[The Most Intense Inception Ever]

OWSLA CONFIDENTIAL, LTD.The infinite Skrillifiles: Next Generation— Quantum Force - A podcast by Skrillex


I just want a drum machine (or a time machine) And a surf board, On a lonely beach; Maybe a couple other things For sound quality, I mean really. All I see is, All I see is, Me up in a tree somewhere I didn't mean to be so Careful We're over another Volcano; I didn't mean to put that there Oh, Where are we anyway? ___ What are you doing? Galloping. Horse. I thought we were running away from Skrillex. Oh, we are. Wait. Well then, what are you doing? I'm calculating. Calculating; I thought you were galloping? It is a calculated gallop. How graceful. Theoretically. Huh. ___ “Josh” Where are you? Where am I? Where are you? I thought you'd be in LA right now! LA? Why would I be in LA right now? I'm hideous! Are you serious? Are you? Quit Joshing! Alright, i'm not Joshing--whose Joshing? You are--you're Joshing. Stoppit, I'm not. Cut To: Hey Josh. [Josh is playing a video game. He nods, barely.] Would you mind doing those dishes? Yeah, i'll get to it. [Doesn't.] ____ Where's Dillon Francis? I haven't seen him. No one has. This always happens. What happened? I'm kinda worried about him. Should we call him? We should call him. ____ Oh what, now Dillon Francis is missing? Dillon Francis, exactly. _____ Hugo Pierre Leclercq …. Follow Us. ___ So wait, what the fuck is going on? Apparently, Dillon Francis is missing. Well, where is he? Well, honestly, where isn't he? Excuse me? You're excused. I... Okay, look; First of all-- Agh! Dillon Francis can't be Nowhere, he's Everywhere. Okay, what? Secondly, Not this again-- Wait, what was I about to say? Exactly. Exactly; Dillon Francis. Who is, where, exactly? Exactly. [Dillon Francis is standing, Exactly.) This is exciting. Of course it's exciting, it's Dillon Francis. Yeah, it is. (It is.) __ Okay, so they're gathering all the DJs? They're gathering all the DJs. Every DJ? No, just all the DJs. Oh. Okay, so-- Wait, what the fuck Exactly is going on? {Exactly.} Wait, where Is-- Nobody seems to know. [Dillon Francis has been in jail for a really long time.] Oh, no! Oh, yes! Wait--are we back at ‘Dillonception' Dillonception?! I think. Wait. What? Just a minute; What channel is this? Nevermind! Nevermind, what? What are we watching. Nothing! It's not nothing; what network is this? What are we watching? What is this? It's, uh--Satelite...Cable...Tesla--uhh… Uh-huh; Let me see your router. “Router”, what's a “router”? AHA, I knew it! you have interdimensional cable. Nah. Ah-ha. Now I see. Where did you get this? I didn't. Psh, quittit, I know you can get it from Skrillex. I didn't. It was gifted. Gifted, how could he “gift” it? It's not from Skrillex. Wait, it's not. Nah, it's not I told you it was a gift, it was gifted. What do you mean “gifted”? This is extra terrestrial technology; How is this a “gift” Extraterrestrial? Wait, Skrillex is an alien? Uh, fucking, duh. I thought it was just a gimmick. --- Anyway, I don't know anything about “extraterrestrial technology”, just that it's rare--and i'm not supposed to have it. What, did all this come in the card attached? Yeah, actually. ________ What comes with a side of “I just don't feel like it,” Is it, Dillon Francis, or just Something simple-- What's in it? What's coming out of the oven, I wonder if it's muffin's or, something organic… I keep panicking and panicking with Panic at the Disco playing While i'm getting baked thanking Satan for making me a no name As I play for acres and pray I feel better with a hat on i'd feel better if my dragon was Less of a dragon and, More of a hot blonde with hypnotic somber somethings, or Anything magnetic maybe, or-- whatever flavor's yours, or-- Whoever this is for. I'm on the floor trying to remember What for, exactly. SKRILLEX. Man, I fucking hate Vegas. Yeah, me too. I'm not staying here. Just stay here. I'm not staying here. Just stay here! I'm not staying here. Just stay. No! ____ An exclusive Costume Party in The Hollywood Hills Each attendee has been given a mysterious packet with specific instructions catered to each participant ____ HIGHLIGHTS: -SupaCree's “Smear” Campaign -TiTs _______ “The Bedroom DJ” A performer in decline begins “piggybacking” ____ Are you as jaded As I am Seems like it Well at least Seems like it To Me I'm sorry We're Jaded I'm sorry We're Jaded I'm sorry We're Jaded I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm faded Something is Something was Something isn't Something wasn't Something is, Something was Something isn't Something wasn't But it was Because it was But it was Because of us ______ Hi, Hows your life? This is mine. I was just wondering If you might Know what it's like To die Like I do Why Would I Lie Should I Is there a prize for dying twice, dude? Or trying to?? Is there something I should do? Or that I should know? I don't know if I should go home or not; I'll probably close the roads-- I'm gonna gooo…. Rain. {Enter The Multiverse} [The Festival Project.™] COPYRIGHT © THE FESTIVAL PROJECT 2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ©