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OWSLA CONFIDENTIAL, LTD.The infinite Skrillifiles: Next Generation— Quantum Force - A podcast by Skrillex


YO, FUCK YOU, DILLON FRANCIS. WHAT DID I DO?! I DONT KNOW YET, BUT FUCK YOU! AAGHHH *hulks out * FUCK—YOU. Woah. This is strange. Should we stop them? No, I think we should watch. *eating popcorn* We should watch. Because, I'm better off— Than last time I saw you; You never saw me; And I saw right through you; You were the boat, And I was the ocean— I kept you afloat, And you sank into me Woah. Okay. I did not want to put that all on the same note. But there it is, It still applies. What are you. What is what? What is you? Hum. What is me. Hm. Hmm. ?-? Eyes emoji? Yeah. We haven't used that in a really long time. You should explain. No, just don't— REWIND INT. ON GOD. ALL DAY Dillon Francis: You know what? You're right, you're right. We shouldn't. You're right. SupaCreeChakChel/Original Cree: I'm Right? I know I'm right. I'm Always Right. Dillon Francis: Oh, i know I just--I know that that's your guy-- SupaCree: It was. It was my guy. It's fine. I'm my guy. Dillon Francis: Don't worry, I'm your guy. SupaCree: You're not my guy--I'm my guy now. My guy died. Dillon Francis: ...but I'm a guy… SupaCree: No you're not, you're Dillon Francis. Dillon Francis: I also died. SupaCree: You lost a life. You're like--I don't know, at least a trillion eternities younger than me. Dillon Francis: Not a trillion eternities… [She just looks at him] Dillon Francis: ...Wait, how old are you, anyw--- SupaCree: What should we eat? Dillon Francis: I don't know, I mean, we're dead, do we really need to? SupaCree: ...I mean... do we need to do laundry? If we're Gods, we could just-- [With a flick of the wrist, the laundry is clean.] Dillon Francis: Huh. What happens when I do-- [He copies her movement; Immidiately, something terrible has happened, off camera--the screams and bloodcurdling sounds of horrified people crying in agony.] -OH GOD! GOD PLEASE! ALMIGHTY DILLONFRANCIS! Dillon Francis: Is that ME? Is he--are they-- calling for my help!? I can't help that, I don't even know what I did! OH GOD PLEASE! IN THE NAME OF DILLON! OH GOD-- IF THERE'S A DILLON FRANCIS IN THE UNIVERSE---JUST!! Dillon Francis: [remorsefully, looking down at his palms] Oh, God… SupaCree: It's not as easy as being a DJ, is it? Dillon Francis: Oh yeah, I...I was a DJ, once. Huh. SupaCree: We all were--right? And then we all blew up. [She puts her hands out, in an attempt to fix his clearly horrible accident] But, man, I don't think that Apocolypse got anything on this.. [Dillon Flashes back to SupaCree using her magic, & Chak Chel wielding the elements--he looks at her easily reweaving time space and reality, quite chipper.) Dillon Francis: Wait, so she..you...you had magic forever…? SupaCree: Oh, Dillion, you silly, I made it so that you humans... [A flashback of the ‘voodoo boy', overlaps a flashback of Skrillex. She jumps and shutters, much to the horror of the people in the world she is attempting to mend] *sighs* Yes, Dillon Francis, I have always had powers. Multiple Souls, Multiple, weird hearts that regenerate--well--now you have one of my heart, and--I gave one of the others away...then I got sacrificed, for peace, that one time--you were there, right? Diillon Francis: Oh, yeahh! I was. That was before… SupaCree: Before Magic IS Real? Yeah. It was. So. Thanks. For that. [A flashback of SupaCree being offered as a human sacrifice “for peace”, as the Cosmic owl swoops down.] Savage Raver: Wait, that was the Cosmic Owl, right? Raver: So...did we do it right? Savage Raver: Is it raining diamonds? Are you floating on a Skrilloop, in a River of acid? Raver.:...uhhh...no? Savage Raver: THEN NO WE DIDN'T DO IT RIGHT, THAT'S JUST A SIGN WE'RE ALL ABOUT TO DIE. [From Timmy Trumpet; PARTY TILL WE--] DIllon Francis: And that was it, huh? SupaCree: Very quick apocalypse. Didn't even get to see it, I had to have freaking surgery… Dillon Francis: Oh yeah… SupaCree: Yeah, and I had to perform it--and a Live seet. Dillon Francis: Same. Fuck that. SupaCree: Fuck that. [she accidentally wrecks something, more screaming] Sorry guys... I'm