46. Increasing Student Writing Skills and Motivation (Part 2)
The Literacy Dive Podcast: Reading and Writing Strategies for Upper Elementary Teachers and Parents - A podcast by Megan Polk, Literacy Specialist, Elementary Teacher - Mondays

As promised, this episode is a continuation of the conversation on ways to increase motivation and writing skills with your students. Let’s be honest, we all have at least one student who desperately avoids any writing task. It’s those exact students I always think of when I introduce new strategies because we’ve got the opportunity to show them that writing can be fun! If you listened last week, you’ve already learned five ways to get students excited about writing. Well today you’re going to learn six more! With little effort and a lot of creativity, these strategies will get your students involved with not only other children in their class but also outside in the community. Dare I say it, but they may even look forward to writing once you introduce these activities! Let me know which one of these ideas is your student’s favorite by sending me a DM on Instagram @theliteracydive In this episode I share: -Tips to create an exciting writing environment -Ways to make writing fun while practicing the 5 parts of a friendly letter -Ideas to make connections in the community to increase motivation -Easy and simple year-long activities that spark excitement -How to utilize technology to increase involvement in writing tasks SHOW NOTES: theliteracydive.com/podcast-episode46 Resources Mentioned: -Episode 45: Increasing Student Writing Skills and Motivation (Part 1) -Episode 32: How Do You Set up Effective Writing Centers? -Letter Writing FREEBIE -Monthly Writing Prompts -Padlet Connect with me: -Check out my TpT Store -Subscribe to my E-mail list -Instagram Posts -Blog Posts -Facebook Posts -Watch my YouTube channel If you are enjoying The Literacy Dive Podcast, please follow, leave a rating, and a helpful review! It is much appreciated and thank you for listening!