[[The Hammer.]]

OWSLA CONFIDENTIAL, LTD.The infinite Skrillifiles: Next Generation— Quantum Force - A podcast by Skrillex


It's that wall between you and the world Where you are— That sets you apart; The star of your own show Covered in sawdust, —an unpolished tryphophobe, Hyperboles and hyperbolic chokeholds on the shows you love, the clothes you used to own; A phone in airplane mode, No knowing what the code is, Lol don't tell God you're bored in New York Oh wow WOW W0000W. Don't tell God you're bored at all. INFINITI I'm not amused. SUPCREE I know, right. SUNNI BLŪ fuck, I'm bored. SUPACREE's FIRST ANUAL FLEX AWARDS First Flex, of course goes to SKRILLEX— for showing up in New York unannounced —then leaving me there to die. !. Major flex. Now that that's out of y question . way. ARMIIN VAN BUREN— for dropping an album on my birthday. Flex. KX5 for putting my name in a song. — and spelling it right. Super major flex . SENZA GLUTEN restaurant SOL LEWITT Not so suddenly, I had grown tired of the psychological game that was being played, whether it was in my own mind or otherwise—and had decided to withdraw; I couldn't bother myself m by worrying about things that were entirely out of control-however, by maintaining a distance, by now, I had realized that there's m I paid attention to anything at all, the more in control of it I was—and so I did my best to keep away, and as hard as it it was to not speak with my son, now that he was with my mother and potenrially happier—as speaking to him before he has always sounded sad—and though it was a sad situation in general, the time had passed that I was going to fight my old family on anything, and continue to be fucked over by the same patterns and behaviors they had always used against me, now that I understood very well the rules of power, taking in the lessons I had learned as sacred—as well as myself; not that I was sinless, but after all I had sacrificed, I did seem to emanate something Holy, and though I had to have considered all that had happened some kind of spiritual awakening, I still worshipped my God, no matter how apart from it I felt or was—and I never really was, anyway. Something indeed was strange—and though I considered myself to be in great mental health, consistently dealing with people who were not—ie, the whole of the general public—to be disasterously draining Hey where you going? I'll give you a run for your money— Heres a train ride; I'll show you. Take this. Don't kill me. You're already dead Oh my GOD! Take this watch What is this!? Put in on? Is it Apple— WHAT! will it sync with my phone?! Phones—where we're going, we don't need phones! OKAY, THAT'S IT. I wanna see this fucking movie!! Which fucking movie! I don't care! Just put all the scenes together and call it a complication or something - lol I love compilations. Ew, lady, gross. Who is that. That's that lady. *slurps* Ew! Yeah, I remember her now. Fuck. I hate Manhattan You know why?! Dudes in suits. People in blazers and shit, Pleated slacks. Like wtf you go to a dry cleaners?! Fuck you. Rich ass motherfuckers. Cuffling wearing morherfuckers. The worst part is, They look delicious. All of em. And here I am, in my baggy ass pants, just trying to pretend. I don't live in fucking Queens. But at this point—you know what? I look like I live in fucking Queens. I'm one pair of crocs away from really not giving a fuck about my life at all. Sit here and write for awhile, why don't you? Now that it's nice, take the big city vibes in Life isn't high stakes and New York minutes— it's Sitting in ignorant bliss, A memorable moment, Listening to fountains, from a distance And not trying to fix it— For a moment It's an optical illusion. Just as you were— And you still are, on the surface Still accomplished, under all that Loveless news, financially discontent, Still, not worthless All the words were up to something; Just as quick as adderall or some Focus sets in —a force of useless nature Underwater in midtown Manhattan The mad hatter, sitting at the entrance to the matrix, Entranced and enthralled by the mallets and maladies, One that tricked her has imagined It's a trickle down effect It's just a deficit of culture Redirected and defected, But de facto— (As was written) Haven't had a laugh in ages Haven't trusted ever aince; And heaven comes just when the words have all been written In the end, We are GOD Let me see your eyes. Are you looking down at me. I'm always looking down at you. So you are. Your eyes, please Try to wipe the confusion off your face a bit; It's settling in between the brows, And you've no makeup to cover it— What a menace. She is— Mirage to men, and still a central figure in their fantasies, imaginations and emissions, Pull the trigger, then: Nobody needs you here And nobody needs to hear it Nobody needs to feel the words I wondered once, Then lived them, written In my fingertips. Another iPhone wins the war; A wind reminds me just of him Another human Can I go now? Are you done yet? Have you cum yet? Did you get a hug yet— Or a lunch ticket Has Skrillex mentioned you in Instagram— Or have you called your family? No. Then you're not fucking done yet You asked me what to do with the festival project: The answer is: “just do it,” Put it somewhere, go to bed and to the gym— and when it's finished, and the money's rolling in. and Jimmy Fallon phones you, happy that a dollar in his hand at random landed in it— That's when you're finished. What if that never happens. That's what “IF” is. What's the difference. Oh, there's Eminem again. Finally. God dammit. Talking to God at the plaza. Slipping away through the alley Falling in love with Manhattan. Wondering when you'll be happy I almost swore to God that Hal's the Broadway musicals being advertised were fakes— they just seemed so terrible, so bad that it had actually made me feel— that I somehow had a chance I'm at the Whole Foods running up a bill Feelin kinda hype—take a pill, needa chill. Get real: i'ma feel this later l, I'mma oh like a quarter of a mill I already gave you the deal When I left Israel, It's real! Wtf. Jesus WhT. What are you doing. Just—trust me- I don't trust you. You don't trust JESUS? NO. I'm your brother! So what! That's even worse! Here, take the wheel. No' Take the wheel! No' FIRST ANNUAL FLEX AWARDS TMPL FITNESS- for offering one-day trials to their boujee ass gym— Lol didn't I write this already You wrote everything already. Oh. ShT happens. Ugh. What happens next. Whatever happened to— NO. HE'S NOT COMING. He's coming now. NO. Yes. CANCEL THE PARTY. You can't cancel a party that's been going on for 4 days. Damn. It's been four days. So far. Yeah Supacree's a legend for this. I'm gonna have to put you on The spot right now, I'm sorry. Sorry for what. I don't know. Suddenly, the deadmau5 and the avicii hit all at once. At the same time. The same time. Speaking of bass cannons. Oh, that's right. SUPACREE'S FIRST ANNUAL FLEX AWARDS KX5 A second award. Goddamn it, fool! kx5–for making a dick-shaped bass cannon. SUPER HARD fucking flex. Literally. Are you a gym rat— or a gym shark?! I'm a gym rat. Wouldn't you rather— Hold that thought ::|pause Fuck this game. I quit. You can't quit Nobody quits! I fuxking quit. You can't quit Don't quit i figured it out Figured what out The game. It's no fun anymore You figured it out What is it What's the secret I JUST WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU oh. -42 Yeah. Are you sure. YES. Get away from me— I will throw you in the ocean! Lol. That's it? That's the end of the episode? Yes. {Enter The Multiverse} [The Festival Project.™] COPYRIGHT © THE FESTIVAL PROJECT 2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © -U.