really sorry...I'm fixing it...kind of... -Where is Dillon Francis?!! -There IS no Dillon Francis! -He's Abandoned us! -There is no Great DJ in The Sky! -BURN! BURN IT ALL DOWN! SupaCree: [Healing, trying not to look.] I got it don't worry about it...I'll fix it, It's..I got it. WHO'S YOUR DILLON, NOW?! YEAHHHHAHGHHGHGHG!!! [Savagery] Dillon Francis: [worriedly] Oh, man... that is…? SupaCree:...........Go get lunch, i'll just...i'll fix it. I'm fixing it. [She looks away working more quickly as the sounds of a now clearly drastically violent and “Godless” world. As Dillon backs out of the room, running, she looks over her shoulder, then crouches toward the world; She becomes the Dazzling cosmos of their sky, looking down at the destruction, quite actually impressed.] SupaCree: Oh, man. OMEN! OMEN! THE SKIES SPEAK WITH THE OMEN! SupaCree: Oh, shut the fuck up, i said “oh man,” , like “oh, man-- god damn,D iillon Francis, what the FUCK did he do to you guys? -DILLON FRANCIS DID THIS? DILLON, THE ALMIGHTY--? -I told you. God is NOT a DJ. SupaCree: Ah. Nah. Most Gods are DJS, actually, yeah. We do that. Not the best DJ in the entire galactic expansions of the universe, or anything, but...i'm a pretty good DJ. And i'm almost finished fixing your shit. Check it, I got you. [she repairs the world rather quickly] See. -Well ...well yeah, what about...What about our God? SupaCree: Yeah, he'll be back he's just..you know. first day on the job, it's not...it's not like just being a DJ. Thats, you know, only a few thousand people at a time. What about all of our dead? SupaCree: Well...theyre..theyre dead. But, you're God--almost--! SupaCree: No, I'm God, Dillon Francis is Almost..well he's almost Dillon Francis, but it's just--look-- you want your God, you got it--he'll be back in a bit. But. I don't know what a bit is, on this...where is this, anway? World of Rave SupaCree: Ohhh, rave..I haven't been a rave since i've been working this God-job full time--whats World of Rave like-- World of Rave? We're a private Artificially Evolving Intelligent Space Station within a Tri-Verse Between World of Music, World of Sound, and Our World SupaCree: Heyyy. I was a Tri-Verse Once--I used to--or still am...a traverse. Wait. I'm the Onmiverse now...This is me...you--i'm---where are you? ...and why do you worship Dillon Francis? -HE ABANDONED US! SupaCree: He's Diloon Francis, Just. Chill. Now. Tell me his origin story; how is he your God? Is there a bibe? -He did a lot, for our planet, actually--after he retired as a DJ. -He sacrificed his self, in our names, to Save The Rave. -There was an eternal battle throughout the galaxy, which destroyed our entire planet and way of life-- -Dillon Francis fought with a golden and diamond encrusted hammer-- SupaCree: ...that's my hammer! ...well, he had it on him. And we didn't see you there, so… SupaCree: Of course--i'm in your cosmos, how would you have seen me?! Wait. Wait. Waaaait... ...you wait. SupaCree: What's that sound? ..It's you. You're literally just, a bunch of stars in the sky right now. SupaCree: I'm that all the time! What is that SOUND? What Sound, we don't hear anything but-- --WHAT THE FUCK IS THAAAAA The Whole World Screams in Terror, SupaCree: Wait, what the fuck IS--AHHHHH, wow-- really THE SKRILLEX: I AM SKRILLEX. Shoots through the atmosphere, landing on a platform within the mostly repaired space station,/artificial planet. SupaCree: Ah, God. I'm out. -Wait, you're not done fixin' our stuff! -Or Raising the dead! SupaCree: For What?! FOR THE LOVE OF DILLON FRANCI-- I am tired. ALEXA, PLAY DEADMAU5 NOTRIGHTNOW. Playing: Deadmau5 Go to sleep. NO. SLEEP MODE ENGAGED. *sleep* DAMN! I know, huh. How'd you do that? [shrugs] I had somehow programmed myself to fall asleep to deadmau5. Somehow? Yeh. THIS is HOW: Season 5 !Hecho In Mexico! Jesus Fucking Christ. Ahem. I mean, JESUSCRISTO, PENDAJA! There we go. Now it was almost impossible to not at least yawn when deadmau5 was playing, unless i was actually playing, in which case, deadmau5 became an easy transitionary soundscape for my otherwise probably pretty awful DJ sets. What is this. SUCKFEST9000 WHAT?! Did I miss SUCKFEST8999? You missed everything. Where