOW. Don't do that. OH MY GOD. WHAT IS WRO— RA. Oh God. Wait, where's Beyoncè in all of this. BEYONCÉ A war is coming. WAKANDA— NO, we're not doing “WAKANDA FOREVER” WAKANDA FOREVAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! DAMN. This is lit. This is the craziest Coachella ever. HANZEL Zhats because it's not ‘Coachella' What. It's not? I bought the tickets… HANZEL —zhis is zBeychella. Ah, shit. What. This is about to get. LADY IN JERSEY SKRILLEX! Oh my God, I forgot about that bitch. I didn't. She comes to all my shows. Damn. That sucks. INT/EXT. A FIREY PLANE CRASH So, that thing about Shia was, that— YATZEE. I WIN. GODDAMMIT. I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW TO PLAY THIS GAME. Fuck you. MORE WHIPPETS, DRAKE. DRAKE (Still dusting) Huh. NO, NOT YOU. I found a new muse; That's no good for you— Why would I keep you around Why would I keep you around Why would I keep SUPACREE I WANT A REFUND ITUNES FOR WHAT. SUPACREE HONESTLy, NEVERMIND. ITUNES WHY? FLASHBACK: [at the gym: hears massive] OOOOOH. [buys entire album] YAS, I CANT WAIT TO— [first listen] Honestly, Nevermimd. Lol. Goddamit. Wow. SUPACREE TAKE IT BACK. ITUNES NO. SUPACREE WHAT! WHY?! ITUNES YOURE WELCOME. Uhhhhhhhh. Uhhhh. What's up with them. [Earlier] More whippets, plz. God damn, dude. Ok. I'm just livid *huffs whippet* I should be livin with Skrillex Or gettin lit at the mellinium with Eminem in denim Addendum: Adderall and aluminum, Whatever was in this fuckin melon, And a million men a minute, If you're into it You know what. What. Honestly, all I really wanted was my dick sucked. That's all anyone ever wants, really. What. //SLAP-DICKSUCK-SLAP// *complete and total bewilderment* Uh. What. You should not put Jimmy Fallon in this. —Jimmy Fallon put himself in this. JIMMY FALLON LOL. WATCH THIS. Uh. JIMMU FALLON (CONT'D) Hehehe. Uh. Please explain this. Maybe later. I gotta do some butt stuff. Ew! At the fucking gym! Don't be gross! INT. EQUINOX SPORTS CLUB, NEW YORK SKRILLEX. Wtf time of day is “Skrillex”? What planet is this?! This is Skrillex. “The Endless Night” What time does the sun come up? Which Sun? Beg your pardon! Please, don't beg. How many suns does this planet have?! We have six. Well, when does the first one come up? Eventually. “Eventually.” Hey, uh, Timmy? Yeah? What happened to Jesus? He was just over there. How long's it been? Idk. Like ten minutes. Alright— She works 6-10 Ok Then 10-6 Jesus Christ. Here, take this. Jee, thanks, I guess. Don't thank me yet. Hey, look. It'sa— Fuxk it. ^^^its a bell. CANE. What, Abel? Fuxk, I hate this story. Merry Christmas! Fuxk this shit. What time do you guys open? We haven't closed yet… m.m Well what time do you guys close? Never. This is hopeless. Do you really think it's going to work. It has to. What if it doesn't. Fuxk it, we're all rich. Not me. My parents took all my money and spent it. Hush, Gary Coleman— God rest his soul! The dead NEVER REST At least, not yet Wanna bet? Eat shit, Ariana! That's MADAME GRANDE! No it isn't. You're right, it's princess! …I had ramen noodles for breakfast. —most of us are rich. Are you sure she won't remember you? Don't worry. She won't remember any of the black characters. No one does. I got this. Ni-no-Nick-Nick-n-nick-nick-nick NICKELODEON. Hey there. Uh. Face here! Why wasn't this creepy when I was 5? Idk. It's creepy as fuxk, now, though. *whawhawhawha* And, Jimmy Fallon has a galaxy, expanded from an unplanned catastrophe, you see—another cosmic cataclysmic explosion of light, color and frequency created by the pressure that comes from being nothing, and something within you telling you something's something—but nothing's nothing —and it's interrupting the peace—or rather—lack there-of-cause there's nothin' greater you're aware of, in fact—you're not there— you're nothing and Nothing — Hey— —nothing— —what's what? What? Seems like something. What's ‘something' ? something's something— nah, can't be, because everything is nothing; “ Well, then, what's “because—?” Because is because…? Because, what? What's what? What's what— what? WHAT WHAT WHAT?! >>>Well, at least they play South Park Now<<< INFINITY! Infinity! BITCH! GET THE PICTURe This is so much, she'll never remember it. Maybe if we send her encrypted messages, she'll eventually remember inventing it. {Enter The Multiverse} [The Festival Project.™] COPYRIGHT © THE FESTIVAL PROJECT 2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © -U.