‘The Moth & The Flame’

OWSLA CONFIDENTIAL, LTD.The infinite Skrillifiles: Next Generation— Quantum Force - A podcast by Skrillex


My favorite part. You've seen this? I am this. Where is Skrillex? SKRILLEX: is she coming? ...is he watching? This is intense. Joel will know. [dials phone] All: “JOEL WILL KNOW?” You know her?! *smirks* [his phone rings] (Answering) This is Joel. “This is Joel?” WHERE IS SKRILLEX? I got him. IS THAT HER? — IS THAT HIM? It is him. LET ME SEE. He charges—supacree remotely shocks him. The Others glance back and forth between Skrillex and the TV, amused and bewildered. Skrillex flails helplessly. oohhh! Woah. That is scary. Come get him. I would, but— She is fighting off various attackers, still maintaining a graceful and cordial phone conversation. Bring me cake. Joel, Ze Rules. …*sighs* well— You're right. Ah, fuck me— You know what—? Send Dillon Francis. Everyone: “SEND DILLON FRANCIS?” I just did. You did what? Where is Skrillex? Everybody looks back at the floor, which is empty. They look about confusiedly, until—from the opposite side of the room; [Dillon Francis (in Skrillex's Body), looks down at himself. ] What? Oh no. [looks in mirror] I'm Skrillex again? What the fuck. Joel: Yes, Dillon Francis. SkrillEx/Dillon Francis: Fuck me, twice. Supacree: through phone and TH/4th wall/4th dimension: Go fuck yourself! Skrillex/Dillon Francis: Come get me! GO GET SKRILLEX. [Hangs up. TV cuts to static.] —-###??!!###— What the fuck. ...you're Dillon Francis? Isn't it obvious? [Skrillex, but Dillon.] ...it kindof is… This is serious. What the fuck. Well, sorry guys. Sorry what, Joel? Don't call me Joel. You called yourself Joel. But you can't. Sorry for what? Now you're in. We're in what? Joel: arming rave weapon.] Ready Skrillex/Dillon Francis? Skrillex/Dillon Francis: I'm Always/Never Ready. (Preparing for mission) That is Dillon. Yeah, it is. [Huge Portal Opens.] What is this?! A DJ STORY. No Summit, from Bangarang— Unhinged My little cousin was a scary kid. [lil idania] Which is saying a lot. Cause I was a scary kid. I was emo. [emo me] I'm like “we cut ourselves” But she's like: “We cut overselves while setting each other on fire, watching loony toons.” And I'm older, so, of course; now I'm in college, and she's in middle school, I'm like “oh, my god—why” And she's like. “Cause it's funny.” I'm like, “What, Looney Tunes?” She's like, “Fuck Looney Tunes—blood on Fire!” — — “Blood on Fire?!” She's like, yeah: “Hahh yeah blood on Fire—hahaha” And just like...laughs maniacally, and I'm like “ … But I'm babysitting, you know, so I'm like [getting hella baked before babysitting.] [lil idania, also getting high before getting picked up.] Rolls up. *coughs* *burps smoke* ... ...… Rolls off. Cut back to: {Enter The Multiverse} [The Festival Project.™] COPYRIGHT © THE FESTIVAL PROJECT 2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © -U. SUPACREE shows up with 9 of JOEL's children from the outer infinite dimensions—none of which know which respective dimension they each belong to. —- A little known and hidden secret of the greatly beloved DESDMSU5 Dude. You went Lol To HOGWARTS? It's just school. ITS MAGIC SCHOOL. yeah. Wait. So deadmau5 went to school with Harry Potter? They're the same age. No fucking way, MISTER MAU5. A young DEADMAU5/JOEL clad in traditional hogwarts attire wales up from a very hard sleep Napping in class? Lol. Pause. So. So what? What house is he in? He's a Ravenclaw. Are you sure? Absolutely. Lol Is Dillon Francis a Hufflepuff Dillon is a hufflepuff. Supa spicy brown mustard Vinegar Mustard seed Sea salt Dijon Honey Turmeric Hippopotamus! I just thought of this: I'm on a mission, but forgot what it is… It's intermission, and I'm listening to this hit With no permission, I just sit where it fits; If it fits, I sits— If I'm stressed, I get zits, Ritz crackers is chips, I Chex-mix the best shit ever, I insist; Irresistible, emphasis on the iri, Like iridescent, er impressive if Es escribir en engrirish. Hehe Dude. What are you doing? I'm watching deadmau5. Uh, watching deadmau5? Yes, watching deadmau5. …deadmau5 is music. deadmau5 is music. MAU5: thats 5, I'm in. Nice. It's just—synestetics. — I don't understand. No, you dont. No, i dont— Here, take acid. [doesn't even hesitate.] Now take this. [hands off headphones] Okay, now what. Now just wait. Wait for what? Wait for deadmau5. S Y N E S T H E T I C S 101 OH MY GOD. Yeah. WHAT IS THIS. This is time. I AM TIME. Correct. WHATTHEFAHH. Hmmm. Yes. Wuhnaful. Mehehe. 30 HOURS LATER What the fuck. Yes, it is. Bro. What. I don't know. I forgot. — Biscoffs are vegan. —- (3) THESIS// Christmas In Hollywood 6 ½ cute. THESIS. // 1993. — {Enter The Multiverse} The Legend Of S Ū P ∆ ⓒ Я E E.™ [The Festival Project] Whats going on?! Hi, Friend! No Strings Attached This Is The End. Peace </> Freedom —- (2) Probably another Skrillex Living On Borrowed Time ¡Culture Shock! -Blacklisted. —- (4) Hose On The Road Hoes On The Road Hoes On The Road On The Road. — (6) | — 3 x 3 x 3 — | My Super-Duper American Reality (((More Sacred Geometry))) WHY?! WHY!?! Don't Blame Drinking. My throat hurts; The post is open, I don't smoke, My minds open— My heart, and my legs closed Flume Drop The Game Lets Go Crazy>< My Generation {Enter The Multiverse} [The Festival Project.™] COPYRIGHT © THE FESTIVAL PROJECT 2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © -U.