17 Internationalization Tips | What Is Hyper-Personalization? | What Is Geofencing? #16

The Localization Podcast - A podcast by Localization Academy


Often neglected, a proper Internationalization makes Localization easier. And cheaper too - the sooner you discover an issue, the less it costs to fix it. Here are 17 tips from Nimdzi on what to consider when you want to get the internationalization right.

More topics:
- Gary Vaynerchuk strikes back. Finally, a new article that talks about contextual messaging for targetting users, a.k.a. Hyper-Personalization. This is the future and localization will need to adapt. No more translating vanilla stuff for the whole China, yes pls...
- Geofencing allows you to track online-offline conversion better. Somehow this marketing article ended up in my podcast. What do you think will be the impact on localization?

This podcast was recorded on a live stream. I started my Twitch channel with the goal to show localization live. 100% transparency, 0% bullshit. Catch me LIVE at http://bit.ly/AndrejZitoLIVE

This is episode #16 of my speaking practice, also known as the Localization Podcast :) #localization and #translation news across social media delivered to you by the power of my voice.

Sources: https://www.nimdzi.com/internationalization-5-steps-to-prepare-a-game-for-localization/; https://www.gala-global.org/publications/will-localization-be-key-delivering-true-hyper-personalization-ecommerce; https://www.martechadvisor.com/articles/ads/the-state-of-localized-programmatic-why-marketers-need-to-adopt-a-personalized-digital-strategy

You can also watch the podcast on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRKesDgqllw&list=PLSpSKUS7GX2Uu0kk_tblS8HvNtxlacJ9Y

Thank you for listening and enjoy :)