was I?! GOTOSLEEP. NO. GO–GET– NO– GO TO SLEEEP. NOOOO. *deadmau5* *sleep* Dang. yeah . Is that a taser? No, it's deadmau5. I– what? It's concentrated deadmau5. (yum) Don't be disgusting. No, I mean– x_x hurry . its wearing off. how could it be “wearing off” It's a synaptic dampener. It wears off. Ah, crap. what. Did you see that? First of all… ah-hah [THE DEADMAUS ENTERS] AH! I know, huh. Alright, fuck this. Is that his monster?! No. What is it?! It's The Deadmaus. OH MY GOD. Yeah, i know. However– What. The. Fuck. That's his monster. LEGENDS: EPISODE 7 “Every Man Has A Monster” There was something ironic about all of it; I grasped the pusling rock in my left hand and stuffed a plant-based Oreo into my mouth with my right, listening to deadmau5 and wondering how, if ever, I would properly deliver the crystal to Dillon Francis, Skrillex all but a facet in the back of my mind– I had considered the broad fact that I had created such a fascinating illusion, each man merely a holographic phantom–a figment of my imagination. Or a fragment. How is that? Watch the calories. How about–I eat whatever the fuck I want, cause it doesnt matter. IT DOESN'T MATTER. Christ, that's one hell of a loop. That's one hell of a guy. Yeah well–aren't they all? What? Hell. I had been using deadmau5 itself as a security blanket; a pacifier, if you will–to soothe and calm my nerves, to sleep, or even heal; I was detrimentally ill in a way I hadn't quite ever been before besdes after a loss, at which point, even then, was not the same as this. Though I had spent the afternoon munching on cold pizza and oreos, my stomach was still for the most par incredibly nauseous, and in knots, cramping often enough to remind me that I could still feel pain, besides emotion, any way, and I blamed the frigid cold and the pouring rain for my inability to sto crying at random, which I hadn't done in years. Indeed, I was sick. There was almost nothing to be done about it but be, as I had already begun tapering my nicotine habit, only newly re-started during my time in what seemed like every fucking smokeshop in Downtown Los Angeles, and ll that was relly left to do was to return to a respectable gym routine; but at any rate, I was keeping my figure and fitting comfortably into my extra smalls, speed walking an average or at least a mile-or-more a day–not that I considered it exercise, but it at least created enough of a calorie deficit that it didn't begin to show anywhere but my arse, my bloated belly only a result of whatever God-awful crisis my gastrointestinal system was wreaking havoc on the rest of my body with, probably a result of too much coffee, or too much fasting, or too much effing bullshit, which the city was full of–but there was really no escape from. I had spent a better part of the night before hunched over and clutching the house speaker at Kream, clinging to whatever frequency I could that would ease the pain of my aching belly, and my pathetic life. I often had used ‘'The Red Albums” for sleep and hypnosis, and anything Blue or Green for exercise, or focus–typically saving “The White Album”, which of course was speckled with hints and tinges of gray and and aire of more red for long journeys, deep thoughts, and relaxation; a narrative adventure I mostly kept as a treat for myself and out of my sets. So is deadmau5 your favorite DJ? Uh. No. That's a lie No, it isn't This is all deadmau5. yep , all dedmau6* *oh god Wait. what . “A Parallell Universe” So all your stories are like, stuck inside his music? Well, not stuck–and not all my stories. Oh, that's right. Look, I write to everyone's music, if it's decent. IT'S MAD DECENT. Go somewhere else. I think i'll stay. UGH. So wait. WHAT, dude. All of these stories connect, somehow. Yeah, I guess. But–how?! PASQUALE Yes? GET IN HERE. Oh shit, we're back at that scene? Took awhile, didn't it? That took forever What the fuck is forever, to a motherfucker whose time is irrelevant. Forever. Aha. You have to admit, Skrillex has a pretty sick deal with the devil. WHAT. THE DEVIL so — {Enter The Multiverse} [The Festival Project.™] COPYRIGHT © THE FESTIVAL PROJECT 2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © -U.